Episode 6 part 1

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When I walked into the studio the Luke and Reggie were just being lazy instead of rehearsing
"What is going on?" Alex was quick behind me he must have heard me get up

"Julie why did you walk out here by yourself?" Reggie said running to my side trying to walk me to the couch

"Reggie, what did I say about babying me?" I said as I stopped walking and rolled my eyes

"You said not to do it" Reggie said frowning

"but in our defense your ankle is broken and you just walked down the stairs and all the way out here we have an excuse to be worried" Alex said going to my other side to walk me to the couch

"We need to rehearse" I said sternly

"We know we know it's all we have been doing for 4 days" Luke said rolling his eyes

"Come on guys this is important to me"

"Okay fine did we decided on doing Shining Star?" Luke said

"Yeah of course that's my favorite"

"Only because your duet with Luke" Reggie whispered

"Shut up" Luke and I said in unison

"Hey Reggie Alex give us a minute" Luke said

"Okay but we will be right back don't get to comfortable" Alex said

"Out!" I said

They left but they were still standing by the door listening, we expected nothing less then that so we tried to be quiet

"Julie I need to know...what are we?" Luke whispered

"I don't know that's up to you" I whispered back

"Do you think, maybe...." He scratched the back of his head "we, are-could be- already- mayb-we coul- maybe we are- we haven't clarif- do you want to be my- are you- did we-?"
he always stuttered like crazy when he was nervous

"Luke are you asking me to be your....girlfriend?" I said

"Kinda-UnlessYouDontWantToBecauseIfThatsTheCaseICouldJustIgnoreThisWholeThingAndCompletlyForgetIt EverHappend" he said so fast I could barely understand him

"Luke slow down I would love to be your girlfriend" I said kissing his cheek

"Oh thank gosh, that was scary" Luke said
He pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead
"YAY!" He said slowly comprehending what just happened he picked me up and spun me around just like he did at school the other day I loved it when he did that he gently put me down and we kissed
After hearing Luke yell the guys came in jumping up and down
"SHE SAID YES!!!!" they yelled in unison

"Technically I asked him" I said ruining their precious moment

"Julie you didn't have to rat him out....." Reggie said giggling

Alex gave me a high five
"Yes ma'am Julie"

"Okay seriously we need to rehearse" I said

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