Chapter Six: "Diane."

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Two years... I've lived two years with my brother. Two years, and I still have this stupid curse on me. I've been training to strengthen myself for awhile, waking early to train myself for the unknown. Ban has been a big help with that. 

I've been working hard to actually meet big brother's total power level, no one asked me to do so but I felt the need to if I want to protect them. Ban and I go out to the mountains everyday training, me more than him. He just sits and watches while throwing some snarky or perverted comments at me, but I don't mind. Ban has been acting differently lately, I can't put my finger quite on it but he's been being a lot more rude and arrogant especially at me but it's probably because his birthday is tomorrow. He hates his birthday more than he hates anything. I feel bad for him, his adoptive father can't join us to celebrate the miraculous day that my best friend was birthed. 

"So Ban, how you feeling? You know, becoming an old man?" I ask, taking a break from practicing Hellblaze and Kami Chigiri with my swords. He snaps out of his daydream and makes eye contact with me, I take a seat on the ground in front of a rock he sits on. I can see it in his eyes that he doesn't want his birthday to be celebrated but little does he know the sins and the Princess are throwing a party for him back at the tavern. He sighs, looking at me as if he is scolding me for even asking about it. "It's not like it makes a different, I'm immortal, my birthday means nothing." he knew the answer I was expecting from him, so answered with another. I give him a slight smile, he's right. It's not like he's aging or taking a year off his life span. He truly does hate his birthday, I don't want to change that or even celebrate it since he doesn't like it. I hate my birthday just as much as he does, the attention isn't my thing. So I understand and won't make a big deal out of it like the others will, maybe a simple gift so he knows I acknowledge him should be fine. 

"What about you scrub? Ready to get this curse off of you?" Ban smiles, rubbing his knuckles violently on the top of my head. I swat his hand away, fixing my hair before answering. "I guess so, it'll be difficult for me to act the same way I used to. Before this, I was so innocent, almost like I was a princess just like Elizabeth. People did things for me because they thought I was a real princess, I technically am a princess being the Demon King's daughter but...I'm different now. I used to be the complete opposite of my given sin, misery and despond now that's all I am. I don't think I can ever be the girl I used to be no matter how much I try because this is the real me, and I grew to understand that. Everything before was an act, people saw me a certain way so I acted a certain way. Now I get to be my true self and say how I really feel, and act the way I am without any forced smiles. This curse has taught me a lot about myself, without it I probably wouldn't have met you." 

Ban looks at me with his cheeks tinged a light pink, I giggle at his blush and flustered attitude. I suggest we head back to the tavern and Ban agrees, ready to have a large serving of ale and maybe even get drunk or for me watch Ban get drunk and embarrass himself. 

When we open the door we were greeted by a lavender haired girl, I've seen her before. This is Jericho, one of the Holy Knights if I remember correctly. She hugs Ban, getting very touchy with him which made Ban look a bit uncomfortable to have her in such close proximity. He looks down at me for help, "Hey, you're Jericho. One of the New Generation Holy Knight's correct?" I ask from beside Ban, I don't think she even saw me standing here since she was so infatuated with Ban. Jericho pulls away from him and looks me up and down with a confused yet disgusted look on her face. I get this a lot, nothing new.

"This is my best friend and the Captain's little sister, Y/n. Y/n, this is Jericho." Ban introduces us, I reach out my hand to her and she takes it suspiciously. I don't blame her, this curse does make me look unpleasant but there's something more than that I can see it in her eyes. I pull away and look up at Ban, he shrugs a bit before making his way to the bar for some ale only to have Jericho follow behind him like a lost puppy. I have this burning feeling in my stomach, I'm angry at her for some reason even though I know nothing about her. Why do I...hate her so much with no real reason to do so? 

"Hey Ban, mind if I take a shower in your room? You have hotter water than I do." I ask from the stairway. Ban chokes on his ale and starts coughing like crazy, his cheeks are dusted with a dark pink which makes me giggle internally. "S-sure, go ahead. You would have did it even if I said no." he grunts. 

"You bet. Thanks." I shout, running up the stairs to take a nice long shower just to be a brat about it. Ban shout 'sure whatever' from downstairs, I don't waste anytime stripping down and hopping in his shower. As expected, the water's so hot and steamy. Melting all the dirt, grime and sweat off my body which feels beyond amazing. I decide to take my time, whenever I shower in his bathroom he's not here so he doesn't really know sometimes or other times he'll be too busy to even notice. 

After a long while I hear his door open, Ban might be too drunk to even remember I'm in here. I just finished and started to dry off when I hear him mumbling something. I hear his bed creak when he plops down on it aggressively, Ban starts to unzip his pants and grunt. He must have gotten hot so he's probably changing, I reach to turn the doorknob so Ban can have his privacy but he begins to mumble my name over and over as if it's a chant. I begin to realize he's not drunk at all, so what was he doing? It's not my place to judge what he does in his room. 

I press my ear against the door to listen, why is he muttering my name so much and whispering profanities every so often. Hissing and stuttering like he's in pain, is he in pain? From the sounds of he, he sounds like he is but I don't know where he could be in pain. All he did was talk to Jericho downstairs for a bit. He's not drunk either so he couldn't have drunkenly gotten himself hurt, right?

Ban's grunts get louder, is he doing what I think he's doing? I hope not, I know what sexual intercourse is but have never participated in it or masturbation. Is he getting off Of all the beautiful women like Jericho or just anyone, he gets off to me? My whole body gets red-hot. Does this mean Ban does like me? So he does feel the same way I do about him? Is this really true? What do I do? I'm flattered and flustered at the same time, what does this mean for Ban and I?

After trying to make a decision, Ban opens his bathroom door to where I'm hiding and listening to him masturbate. We both stare at each other, both our entire bodies as red as his leather jacket. I accidentally drop my towel, my hands and legs weak and shaky. I get super embarrassed, Ban's staring at my chest with wide eyes as if he's never seen a nude women before, or has he?

"B-Ban! Get out!" I shout, picking up my towel and covering my body. He doesn't move instead his eyes wonder my body in amazement. I run out of his room and down the hall to mine, passing my brother on the way out which will make an interesting conversation later on. I shut the door to my room, I finish getting dressed while feeling embarrassed for being seen naked, listening to Ban masturbate to me, and having big brother see me run down the hall in a towel from Ban's room. This day could not get any weirder for me.


The day get weirder, I sit next to my group of drunk friends in the bar part of the tavern. Everything is awkward, especially between me, Ban and big brother. "So Y/n, I really miss your naked body." Ban whispers in my ear. Without even looking at him or even putting down my sip of ale with my free hand I without hesitation draw one of my swords and skewer his insides with it. I swallow my ale and put the cup on the round table, Ban hates it when I kill him drunk. Although he can't die, if I kill him while drunk, when he regenerates he'll be completely sober. That's why I did it, he doesn't like when anyone does that but we still do. He turns to me irritated, I slowly turn my head in his direction with half lit eyes. "What're you going to do?" I whisper back at him. I turn my head back to Diane who I was talking to before all this, she's the least drunk out of everyone. 

"What was that for?" I shrug my shoulders with a slight grin. "Well, I think you have a big crush on Ban and he might have one on you too." Diane says in a teasing tone. I know shes half joking by her tone but she's also very serious about it. 

"What do you mean?" I take another sip of my ale while turned away from her. "You love each other." I spit out all of the liquid I had in my mouth. We what? No. There's no way. My curse would be broken by now if we did. Ban and I made it very clear that we don't say that to each other, there's no way I'm in love with Ban. Over our dead bodies. "Diane! Over our dead bodies I love Ban!" I shout a bit too loud since everyone in the tavern heard. They all heard me say that I don't love Ban, but they also now know that we were talking about me not loving Ban which is worse. 

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