Chapter Six <3

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At this point, I was confused as to why I even agreed to going to this school, it's not like I needed too. Besides Nevlyn said get a man, what if I get a woman? What is she going to do about it?

"Miss Trinh, could you please recite the quadratic formula for us?" My cuckoo science teacher, Mr. Frank asked me.

"Yes sir," I replied sarcastically, "'x' one and two equal to negative 'b' plus minus (a/n: that's actually how it is "plus minus", my math teacher making us memorize this until our brains bled coming in clutch) the square root of 'b' squared minus four 'ac' and this is all over two 'a'. Now Mr. Frank, may I ask why you feel the need to ask me this in a Science class?"

Don't get me wrong, I'm not the type to be rude to teachers, but seriously this guy has been asking random question from random subjects all day. At least he seems to be teaching science... in a way. At the moment we were learning about how to create a deadly poison, and the cure, a bit strange if you ask me. Although the strangest part is that he was calling it a "tonic water", and the antidote, was "in case there's any allergies. I think he may be trying to kill us but oh well, might as well stop the downfall of around fifty kids.

"Mr. Frank? Why are you giving us poison on the first day?" I asked, right before the first kid was about to drink it. He froze immediately and turned to me, the small vial he was about to drink from dropped. For some reason Mr. Frank had a wide smile on his face.

"My, my, my, someone finally got it! You see everyone, I made this deadly poison right in front of you, to see if anyone would figure out that it's poison! I wasn't actually going to make Mr. Smith over here actually drink it, just see if anyone was going to guess. Besides I have the antidote right here, so no worries!"

I wanted to kill this man so much.


The rest of science was quite uneventful, if you could call any of his class "uneventful". At least I had lunch now. I wondered where Emilia and Amara were.

As if someone had heard my prayers, I suddenly heard.

~We're at the third table to the left once you enter the dining hall from the Eagrest entrance.~ I heard Amara's voice say in my head.

What the f*ck was that?!  I thought back.

~Oh I forgot to mention my spirit companion, a hummingbird, allows me to communicate telepathically with people.~

You just forgot, and then randomly decided "Hey! It's a great idea to just pop into the head of someone who has absolutely no idea I could do this, and just scare her half to death?! The part I didn't add on was that I'd been through death, and it wasn't that nice. Also a hummingbird was not what I expected for her.

~Oops sorry... also you're really good at communicating telepathically it's like you've done it before!~

I'm too lazy too explain.

~Okay... Well anyways, come sit with us!~


I walked into the "dining hall" through two, already opened, grand, red tinted mahogany doors. Above the doorframe was a a painted wood carving of a soaring eagle which had randomized gold feathers, behind the eagle was an open book. Underneath there was gold writing that said "Eagrest the Bravest".

I was guessing this was the Eagrest entrance.

I walked over to the table which Amara had so rudely told me about. It was just the two of them sitting at the table, but there were many stares directed at them, the ones towards Emilia mostly confusion. I wondered what that was all about. When they saw me near the table, then sit, there eye grew wide. Aiya, this was going to be annoying.

"Amara why is the entire dining hall staring at us?" I asked making sure everyone heard, they all quickly turned away, only some stealing small glances at us.

"Let's just say I have a reputation," she replied.

"How corny, let me repeat, Amara, why the f*ck are people staring?" I said starting to eat the lunch Shana had prepared for me.

"Ugh, you ruined the fun," Amara pouted, I heard Emilia let out the smallest laugh. "I have tendencies to um, get in trouble..." 

"And you find this girl funny, Emilia? I swear the one time I hear you laugh in the whole few hours I've known you, you chose to laugh now. If I knew any I'd say you have a crush on her," I laughed then looking at Amara and Emilia who both were blushing. Oh so I might not have been so off the mark.

(a/n: to those of you who are against the lgbtq communbity can leave and never come back before I sangwoo your homophobic ankles :))

"OMG I SHIP ITTTTTTT, YOU GUYS WOULD BE SO CUTE TOGETHERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I jumped up and started jumping around the table screaming about how much I ship it. People were definitely staring, but I could see they found it funny, while Emilia and Amara were just trying to somehow hide themselves, faces more red than the blood of my enemies (a/n: i-). 

Then I came upon an amazing revelation.


After like twenty minutes of me shouting a lot a teacher finally came in and told me I had to calm down, much to Emilia and Amara's relief. I ate the rest of my lunch still talking about how cute they would be together, how I ship them, and more, albeit more calmly.

I finished lunch, parting ways with my friends to head to my fencing elective, which was selected for me, because I came in the middle of the year. Amara was in woodshop, and Emilia was in volleyball.

I was about to go to my elective, when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Trinity was it?--"

"Don't pretend as if you might have forgotten my name, Mr. Aurand. What do you want? We have already agreed on when and where the duel is taking place. Do you need something?"

"Actually I do, I know we're probably not on the best of terms but I wanted to talk to you after our duel, alright?" He asked. The look in his eyes confused me, hope and sadness, it made me want to help him.

"Fine, I guess," I sighed

"Great! And also you can call me Hayden, no need for the 'Mister'!" He brightened up immediately. I feel like I was going to regret this...


Since this was such a short chapter, I decided to add on a little mini-theater.


Hayden: Where art thou, Juliet?

Trinh: Shut up Romeo, I'm trying to sleep you idiot!

Hayden: But I haveth the sacred treasure of the holy boba!

Trinh: Why didn't you say that earlier you bafoon?

Hayden: Let us loveth the boba together in holy matrimony!

Trinh: No you idiot! Only my boba! Get your own! *steals boba*

Hayden: B-but that was my boba... *pouts*

Trinh: Hnghhhhhh.......... Ugh fine! Now stop looking like a kicked puppy you overly beautiful grown child! Are you even human?

Hayden: Yay! *smiles widely*

Trinh: T-the light it's too bright...


Thank you for reading and for almost 400 reads! Y'all are too nice to me :3

Time: 2:44pm

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