Chapter Ten: "Elizabeth."

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Ban does love me. Was it a dream? Was it real? I don't know, I can't imagine Ban being in love with me as much as he says since he doesn't show it. He acts so nonchalant about everything going on like it doesn't matter or he doesn't have a care in the world. 

It's an hour before my 'battle' with Jericho, I'm just going to block her attacks and let her rough me up a bit so she feels good about herself. It's not like any of her attacks can actually hurt me, I am a demon and the strongest sin besides Meliodas when he's in Assault Mode. I sit by the river, like usual but this time I had decided to lay in the middle of the river. My back floating on the water, feeling the water softly pull me along with it. I breath in the chilly air, feeling the breeze brush past my nose with a gentle blow. This, this is what I truly love. Peace and silence. "Hey scrub, how're you feeling?" I quickly open my eyes to see Ban, my butterflies return from their unknown location before. I sit up from the river, flipping my hair out of my face and brushing it back with my hands. I look over to see Ban's tinted cheeks and his mouth slightly agape, he looks the same way I do when he serves us his apple pie. "Better." I answer simply, I give an awkward smile which he returns with his signature toothy grin. 

He's so beautiful. 

"How are you feeling? Old man."

"Ok, kid. You're a lot older than I am." 

"Then why do you still call me 'kid'?" I lean in, with a his smirk plastered across my face. I'm not one to be seductive but I have to urge to tease him to see how he'd react. My close proximity leaves him speechless, our lips almost touching and his grin faded into pure curiosity. My grin widens. I love this feeling of control, having the power of knowing I can make him feel the way I do. I love see him feel this way but I also love seeing him in control like when he demand things out of me or whispers in my ear. 

I pull away, standing up to remove my soaked clothing. Ban stays still, crouching down at the edge of the small river stream withholding his expression. He finally stands up to turn to me but quickly finds me in my undergarments, "What the hell are you doing?" He shouts while turning around to give me privacy. "What? I can't wear wet clothes all day, I have to change." Ban sighs, our backs turned to each other while I wring out my articles of clothing. I shout that I'm finished, I feel Ban put something over my shoulders, his jacket. His long dark maroon jacket covering my small frame completely and a lot more. 

I cover my exterior in his jacket, the one that smells of his natural musk. We walk back into the tavern, surprisingly seeing the entire crew awake and ready. "You better be careful out there Y/n, although Jericho isn't at your level that doesn't mean you should underestimate her and her power. She has gotten better over the years," King reminds me, I can tell no one wants this to happen do to my temper, I think this is a dumb idea and shouldn't have even happened due to her incomitance and stupidity. 

I wait a bit, sitting on the grass with my hands behind me for support waiting for Gilthunder, Howzer, and Jericho to arrive. This feels ridiculous, waiting for a battle that will just end with me giving her the win, no action at all, this will be quite interesting though. 

I hear a familiar voice in the distance, Howzer, shouting about something incoherent. Everyone stands from their sitting position on the grass, I go to walk over to Jericho when Ban grabs my wrist. "Be careful to not hurt her, got it?" Ban scolds me, he's so protective over her, why? 

"Might as well go kiss her if you're so worried about her," I murmur.

"What?" He looks a bit offended, but guessing he didn't hear me since he asked me to repeat myself.

"I said, I can do this Ban," knowing well I didn't say that but he seems to believe it.

He lets go, and I meet Jericho half way with the sins and Elizabeth behind me to watch. Jericho seems pretty angry, the fight hasn't even begun and she's already enraged. This is good, her first attacks will most likely be fast and aggressive so all I have to do is dodge and let her exhaust her energy until she quits. 

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