Color Rush, Episode 1: movement of eyes

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This is a retelling of a episode 1 scene of Color Rush through Yoohan's POV. If you haven't seen Color Rush, this won't make much sense.


Yoohan had only ever wanted to be someone special. It was why he had chosen the path of an idol. Sure, the singing and dancing, both things he enjoyed, was a part of it, but--if someone were to ask him--the main reason would be that he wanted to be special. Even if it was only to just one person.

If they could look at him and their day would appear suddenly brighter, that was all that mattered to him. That was enough for him.

Which was why the moment he lowered his mask and faced the staggeringly beautiful (seriously, he couldn't believe a company hadn't at least once tried to snatch him off the street) Yeonwoo, only for the other boy's eyes to widen and brighten and then a mere moment later he collapsed to the ground, Yoohan was stunned.

The first thought in his head was maybe that the pretty boy hadn't eaten in awhile. The second thought in his head turned out to be the right one.

Color rush.

He had heard of them. Of course, everyone knew of Monos and Probes. It wasn't anything new. Yoohan had always been fascinated by the idea, how one person could literally awaken an entire world of color for another. How that one person, Probe, could come to mean so much to the other, Mono. A Probe had to be so special...

Yoohan never considered the possibility he could be a Probe for a Mono.

And that was why in the next second, before anyone else in the classroom had even managed to make their way to them, Yoohan had kneeled, his arms sliding almost effortlessly beneath the Mono. He grunted just a little in the effort it took him to pick Yeonwoo up. Yoohan shrugged off the offer to help, staring down at the wide open eyes of Yeonwoo, whom he was sure was experiencing a color rush.

Yoohan had never seen anything like it before. His eyes were wide and bright, mouth slightly agape as he breathed. Yoohan shifted the teenager in his arms, his fingers lightly brushing against his neck as he adjusted him to lean against his shoulder. He could feel the beating pulse thumping against his fingertips and Yoohan swallowed down tightly, the desperation to shift his head to take another look at the wild eyes flickering from place to place.

But Yeonwoo needed help. He had to help him first.

When Yoohan laid him out on the table, the nurse automatically checking him over, he saw that Yeonwoo had closed his eyes and felt his heart drop to his stomach in disappointment. His eyes, so chaotic and bright, had been probably one of the most stunning things that Yoohan had ever seen before. He wanted to see more of it.

He could still see the way his eyes moved beneath the thin skin of his eyelids. Moving from place to place and Yeonwoo couldn't help but to watch in curiosity, obsessed almost, with the way the movement of his eyes made him feel.

Yoohan slid his mask back over his face and leaned back as the nurse finished checking him over.

"Yeonwoo-ah..." Yoohan stated, watching as the other boy's eyes flickered open for a brief moment, only for the beautiful, bright stare of him to be hidden a second later as he closed his eyes once more. "Choi Yeonwoo..."

His eyes opened again, and as Yoohan looked, he could almost see the colors swirling in them. He leaned over, hoping for a closer look at the beautiful sight that seemed to be gripping him. It filled him with a strange desire, but it was easy to figure out why.

If this was indeed a color rush, then that meant that Yoohan was the most important person for someone. He was someone special through this phenomenon.

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