Chapter 3: Killed as if it was tuesday

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Heretic'a Point of View:
           "Someone start start talking, now" Ant says loudly.

            "Yeah, who the fuck is that kid? And how the hell did he learn how to to do that shit? He should be put down." Angelo yells.

            "Watch your tongue." I threaten.

             "Oh now your gonna be a big man. Huh, Ali- tell us then who the fuck is the kid. He just murder like 8 guys."

            I feel Hafid's back straighten as he searches the area for possible exits and threats entering. He seemed displeased with the fact he did not know what was happening nor what was being said. I cautiously put my hand on his shoulder and half shielded him with my body as he was very small.
            He leaned into me.

             "Calm down, boys. The kid gonna be terrified if you keep hollering like this." Boss speaks out.

"Terrified. the kid just beat the shit of guys with vectors like it was a Tuesday." Matt laughed out.

"Do you want an explanation or not?" I finally yell out, tired of everyone just interjecting over each other.

Everyone looks at me with a sharp look.
"Ask Alessandro."

              "Ask Boss? That's the best you have for us? Ali- what the fuck" Matt sputters out. They all are obviously a little shaken up by the attack.

               "He does not know English. He is confused and currently he does not know anything of our conversation besides that you all are angry. So allow me to translate to him while Alessandro explains as he is aware of situation." I speak indifferent. I look at the boss and say "Are you sure we should house him here? I have living arrangements for us."

                "Ali, It is fine. Tell the kid what is going on. I'll deal with them." Alessandro says and turns to his sons and Matt. He starts saying that Hafid was my little brother. As he continues I pay no mind to him, I turn to Hafid. (reminder this is all in SSL)

‎هافيد، نجحت. سنقوم بتنظيف الأجسام. هل أنت مصاب؟ حتى لو كان الأمر خدشًا، أحتاج إلى تقرير كامل

(Hafid, you did well. We will clean up the bodies. Are you injured? Even if it is a scratch, I need a full report.")

‎أنا بخير. لم يروني. ألا يفترض بي أن أقتل؟ سأقبل أي عقوبة تعتبر "ضرورية

(I am fine. They did not see me. Was I not supposed to kill? I'll accept any punishment deemed necessary")

‎لا، لقد كنت بخير. إنهم ليسوا غاضبون منك. إنهم مرتبكون بشأن الهجوم. سأقدمك بشكل صحيح في الصباح.

(No, you did just fine. They are not angry at you. They are confused about the attack. I'll properly introduce you in the morning.)



‎"يطلقون علي على في هيئة مدنية سيتصلون بك "حافظ" أيضاً ما لم تكن تريدها أيضاً.

(Oh, they call me Ali in "civilian form" . They will call you Hafid as well unless you do not want them too.)

‎"هل يجب أن يشيروا إليّ على الإطلاق؟"

(Must they refer to me at all?)



‎يجب أن يكفي حفيد"

(Hafid shall suffice)

"Alright, Hafid"

       I motioned to Hafid to follow to me. Noise seem to filter out as we walked down the hallway, he trailed behind me slowly. I turn around and I look at him just to make sure he wasn't hurt. I wouldn't be surprised if he had hid injuries.
In my first year, here in this world, I had many injuries and some were almost fatal. That's how I truly became closer with all the men in this mansion. After my 17th hidden injury, they decided that I needed to be checked after every mission.
So after all those exams, you get quite close to the people who are just looking at you constantly making sure you're not dying. After a while, after spending many nights at the mansion they just told me to live there as a personal security guard. It obviously was more than that. I cannot tell you what was that more but it was there.
But they taught me to be socially acceptable in public places. They taught me
the word "love" wasn't taboo and that it's normal. That life may happen but there were people who would stay by me. And it saved me. I was so worried about Hafid and how we would survive in this new world.
They are brothers all cut from same cloth. They stitched me to the cloth they came from and cut me to be better. I pray that Hafid may have a "normal" life and feel love. 

We got to my room. I walk in and motion Hafid to follow along. I showed him my room. The bed was a dark blue. The room was basic. A desk, bed, dresser, a sword wall, and a mirror. His eyes screamed tired. I look at him and lightly tap him on the shoulder and take him to his room. A bare bones (Ha! Look at me American slang :p) room with a bed and dresser.
I signed to him "The room is yours. We can do whatever you want with it later. You must be tired. You can take a shower. I will see if there are any clothes you can use, but if not take a shirt of mine and use it to sleep in."
     I retired to my own room

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2023 ⏰

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