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I walked up to the coffin and looked down. There he was, Lucas. I felt the tears well up in my eyes.

"Lucas, don't do this to me." I said desperately. "You promised you would come home to me. You told me you would not get hurt!" I started to scream now. "How could you die on me like that!" I said. I placed my hands on his shoulders and started shaking him. "YOU CAN'T DIE ON ME!"

Lucas's eyes shot open and he stared past me.

"Wake up Riley!"  he said in a monotone voice. "Wake up!"

/-/ Lucas's P.O.V /-/

"Don't die on me." I heard Riley mumble. I opened my eyes and looked at Riley. Tears started to fall down her face. "You can't die on me!" She said louder as she started to thrash around. I grabbed her shoulders and steadied her.

"Wake up Riley!" I said as she thrashed less. "Wake up!" Her eyes shot open and she sat up and looked around.

"Hey." I said and placed my hand on her face. She jumped and looked at me. She threw her arms around me. She started to sob into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her and let her sob into my shoulder.

Once her sobs died down, I pulled her out of my shoulder and placed her in between my legs so that she was looking at me. I wiped her tears and she sniffled every few seconds.

"What did you dream about?" I asked her gently. She looked at me and took a shaky breathe.

"I dreamed I was at your funeral." She said in a quiet, pain-filled tone. I felt my heartbreak. Riley was experiencing nightmares ever since I told her and everyday they got worse. I had died before in many of her dreams, but I was still heartbroken every time.

I woke with a jolt from my bunk mate.

"Friar! Out of bed now!" I was confused at first, but then I heard a boom and our whole tent shook. We were being bombed. "We're being raided. We have to get to the ships and get out of here." I nodded and ran out of the tent with him.

I ran across the beach and onto the ship. Once we were on, three more people got on. After they were on, the ship started to pull away.

"Hey, you were talking in your sleep. Something about someone named Riley?" My bunk mate asked me.

"Yeah." I said quietly looking down at my boots

"If you don't mind me asking, who is she?" He asked me.

"I don't mind." I said. "She's my girlfriend." I said smiling slightly. "I left her behind to fight. I didn't have as much as a dream but more of a flashback from before I left." He nodded and placed his hand in my shoulder.

"I feel you." He said. "What does she look like?" He asked me.

"I actually have a picture." I said as I reached into my pocket. I pulled out my picture that Riley had gotten me out first Christmas together.

"Y'all are awfully cute together." He said, I smiled and nodded while he handed me back the picture. "How did y'all get together?" He asked me.

"That's a long story." I said with a chuckle. He smiled and looked around.

"I believe we have time." I smiled and nodded.

"Well, it all started in our Junior year on the first day of school..."


"And now I am here." I said. He stared at me in shock.

"Y'all sure did go through a lot." He said. I nodded and looked down at the picture. "Y'all are probably worth the fight though. You sound like you are made for each other, always finding a way back to each other."

"EVERYONE ON THE LOWER DECK NOW!" someone screamed. I looked over the edge and saw we were in the midst of a storm. I was walking to the lower deck when my picture flew out of my hand. I ran after it and chased it around the deck. After I finally caught it I turned around to see a huge wave over my head. Then it all went black.

/-/ Riley's P.O.V. /-/

I missed Lucas more than anything. My nightmares were only getting worse as the days dragged on.

I was packing up my room, getting ready to go to college when my phone rang. I picked it up and put it against my ear.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Riley? Is that you?" Said the voice of a sad sounding Mrs. Friar. I sat down on my bed.

"Mrs. Friar, what's wrong?" I said into the phone.

"What about him? Is he okay?" I said frantically into the phone. I heard Mrs. Friar sob and then breath shakily.

"Riley, honey, he went missing after a storm on the boat. They searched everywhere in the area and couldn't find him. They say he is most likely dead with how the storm was she said.

Everything in my world freezes at that moment. I hung up the phone despite Mrs. Friar calling my name. All of my worst nightmares were happening. Lucas was dead along with what felt like a chunk of myself. I fell onto the ground and sobbed. He was gone, and so was my heart.

/-/ Maya's P.O.V. /-/
/-/ 2 Days Later /-/

Riley hadn't moved out of her room. She sat in the same position on her floor and stared at the wall. I tried everything to get her to talk to me.

"Riley. Please! I get it okay!" I pleaded desperately through the door. I opened the door despite Riley usually always saying to knock.

"Riley, please, talk to me." I said as I sat down next to her. She just stared straight forward and didn't faze. I gave up and sat back against the bed.

"He's gone." Riley said after what felt like a hour. I looked over at her. She was still staring forward and there were tears brimming her eyes. "He told me forever. He told me he would come home to me."

She sobbed and collapsed onto me. And for a second, I thought I could hear her heart breaking.

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