Prolouge: To be free

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"Oh to be Free, Would be a blessing on this day.
To be free of the cold weary eyes of the man who had the small child forced upon him;
To be free of the mother whose love diminished as the light in her eyes became dull for the Lazarus drained her.
To have someone who was made to hate you, to risk it all to protect you. Oh, what a dream. oh to be free"

Damian had lost his home, his mother's love, his grandfather, and his way. Everything around him felt wrong. Everything felt as it was a simulation. Damian was thrown into a country that feeds off of hate and odd behaviors that the young boy has yet to understands.
Damian was forced by his father to abandon everything that he had been taught, everything that he knew. Do not kill, Do not enforce, Do not this, Do not that; it was a lot for the small 9-year-old boy. So he ran. He couldn't m- He didn't know
The clothes felt as if they were burning off his skin. The lights were as bright as the sun blinding him. Arousing the pertinent headache to become a blistering migraine. As all the senses head to their maximum. He ran, not one knew he was gone. not even the posh butler.
The one who found him was the one who was meant to kill him. His clone, Heretic. Heretic was once an empty Carcass and still is to Damian's Mother, was filled with a good soul. A soul that yearned to have a young one to teach and a young one to protect. The soul of a father.
     The clone eyes that's were once dull saw the old soul that was held in the eyes of his younger counterpart. He was sent to scope out the young boy. To kill when told and he would be worthy of the Al Ghul name. But... as the young boy stiffened under his gaze made Heretic feel... guilty.
A heretic can not think of why, he would tell the one person in his way to ruling the world the plan to end him. Damian's eyes were a void, a dark void with no emotion. The green seeming to become Duller and more dead. With a wave of the hand and his once tense shoulders soften into the tense atmosphere signal to kill him now.
Damian had nothing. Nothing. No drive, No will, No nothing. Heretic heart bleeds from the young version of him. It screamed and begged and kicked and cried. The boy before Heretic seemed as he was perfect, undeserving of anything that has wronged him. Anything that boy does would be a grace of God. Heretic saw him as if he was his offspring. As if Damian didn't ironically come before him.
     As Damian sat there will his dull green eyes, stained from the Lazarus with his many run-ins of death looking at the golden-brown eyes of Heretic, who has not had the torture of being dipped into the eternal fluid. Heretic dropped to his knees and grabs Damian, pulling him into his chest, whispering mantras that the owner of this soul before him knew.
      "I will free us, break the dimensional wall of what man deems indestructible. We will be free" Heretic states determined.
      "To be free, " Damian bitterly laughs, "is to be free Ra's. That itself is the impossible"
       "That may be true, Damian, but the only feat that is impossible is the feat of something being impossible, " Heretic explains further, "I will find a way for us to be free. I am supposed to be surveying you for 10 more months. We will be free.
But To be free, you will have to leave all connections on this earth."
       "That shall not be a problem, Heretic, my only cousin is dead; my father believes I am a monster and his pathetic wards follow his belief. I have nothing, " Damian adds on, "Is this some ploy to kill me, need not go to this trouble, I will end it myself if you are working up the courage. But if you would, please refer to me as my actual name, Hafid."
       "This not a ploy to kill you, Hafid. We will both be free."

Oh, To be free.

Heretic found a warlock stationed in a resident next to Luthor's building in Metropolis. The warlock gave wishes to few and would have tricks that would be a detrimental effect due to the wish that they wanted. The warlock's name was Stephen Moleculitox. It is strange as the name was and how risky this could be. He was the only one who could due to the magic that Heretic needed. Walking towards the door of the home Moleculitox resides in, the door opens up with a small creek.
He entered the home, Heretic besides his statute was not looking as intimidating as usual as he was in civies instead of his typical assassin attire. The man who floated slightly above the ground gained an overlooking view of Heretic.
"What are you here for, a wish to give you infinite money, the grant of the never-ending buffet, a potion to gain impeccable strength, oh what shall it be"
"I need you to take me and... an acquaintance... to another world."
"Hmm, boring any old magic-user can do a teleportation spell"
"I don't believe you understand, we need a new dimension. To another earth, we need away from a man. A man who if he gets what he wants will bring terror on this earth."
"Quite, Dramatic. but do you know how many people come in here asking for a new dimension or another earth for the simplest inconveniences? Away with you."
"The man who we need to get away from Ra's Al Ghul."
The warlock feet fall to the floor with a thunk. He scurries like a mouse to a bookshelf muttering come along, Heretic. Heretic did so. The warlock pulled back a book and the hidden door opened. They rush downstairs to see an oracle. With a plate at the bottom, "The two of the same run to the free as their hearts are purer than all" it said.
          Moleculitox reached for a potion and a charm and said "Free of Charge if thy Oracle commands you must go. I will allow it with no fee. The amulet is for you. It will allow you to go back and forth until you bring the other with you which is the potion. The only problem is..." The Warlock cuts off, frightening the clone, "you must stab them in the heart with the doused weapon."
            "That will kill Hadid!" heretic said enraged.

             "No, the dear Hafid will not be harmed only scarred but it is the only way he will be able to leave this world"

             And Heretic left. Understanding the consequences, but to save Hafid and to save himself. They must go. No matter the cost.


The time came. Batman, Nightwing, Red Hood, Black Bat, Spoiler, and Robin stood in front of the League of Assassins which included Heteric and Talia Al Ghul. The battle was unclear to who the sure winner would be. Heretic was told to kill the beloved Nightwing. Damian interfered aware of his fate. Before he can Blink, A sword pierced his heart with a curdling scream the boy turn to dust with Heretic soon disappearing with his counterpart.

Oh to be free
Maybe being free wasn't a dream after all.

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