Chapter Three <3

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Guess how many time skips this author can do! Plenty! Because it's two years later and she's sixteen, don't worry there will be fewer time skips soon! Also, there will be a bit less of a focus on the mafia.

"You want me to go to high school?" I asked skeptically.

"Yes," Shana replied.

"But why?"

"Because all you've known is fighting, fighting, and more fighting. Your birthday was two days ago and your sixteen now. Weilshire Academy's second term for third years starts in a week, I already signed you up."

"Isn't that the school for stuck-up rich kids?"

"You're an arrogant rich kid, so it doesn't really matter."

"I was doomed from the beginning wasn't I?"

"Yes boss."


I was playing games on my phone when the limo stopped. (a/n: that was such a conceited sentence gurl)

I looked out the window and I saw a grand cathedral type of building(?). No, that wasn't the right word for this castle-like phenomenon.

"Is this really a school?" I asked.

"Yeah it is Boss."

I glared at the muscly Amazonian-looking woman across me. Dark curly hair, striking green eyes, olive skin littered with freckles. She was very pretty, but she could never seem to find a man. I pray for Nevlyn to find a man so she could stop nagging me all the time.

"A couple of things before you go: a. You don't have to hide your identity but let's also not be shouting from the rooftops. The government can't do anything to us, but they're probably wondering why reports say a fourteen year old girl and her pet dragon-" I heard a voice in my head saying:

[I am not a pet!]

I know Drago.

"-took down an entire mafia. b. Get a man," Nevlyn finished.

"Did you just say 'a man' when you don't even have one yourself?"

"Yes boss."

"Oh dear, well it's time for me to go I guess," I sighed.

"Have fun!" Nevlyn shouted at me when I walked out of the car.

I walked out of the car and fixed my blazer. This school had a uniform, but there were two options for the girl uniform. One with a grey, pleated, plaid (a/n: what a tongue twister) skirt that goes up to the mid-thigh, while other is with a pair of grey, plaid slacks. Each uniform has the same white dress shirt and grey blazer, which were both embroidered with the school logo. I was lucky there was no obnoxious tie. Anyways, I obviously chose slacks, but made a few alterations, like taking in the waist to make it fit better.

I earned stares and gasps for some reason, (a/n: ai, how dense.) it seemed popular wherever I went. I heard someone yell: "I'd hit that!"

"And I'd love to hit you in the face," I replied venomously and with a fake, sweet smile.

Someone else yelled: "Fiesty!"

I just rolled my eyes to that one and walked towards the front office. Humans take too much effort some times.

I asked the brunette lady behind a glass window for my schedule.

"Excuse me miss," I could be polite in certain cases, "can I please have my schedule? My name is Trinh Gali, and I just transferred here for the second term."

"Of course, let me search it up and print it for you, one second," she said with a nice smile.

"Thank you very much."

I waited for a second and looked around the halls. Besides the people staring, I noticed a boy with short, dusty brown hair and cloudy blue eyes. He was being crowded and followed by a hoard of girls and he seemed to be flirting with them, oh dear. We made eye contact and he winked at me, I wanted to throw up.

"Excuse me miss, I have your schedule," the nice, brunette, office lady informed me.

"Thanks!" I replied cheerfully, ah, nice people really lift my mood.


Mood officially ruined.

The boy with the brown hair? Sitting right next to me. What was he doing? Trying to flirt.

"So you just transferred here? From where? It couldn't be anywhere nearby, because I would've noticed a beauty like you," he made me want to punch him. Go flirt with your little harem, like those male isekai protagonists.

"Yeah I would've noticed an idiot like you too," I spat out venomously.

He ignored that, "so you never answered my question, where are you from?"

I decided to try and shake him up a bit, "The Mafia."

"W-wait you're kidding right?" Ha, look who had shut up real nice with all that flirting.

"Nope, now if you could kindly go away that would be much appreciated," I stated curtly.

He quickly rushed to another seat. Meanwhile I saw the personification of sunshine walk my way. Golden, short, silky hairy, and with eyes to match, he was tall, probably around six feet or taller. His eyes reminded me of of my own golden yes which were checking hi- I meant observing him.

He had some freckles concentrated around his nose scattered on top of lightly tanned skin. Leanly built, no bulging muscles but definitely in shape. And to top it off he was donning a shining, wide smile, showcasing his dimples. I almost unconsciously smiled, but stopped myself. (a/n: ah, my best boi of sunshine.)

He stopped in front of my desk with an outstretched hand, his beautiful smile still plastered on his face, "Hi I'm Hayden, what's your name?"

"I'm Trinh."

He pointed to my now, thankfully, empty seat next to me. "Can I sit here?"


He sat down and gave me a small smile of thanks. I watched as the teacher walked into the classroom. He was a middle-aged man with neatly gelled black hair, which was streaked with white. According to my schedule, he was named Mr. Odelia.

"Hi class, as you probably already know, I'm Mr. Odelia. I am your Language Studies teacher," oh my lord, even the names here sounded stuck-up, "if you disrespect me, don't expect me to respect you, no matter who you are. Otherwise, let's learn."

Aside from the face I didn't like the the school, I liked this teacher, straight to the point.

I looked over to sunshine boy and we made eye contact he gave me a small smile. Well I guess my mood has been lifted.


Hi, thanks for reading!

Sorry for shorter chapter, but I've been busy with being an assistant at my camp. So thank for putting up with it lol.

See you next time, and thanks for 103 reads!

Time: 7:42pm

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