chapter 6

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Maddie of course loved reading fans tweets and she couldn't help but smile every time someone mentioned the ship between her and Gina

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Maddie of course loved reading fans tweets and she couldn't help but smile every time someone mentioned the ship between her and Gina

She definitely liked Gina, a lot, but right now she has other things to worry about. It's 2019 all over again

Maddie: I guess this is her house
Gina: yeah this is the address you said your aunts gave you
Maddie: yep! you don't mind waiting here right? i kinda want to talk to her myself
Gina: yeah I have no problem! make sure to find out what caused Ricky and Nini to repeat they're junior year
Maddie: i hopefully won't be long

Maddie knocks on the doorbell to see a guy who she's never seen before open the door

???: um excuse me? can I help you?
Maddie: i'm looking for Nini
???: Nini? ohh you mean Nina?
Maddie: uhh yeah I guess
???: well I'm Owen, nice for you to stop by but Nina is busy and can't come to the door
Nini: did I hear the doorbell?
Maddie: Neens?
Maddie: oh my god Mads is that you?

Maddie ranks past Owen to hug her cousin who she's hasn't heard from or seen in 2 years

Owen: who is this little girl
Maddie: better question is who are you?
Nini: um Mads can we talk...alone
Maddie: um yeah sure

Nini: so how did you find my house?
Maddie: i asked your moms
Nini: oh, makes sense
Maddie: you probably know why I'm here
Nini: because you missed me?
Maddie: still oblivious I see
Nini: excuse me?
Maddie: who is this random dude and why is Ricky getting married to some random girl who is very rude by the way
Nini: oh so they are getting married
Maddie: wait you know?
Nini: Maddie, I wish I could tel, you the truth but I'm sworn to secrecy
Maddie: Nini, you can tell me anything! especially why your here and not being this big broadway star like you always dreamed!
Nini: i- fine...i'll tell you

Rickys POV:

I've been sitting here trying to think about what Maddie said
is Taylor a liar? definitely
did I know that and only said she wasn't because Taylor was in the room? absolutely

truth is I don't want to get married to Taylor. I still love Nini! Unfortunately because of the stupid deal, that will never happen

Taylor: hey I'm going out
Ricky: yeah whatever
Taylor: hey watch your attitude
Ricky: i'm sorry that it's been two years and I'm still forced to act like I like you
Taylor: why wouldn't you like me?
Ricky: how many times do I have to tell you that I'm in love with Nini
Taylor: stop mentioning her or the secret gets out. Now behave and don't get yourself into trouble. buh bye
Ricky: won't miss you at all

Ricky was about to do something really stupid until his phone made a *ding* noise

that's all for this chapter!you guys are soon going to know the truth about why Rini endedbut other then that I hope you enjoyed this chapter!bye!

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that's all for this chapter!
you guys are soon going to know the truth about why Rini ended
but other then that I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

love? - rini au Where stories live. Discover now