chapter 3

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Maddie: so according to snapchat, Ricky lives here
Gina: did that idiot really leave his snap location on?
Maddie: he's always been an idiot
Gina: i can't believe I liked him
Maddie: I almost forgot about that
Gina: how could you? that was my peek in high school
Maddie: yeah that made me kinda hate you
Gina: wait why?
Maddie: I was on the Rini ship train for years. don't worry, i hated EJ too.
Gina: I forgot about EJ oh my god!
Maddie: apparently he's a singer/actor now
Gina: no way! he is not
Maddie: yeah apparently he released that song he wrote for Nini
Gina: he released that really awful song
Maddie: yeah it is so bad but I heard that he's starring in a movie
Gina: hmm I might have to look into that

Maddie: ok so we're here!
Gina: do you want to go in and talk to him?
Maddie: your not gonna come in?
Gina: nah I want to have my on conversation with him on why he didn't invite me
Maddie: ok well i'll be out shortly

*maddie knocks on the door*

Taylor: um hello? who the hell are you?
Maddie: I'm Madison
Taylor: can I help you?
Maddie: yeah is Ricky here?
Taylor: I'm sorry, why do you need to see him?
Maddie: he's an old friend, and dang you are definitely how your sister describes you as
Taylor: oh so you've talked to my sister
Maddie: yeah she teaches at my dance school
Taylor: so why do you need to talk to Ricky?
Maddie: haven't heard from him in two years, I want to know how he's been and all.
Taylor: i'll get him for you

Ricky: you called me?...oh hey Mads
Maddie: get over here Richard, we need to talk

oop things are about to get real
you'll find out what happens soon enough
or next chapter
yeah definitely next chapter!
ok bye!

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