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/-/ 3 Weeks Later /-/

Missy and Brooke had stopped bothering me some what. They mostly just pushed me and gave me dirty looks. Pretty immature for 15 almost 16 year olds. It didn't really bother me though, Lucas always helped me when ever things got too bad, he would comfort me because I made him promise that he would let me fight my own battles.

I was walking towards the auditorium where Lucas and I have lunch so we can get away from all the drama. I had my packed lunch in my hand and was on my way to meet Lucas. When I arrived at the Auditorium the door was cracked, which was weird because it's never like that. I was about to open the door when I heard voices. I did what any normal person would do, I listened.

"Lucas, why are you with her? You could do so much better." Said a male voice I've never heard before.

"Because." Lucas said.

"Why? You could do so much better dude. She is weird and annoying at times. You could have Brooke dude!" He said emphasizing Brooke's name.

"I don't want Brooke. You saw what she did to Riley, that wasn't cool." Lucas said. He must of been one of the kids from the park.

"I don't know dude. You could do a lot better than her man." He said.

"The only reason I came to New York was Riley. What makes you think I am going to break up with her because some one better comes along?!" Lucas said. I felt my chest ache. He thought Brooke was better than me? I heard enough, I walked away from the door and walked towards the bathroom. Another lunch in the bathroom, like freshman year.

/-/ Lucas P.O.V. /-/

"The only reason I came to New York was Riley. What makes you think I am going to break up with her because someone better came along?!" I said. That came out wrong. Brooke wasn't anywhere close to Riley.

"Brooke doesn't even compare to Riley, let alone better." I said.

"I don't know dude." He said.

"Listen, as stupid as you may think this is, I love Riley. Ever since she showed up into my life I've felt weird emotions for her. I think she is beautiful and no where near annoying. So if you're going to sit there and nag on me about my girlfriend why don't you go find yourself one." I said. Matt stood up and walked out of the auditorium. I took a deep breathe and relaxed into the seats.

Where was Riley?

/-/ Riley's P.O.V. /-/

I  was at my locker grabbing the books I would need to take home when I felt a presense next to me. I looked over at Lucas and I suddenly felt so small.

"Hey. Where were you at lunch?" He asked me. I shrugged.

"Places." I said. I felt the tears come.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked me. I shut my locker and looked at him.

"Why are you with me?" I asked him.

"What-- Riley I-- Why are you asking me this?" Lucas said.

"Why are you with me?" I said more stern.

"I'm with you because I love you." Lucas said.

"I don't know if that's enough." I said, tears pooling in my eyes like waves on the shore.

"Why are you saying this?" Lucas asked.

"I heard you in the auditiorium. Someone better came along, but you're not still with me. I'm holding you back. He was right, you can do better--" But Lucas interrupted me.

"You're wrong! I love you!" Lucas said. I wrapped my arms around Lucas, he wrapped his arms around me.

"I don't know if this is love. I don't know what this is, but I know it's something. I feel such strong emotions for you Lucas. It's just the timing it so wrong. Maybe we're meant to be, I just don't think we're meant to be in this time. I'm setting you free. Go find someone better." I said putting my hand on the side of Lucas face.

"Don't do this Riley." Lucas said desperately.

"Goodbye Lucas." I said. The first tear cascading down my face. I took me hand away and walked down the hall.

Don't look back. Don't look back.

My subconcious told me. If I loked back, I would want him back. Tears fell down my face at a rapid pace as I bumped into Maya.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Can you sleep over?" I asked. She looked confused. "Please." I said. She nodded and we both walked out of school. I looked behind me and saw Lucas, he was against the lockers. Crying. My heart shattered, but I knew I did the right thing. He needed better. He deserved better. It tok everything in me not to walk over to him and tell him it was just a joke. It wasn't a joke.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly, still looking at Lucas.

"What?" Maya asked me.

"Nothing." I said.



/-/ Maya's P.O.V. /-/

Riley hadn't said anything since we showed up at her house. It's been 3 hours. I knew something was up. I knew it had to do with that cowboy. I stood up and grabbed my coat.

"Where are you going?" Riley asked finally speaking.

"Don't worry weirdo. I'll be back. Have to get things in order to stay." I said.

"You don't know why I asked you to stay? Do you?" Riley asked. I shook my head. I sat down next to Riley.

"I broke up with Lucas." She said. I was shocked. We may be young, but I can tell they love each other. It is the way they look at each other.

"I asked you to stay because I knew if you were here," I saw Riley swallow the lump in her throat and saw the tears cloud in her eyes. "I knew if you were here I wouldn't break down. I knew I would be able to hold myself together. Accept the fact that he deserves better." She finished, her voice getting weaker and weaker.

A sob escaped her mouth and I grabbed her and hugged her.

"I'm so sorry Riley." I said.

"I love him so much. I fed him so much bullshit saying I didn't know if it was love. I know this is love and Maya I let him go because he deserves better. He doesn't deserve me." She said between sobs, tears rapidly falling down her face.

"Riley what put that thought in your head?!" I asked her.

"I heard him talking to one of his friends in the auditorium. He told Lucas he deserved better, someone like Brooke." She said. Her tears calming down slighty. "He was right." She said.

"Riley." I said grabbing her by the shoulder and looking her in the eyes. "I have never experienced true love before, but I know it when I see it, and you and Lucas have it. The way he looks at you shows that he truly cares for you and would do anything to protect you. He truly admires you Riley. He loves you and you are the best he can do Riley because you are so beautiful on the inside and out." I said. Riley smiled slighly, but her smile dropped.

"It's too late." She said.

"No it's not." I said.

"Yes it is. I already broke up with him. I've already done the damage." She said.

"I'll help you get him back." I said.

"No, I want him to experience the world without me. And if we're meant to be, we will meet in a different time." Riley said.

"You're meant to be." I said.

They're meant to be.



you guys probably hate me now.

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