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Riley's P.O.V

I walked through the front door and leaned against the door. Lucas was so nice to me despite the smoothie i had gotten all over him. I took out the paper and read what was on it

257-678-3784 My number just in case you need it - Lucas

Was written in Lucas's handwriting.

"Riley?! What happened to you?!" I look over to see my Mom standing there with a shocked expression across her face.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." I said in a dreamy voice and walked upstairs. I took a shower and changed clothes. I sat down on my bed and grabbed my phone. I put in Lucas's number and started texting him.

Me: Hey Lucas, it's Riley. Thanks again for today.

I hit send just as soon as the door to my room opened. My Mom walked in and came over to me.

"Riley. Are you okay?" She asked after a few seconds of silence.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked her obviously knowing why she asked me in the first place.

"I don't know. Maybe the fact that you had smoothie all over you when you came home?!" I heard my phone buzz.

"Mom, I swear I am fine." I said. She looked into my eyes for a few seconds before agreeing with me and walking out the door. As soon as she walked out the door I scurried over to my phone and grabbed it.

Lucas: No problem! It was kind of fun having smoothie all over myself. Not that I should be the one talking.

I instantly responded

Me: Haha! Sorry about your shirt. Was it expensive? I could give you the money for a new one if I ruined it?

I seriously felt absolutely terrible about his shirt. It was covered in smoothie after he was done comforting me. Lucas responded to my text almost immediately.

Lucas: Stop worrying about my shirt okay? We should be focusing on you and Chrissa. She had no right to do what she did and I feel that we should do something about it. But if you're not comfortable about it then I won't say anything about it, but I will protect you from her. Okay Riles? Do you mind if I call you Riles?

I smiled down at his text. It was so cute how he ranted like that. I responded

Me: You can call me Riles. You also don't have to protect me Lucas, I can take care of myself.

Me: Sort of

I didn't want to be a bother on Lucas's shoulders. He probably had a lot to deal with. He didn't have to add me onto the list of things on his mind.

Lucas: Chrissa will not stop until she gets what she wants. She is a spoiled brat that gets whatever she wants just because her Dad is rich. She will not stop torturing you, and even if she does she will get her minions to do it for her. I will protect you. I want to protect you.

I smiled at the text message. Maybe he did care? Maybe he didn't mind protecting me.

Me: Okay, but don't do anything you'll regret.

I was glad to have Lucas as a friend. I felt so stupid for pushing him away all this time.

Me:Sorry for pushing you away all this time. I shouldn't have let Chrissa get to me. Thanks for trying harder everytime I pushed you away.

I was so grateful for Lucas always trying harder to be my friend every time I pushed him away. He didn't deserve what I did to him. I pushed him away and would blow him off when ever he tried to talk to me. He didn't deserve any of that, ever.

Lucas: Don't even worry about it, I knew something was up because you just suddenly stopped talking to me after the whole backpack incident the first day. I'm just sad I couldn't do anything about it.

Maybe Lucas did care. Just maybe.


HEY GUYS!!!! SO HAPPY IF YOU HAVE GOTTEN THIS FAR!!! SORRY THIS CHAPTER IS KIND OF SHORT!!! If you have gotten this far thanks so much!! So in this book Riley is insecure like her character in GMW. Her character in this book needs constant reassurance that Lucas does want to be her friend and protect her, hence her being uneasy about him wanting to protect her and him caring about her.


So to tell you the truth I have 8 chapters already written and let me tell you the next one is really good! I fyou guys liked it leave a comment and I will update tomorrow when I wake up because I don't have school.

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