chapter 7

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we about to find out what happened eeeeee

Nini: so you really want to know?
Maddie: yes
Nini: are you sure?
Maddie: yes oh my god just tell me already

Nini looks around to make sure Owen isn't around

Nini: ok here we go. It started a little over two years ago. I was prepping for a big broadway audition when I started feeling sick. At the time, I thought it was nerves but it definitely was more. I texted Kourtney cause I knew she would know what to do, then she told me to take a pregnancy test. it was positive.

Maddie: wait did Ricky break up with you because you were pregnant?
Nini: no not at all! he was the one person who supported me during that time
Maddie: ok but then why are you guys split up?
Nini: let me continue

Nini: somehow the people who I was going to work with found out that I was pregnant and told me that I had to give up the role. If any other broadway producers found out I gave up on a huge opportunity like that, I would never be able to get any more roles.

Maddie: so wait who does everything that's going on have to do with that?

Nini: at the time, one of Rickys co-workers was Taylor and the same time I met Owen. They soon found out and threatened to tell the whole world about our "secret" if we didn't break up and get with them. I still kept in contact with Ricky up until last year

Maddie: so wait this dude is blackmailing you and Taylor is blackmailing Ricky?
Nini: yeah basically
Maddie: why didn't you tell me?
Nini: i'm not allowed to tell anyone or even talk to anyone but my moms, and i barely am allowed to do that
Maddie: wait isn't that illegal?
Nini: i've tried pressing charges but the case was dropped because somehow Owen convinced the judge that I was only suing him so I can get away with cheating and getting with someone else, which is totally not the case
Maddie: well i'm not letting this happen
Nini: and what are you going to do about it?
Maddie: everything in my power! i have a very famous friend who i'm sure is willing to help
Nini: don't get into any trouble!
Maddie: can't promise anything

Maddie: so wait this dude is blackmailing you and Taylor is blackmailing Ricky?Nini: yeah basically Maddie: why didn't you tell me?Nini: i'm not allowed to tell anyone or even talk to anyone but my moms, and i barely am allowed to do thatMaddie: w...

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ooo things are getting real serious!
i had to find a reason to use noah's character and i will find ways to use my other characters so bare with me please

anyways who wants to come with me to murder Owen and Taylor?


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