Chapter 10 <3

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^^lookin swaggy

"Where am I?! Get me out of here! Don't touch me!"

Startled by the loud shouting, I immediately woke up to see Hayden blindly getting caught up in the bedsheets trying to get out of the bed. It was like watching a bull instead of a human being.

So I did what any logical person would do, I slapped him. (a/n: yes, slap the man, soooooo logical)

Hayden immediately stops his thrashing and realized he was in the school's medical ward.

"Huh? Oh my god, Trinh, I'm sorry, did I hurt you? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, just I freak out when I'm in some unknown hospital," he looked away and scratched the back of his neck. It was actually the first time in a while someone had called me Trinh. I usually tell people Trinity because everyone spells it wrong.

"Nah you're good man if anything I should ask if ur okay, I slapped you pretty hard man."

I wasn't going to ask about the hospital thing, because prying into someone's trauma or bad experiences is a d*ck move. (a/n: PSA, if someone is ready to tell you, they will don't pry :D)

Hayden laughed a little, "My "pretty face", as you said, is just fine."

"Well I'm glad your "pretty face" is alright, it would be a shame if it got messed up," I replied.

"You're no fun to tease, you just go along with it," he pouted.

I placed one hand on his bed for support, leaning over to him, the other hand on his cheek, and looked him in the eyes, smiling.

"Well Hayden, you, are very fun to tease," I said in a low voice.

I removed my hand from his cheek and stood up straight.

"Huh?!" He had his hands over his face trying to hide his blush. "That's not fair!"

I looked over at him with a glimmer in my eyes and a wide smile, "Oh? How so?"

"I-it just isn't!" He retorted.

"Well now you just sound like a child, where did all that mental strength go, hmm?"

He didn't say anything back and crossed his arms. He sulked and looked away from me.

"Awww, you're adorable darling, now let's get going, I have nowhere to be, since my friends are going out on a date instead of hanging out with the oh-so-awesome-me, but we wouldn't want to have to keep the nurse here too long."

I looked into the mirror in the room and fixed my messy hair. My thin bangs, which reached my eyebrows, were all crisscrossed so I smoothed them out. I fished out a hair tie from my pocket and put my hair into a ponytail.

I noticed Hayden looking at me and chuckled a little.

"Don't stare too long, you might be blinded by my endless beauty."

His eyes widened a little, "I wasn't staring, I was noticing your appearance, so I could recognize you in the future!"

"Mhm, well sunshine it's time to go. You wanted to have that chat, no?"

I extended out my hand to him, which he took.

"So where are we going?" Hayden inquired, as he put on his shoes which were placed at the side of the bed by the nurse.

"My house, that works for you?" I said putting grabbing his jacket from the chair I was sitting on earlier.

Looking down at my own clothes, I realized I would need a new uniform, as bullet holes weren't really in style right then. Well, good thing I had the skirt as a backup, I had no problem with skirts, I would just have to wear skirts underneath.

"Yeah, let me just text my parents, they might be wondering why I wasn't home yet," he said for his pocket to get his phone.

"Huh," he pulled out what looked like what you'd find in a metal scrap yard, "well, it seems as if I'm not going to text them for a while."

"Oh... I can pay for it, it's my fault it's broken from the duel," I said.

"No it's fine, I should've taken it out of my pocket beforehand," he said back.

"No, it's alright I get a special deal anyways, I happen to own that phone company, so I'll pay."

"Oh okay then, I'll pay you back after!" Hayden said with a smile (a/n: why did this say "snail" before I edited it-), as if he'd won. But he doesn't know, I, Trinh Gali, would never let him pay me back.

"I won't let you."

"It's fine! It doesn't cost much for me, let me pay you back."

"I will find out all of your bank accounts, donate every last cent, so you will physically not be able to pay me back, don't try me, Hayden," I finished with a glare for good measure.

"Y-yes ma'am," he replied, scared.

I brightened up immediately, "Great! Let's go buy you a new phone!" I said gleefully and dragged him by the arm out of the room. I didn't notice, but at the time, Mr. Sunshine had a little blush on his cheeks. (a/n: ily bby boi, hayden is best sunshine boi)


It was nearing sunset as we arrived at the entrance of the school where my driver had pulled up, I had my license, but I hadn't got a car yet, so I had the driver pick me up and drop me off today.

"Ok let's get in, oh, if it's okay with you we're going to stop by my place before we go, because, um, well my attire at the moment doesn't work too well," I gestured to the ripped fabric.

He looked at my torn uniform, "O-oh yeah sorry about that," he said scratching the back of his neck like earlier.

"It's fineee, don't worry! Now get in!" I laughed.

It felt nice to laugh so much here, back on earth it was all so serious and not much fun not going to lie.

We both stepped into the cream-colored Lincoln MKT Livery, where I greeted my driver.

"Hi, Malum! How are you doing today? This is Hayden by the way."

Malum was a relatively old man in his 70's who has been the driver of the Mafia Leader for decades, he was from Egypt and came here in his teens. Even though he was old, he could still beat someone up, and he was pretty cool if you asked me.

"Hello miss, and hello Hayden, I'm doing well, to the estate?" He asked.

"Yep!" I replied while fastening my seatbelt. "How are your husband and grandkids, Malum? Last I heard Yeong was in Shanghai for an assignment."

"Sure is, he's coming back in a couple of days, the kids will be excited to see him again," I could hear the smile on his face at the mention of his husband and grandkids.

Yeong, his husband, works for the U.N. ironically, and they adopted three children together, two girls and one boy. The oldest kid, a girl, and the youngest, the boy, both got married and had five kids in total. Unfortunately, all of his kids passed in a plane crash, while the grandkids were visiting their grandparents. Now they all live over here with Malum and Yeong.

I started chatting with Hayden about school and other things, and my addiction to boba.

"Oh Hayden, I forgot to mention, since my home is technically owned by the mafia, all newcomers who go in are required to be scanned.

"Miss, we're here," Malum called out as we pulled up to the front gate.


Ayyy relationship building, and more gay ppl cuz why not, in the next chapter they'll be having the promised chat, and maybe a little *ehem* date?

Sorry I've been on hiatus for a month, school and I hurt my wrist, some art will be coming soon for the characters, so be ready!


Time: 9:52pm

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