Chapter 1: New World

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Hafid appeared in a forest in clothes that were not his suit. They were simple joggers and Turtle's neck - similar to something he would wear on an uneventful day. However, they were born and his arms have ligature marks - similar to that of chains. His "past" flashed before his eyes. A man, a deranged one, had snatched him and tired his things to losses where he could escape. Hafid- with all his training- he listened to the forest. He was on a hill a bear was 30 yards away. He has seen this place before - it was Virginia, near Quantico. It was similar to his original earth.

His mother and him hadonce visted here. He was taught the art of Krav Maga. A self-defense-based marshal arts. It was to neutralize threats but not necessarily kill them.

        Hafid- thinking in contrary to the original world) doubts that this world has any superhero as if it did, they wouldn't be free. He needs to find Heretic. He walked through the forest as his feet crush the fallen leaves, he hums as he heard his previous abductor tried to sneak behind him. What a fool. Hafid walked slower and allowed the man to catch up where he tried to deliver a blitz attack. Hafid swings around taking the large pipe from him and tossing it to the side. He pins down the man and snaps his neck.

      He hears a sizzle of a fire. He walks towards it to see his clone.

(Heteric) "زنديق"
"Hello Hafid, do you currently understand English. I'm assuming you cannot speak it similar to me.

"Huh?" Hafid mutters

"Ah, can you not understand it?"

Hafid looks at heretic as if he had three heads. Heretic hums in acknowledgment and just sighs. It was obvious that the English language was going to be taught to him later. He stands up and looks at sizzling fires. He breathes and a flash of wind puts it out. He takes Hafid's hand and squeezes it. They walk for about an hour before they reached the edge of the forest. Hafid eyes droop as they reach the car.

"You may sleep. It will be an hour before we get to our home" Heretic signs in Saudi Sign Language (SSL is fairly new but we are going to pretend it's been around for a long ass time).

It is hard to hear and articulate certain sounds when first coming to the new world. Heretic struggled the first day or two with hearing but he was transported due to the amulet. Heretic had no clue how this would affect Hafid as he is younger and came in a more unconventional way. Signing seemed as the best way to communicate at the moment. Another instresting thing is us forgetting how to speak or understand English. It's odd. I assume it is due to our ages being set back and something mentally. Dimensial magic is not something to question just something to accept.

That was all Hafid need to hear well- see. The minute he hits the seat of the front of the black Rolls Royce-Phantom. He buckles himself and passes out. As they drive through the town, Heretic gets a call by his boss.

Heretic wasn't in a legal business. He ran a company which was just a cover for his mob. He managed to climb the ranks quickly with his stellar and out of the box ideas. In this world, time moves slower. Well, normally. The first time he was here for day- in his first world- (the time he was supposed to be scouting Hafid) It was only an hour in this new world. He returned to the warlock to figure out this problem. The warlock had incredible powers and was able to make time move faster in the new world till Hafid arrived. It however set back their bodies when they came by two years. When he originally came he was 22, this allowed him 4 years to get to the top. It lead him to be the right hand man of his boss. The mob were... more than wary of him at first. Who wouldn't be. A large man with a wide-range in varying scares with the ability to kill a man with his bare hands. Over time, he became a brother to the tight-knit family who love him as his own. However, Heretic never told them about Hafid. They were aware that his guardians were well a piece of shits.
      Heretic can only hope they will not "freak" when Hafid enters the household. Heretic didn't want to impose on them. So he has been looking at suitable house arrangements for him and Hafid to move in, he has one for temporary use as it is a safe house.
"Heretic, where are you? I need you here."
"Apologies, I had pressing matters to attend too"
"You have better have a hell of reason or you are gonna pay."
His boss rambles of the duties missing. The man just listened
       The drive was calm. Small trees brushed windows off the path. After a while, they had entered the main city. Hafid's small breaths starts becoming irregular. Heretic looked over to see him closing his eyes, scrunching his eyes as if he was in pain. Heteric's used his hand to make small circles on his forehead to try to allow them to become Unfurled. They softened slightly. Heretic continue the motion for awhile. Hafid started to shift so Heretic pulled his hand away. A small whine came from the boy as he shifted as if he was trying to reach Heteric. A small smile came from the man as he reaches over and repeats the motion he did before.
     The drive was reaching to a near end as they went out through Washington D.C. The home up in Great Falls was large. It was secluded with beautiful scenery around it. The home holds about 15 people but there are only 6. Soon to be either 5 or 7.
      The Boss (also known as Alessandro Nola), he was the father of 2 boys. He was 58 with peppered grey hair. The man was kind and forgiving but was very strict when it came to work. He would allow no one off the hook. He was a Commanding, arrogant man but has a soul of a saint. His natural care for others was obvious even to the stubborn oblivious.
        His oldest son, (called big brother but his name is Angelo Nola). He was 34 with long-ish. Black hair. He had no wife, no lover, never had a drive for one as the man was a player. He would go from one person to the next. He didn't care who it was as long as they were - as he puts it- "caldo e disponibile per la notte". He is protective of everyone is the household and someone Heretic looks up too. As his marksmanship is only to compared to that of Dead shot.
        The Second son (known as Antonio Nola or Ant) is calm and serious. He is 29 with black cropped hair. He talks only when needed. He is cold, calculating and business oriented. However, do not allow him to drink alcohol. The man runs more wild then his older brother. However, serious he may be. He knows how to keep someone happy or make them feel better.
         The boss's Brother, (known as Uncle, or Luca Nola). He is 61 with white soft hair.  A wise man, he knew what to say when to say it. He was an amazing chef and is very strategic. Similar to his nephew Ant, he was also calculating but the man smiled much more. Luca Nola was glue as he also knew how to please everyone and solve situations.
         The Childhood Friend (known as Matteo Russo or Matt). A blonde 31 year old man. He was a hell fire. He spread joy as if he was a flower girl spreading flower across isle. He was happy and outgoing. His hand to hand combat was impressive for how much he would goof off.
      And well you know heretic.
—— end of chapter one (1131)——

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