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Normal POV

Mistuba tilted his head. "Weren't you that weird kid from last time? You came in here with Crazy Knife!" He exclaimed.

"Crazy Knife..." Hanako muttered to himself.

"Yeah, that's me.." Kou said, looking down. Yashiro frowned.

"Kou-kun... He may not remember you, but that doesn't mean you can't make new memories with him right?" She said with a smile.

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks Senpai." Kou replied with a slight chuckle.

Mitsuba stared at them in confusion. Hanako feared seeing his brother arrive again.

He kept a close watch. Kou let out a sigh and looked up at Mitsuba, holding out his hand.

"I'm Kou Minamoto. I remember you Mitsuba, you may not remember me, but we're friends." He said with a bright smile.

Mitsuba hummed suspiciously as he took Kou's hand. "Your earrings is really lame you know that?" He joked. "Yeah, I know." Kou grunted.

"Fine, I'll help you guys, because it's obvious that you couldn't resist coming to me to gaze upon my charms! I don't even think I'll be able to help that much though... Tsukasa was the one who made me like this, and he killed the original Wonder No. 3 with his bare hands in seconds, so that already proves that he's way stronger than he looks." Mitsuba said, looking down.

"That's why we need you, we can't stop him on our own!" Yashiro cried out.

"He... he's the one who killed me."

Mitsiba looked back up.

"Really..?" He muttered. "Yes, but I'm perfectly fine right now!" Yashiro chirped, trying to reassure him.

"I'll help the best I can.. but if things start looking like they aren't going to end well, then I'm going to bail." Mitsuba huffed.

"Uh, yeah.. thanks.." Yashiro mumbled.

"Do you guys even have a plan yet?" Mitsuba asked suspiciously.

"Totally! We find Tsukasa, exorcise him, and we win!" Kou said happily.

"That's not a plan!!" Mitsuba retorted. "It's a lot easier said than done, Tsukasa is powerful... And I've only seen him a few times." Hanako pointed out.

Yashiro hummed and thought for a moment. "Nanamine-senpai!" She blurted.

"Who's that?" Mitsuba asked. "Tsukasa's assistant! Just like me! She can totally help! And Natsuhiko-senpai too!"

"Yashiro, were they there when.... it happened..?" Hanako asked in a concerned way.

"Y-yes." Yashiro stuttered, looking away. "Then they just stood there, how are they supposed to help..." Hanako muttered, slight anger in his voice.

Yashiro turned back to him. "Hanako, they are good people, I-I know they are. It's just Tsukasa that's making them do these things I'm sure." Yashiro said.

"But still, how are we going to get then to help?" Kou asked.

"I'm not sure.." Yashiro muttered. "But we can find a way!"

"Yashiro I... I don't want you to get hurt again." Hanako said.

Yashiro POV

His voice sounded hurt, and scared. I wasn't used to that, I didn't like it.

"I don't want you to be scared anymore. I want you to be happy again Hanako-kun! That's why I'm doing it." I said, giving him a bright smile. "Besides, I know that you'll be there for me."

Hanako smiled back. "Yeah, I will." He said.

Normal POV

"Since when does Daikon-chan and Crazy Knife like each other..." Mitsuba muttered suspiciously.

Kou chuckled. Mitsuba gasped. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?!" He shouted as he shook Kou's shoulders.

"Don't s-say anything r-related to porn!" Kou exclaimed through the rapid shaking.

"What are they doing..?" Hanako asked. Yashiro giggled nervously.

"Hanako, do gh- uh, apparitions sleep?" She asked, correcting herself. "Well we do but we don't really need to." Hanako said with a gleeful giggle.

Yashiro hummed to herself and walked to Mitsuba. "Thank you Mitsuba-kun, I really appreciate you helping. We'll be back okay?" She asked with a smile.

"U-uh yeah... Okay." Mitsuba stuttered. "Are you leaving again?" He asked.

"Yeah, we need to so Kou-kun can get back home..." Yashiro replied, looking down.

She felt a hand press against her shoulder from behind. "We're going to get through this so don't look sad!" Hanako chirped.

Yashiro looked up and turned around. "Right!" She shouted.

"Mitsuba, I was glad to have seen you again, don't forget about me alright?" Kou asked with a bright smile.

"Yeah, it'll be kind of hard to, thinking about that lame ass traffic safety earring." Mitsuba teased as he floated off the railing.

Kou let out a nervous chuckle. "Right.." He said.

"Well don't die again Daikon-chan, see you later!" Mitsuba chirped as hands a emerged from the mirrors and grabbed onto them.

"Ack! Not again!!" Yashiro shrieked. The hands pulled them into the mirrors and back to the bathroom.

"Ow.. I fell on my butt.." Yashiro whined. "Hey, we're still awake!" Kou exclaimed.

"Yeah, you're right." Hanako said, helping Yashiro up.

"Oh it's getting late I do need to get back. I'll see you guys tomorrow!" Kou said. "Bye Kou-kun!" Yashiro chirped back as she and Hanako waved to him.

Kou waved back and hurried out of the bathroom.

It feels weird to be at school this late, it's already dark. Yashiro thought to herself. She looked back at Hanako.

He was sitting on the windowsill, staring at the stars. "Do you usually do that?" Yashiro asked, climbing up next to him.

"Every night.." Hanako replied. "The sky can be so beautiful at night."

"Yeah, it really is." Yashiro said with a slight smile. "I can't believe you're really..." Hanako muttered, staring at her.

Yashiro held his hand. "I'm okay Hanako, we'll figure it out." She said.

Hanako immediately pulled her into a firm embrace. "Still... I want to feel your warmth again.. I can't forgive him for what he did. I'll find a way to bring you back.. I have to." He said quietly.

Yashiro whimpered quietly and hugged him back. "I... I love you Hanako-kun. I won't leave you, I promise." She whispered to him. "I love you too Yashiro... I promise I won't leave you either."

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