No time to lose

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It has been a week since Sarah had been feeling ill, Sam and Penny were at the Ocean Rescue Center cleaning all 3 Boats. Sam was polishing their Jet-Ski Juno, Ben was Polishing their Fire Boat Titan, and Penny was polishing Neptune. when Elvis, Arnold, and Ellie were back at the Station. Elvis decided he was going to make a Pizza for dinner tonight. Arnold was still trying to fix his computer from home after he had some problems until he gave up and allowed Sam to work on it. Ellie was with Sarah because a week ago, she noticed that Sarah was ill, and Sam had no time to help because he had to rescue Derek Price from Pontypandy Mountain. "I finished Polishing Juno, are Titan and Neptune polished?" He asked from below.

"Yes, Sam." They replied together.

"Great, we can be able to do our training with Titan right now."

Penny was helping Ben organize Titan after training was scheduled by Station Officer Steele and Sam. They all went up and put on their ocean rescue uniforms for training. Soon, Titan was ready. They decided to head to Pontypandy Island for some diving practice. "Penny, Ben; Are you ready?" he asked picking up a line.

"Yes, Sam." They said at the same time.

"Right, what are we doing today Sam?" Ben asked.

"Today, we are going to practice diving from the surface to the bottom of the ocean to rescue a small water vehicle. Penny, you are first."

Charlie and Bronwyn had finished their Holiday in America, and they were heading to San Antonio Airport. They boarded the bus that leaves for the airport, and Bronwyn decided to ask if everything went alright back home in Pontypandy. "Charlie, I'm a little concerned." she said.

"What's up?"

"Well, I was wondering if everything is alright in Pontypandy."

"Don't worry, love. I'm sure Sam had everything under control. I had a text from Ellie last week that Sarah was feeling ill."

"Oh, poor Sarah. I hope she's well soon."

Outside, the crew was finished training, Station Officer Steele was pleased. Penny went to organize Neptune before the next emergency. Ben was upstairs in the Control room, and Sam was working on Arnold's computer. Back at the Fire Station, Ellie went out to organize Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Hydrus, Arnold was watching TV and Elvis made a cup of tea for all. "Tea up." He said from the counter.

"Thanks, Elvis."

"Thank you, Elvis." Ellie said

"Thank you, Cridlington." Station Officer Steele added.

"You're welcome."

"I am not sure what's wrong with Sarah now. I hope it's not worse." Ellie said to Station Officer Steele

"Well, I hope you're right, I realized that we have two NHS licensed paramedics at the Fire Station."

"Me too, sir. I'm going to check on her."

Ellie went out to the sleeping quarters to check on Sarah while the others were enjoying a cup of tea. Sarah was still upstairs when Ellie walked by to see if she was feeling better. She was worried about what Charlie and Bronwyn would think if it had been worse. "Sarah, are you feeling any better?" Ellie asked.

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