chapter 1

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Maddie graduated collage last year and after that her and Gina opened a dance studio

Maddie and Gina got really close when Maddie moved to SLC all those years ago

the pair's dance studio has tons of dancers because of all the people wanting to train under Maddie
she because famous when that video blew up back when she was in middle school

Maddie: hey Gi!
Gina: oh hey Mads
Maddie: so did you get that letter from Ricky?
Gina: no, what does it say?
Maddie: it's a wedding invention
Gina: Nini and Ricky are finally getting married? took them long enough
Maddie: no, Ricky isn't getting married to Nini
Gina: wait what?

Maddie hadn't spoken to either Ricky or Nini in about 2 and half years but last time she checked, Ricky was thinking of proposing to Nini

Gina: so who's the unfortunate girl who has to marry Ricky
Maddie: her name is Taylor, Taylor Chambers
Gina: wait! Taylor Chambers? as in Ava's sister?
Maddie: yeah
Gina: why didn't Ava tell us?
Maddie: she probably doesn't know. Ava said she isn't close with her sister at all
Gina: yeah maybe..but what happened with Ricky and Nini?
Maddie: i don't know. it's like i went through all that in there're junior year for this to happen
Gina: well what can we do?
Maddie: your gonna be my plus one...we're crashing this wedding
Gina: oh hell yeah
Maddie: #BringRiniBack is a go

here's the first chapter of my new book!
i'm so excited for you all to read it!
this is gonna get very interesting so make sure to look out for new updates!

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