Chapter 2: still an assassin baby

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A small bump wakes up Hafid about 14 minutes from Heretic's Home. Hafid uncurls himself from his previous fetus-like position. His green eyes scan his surrounding as he stiffens then slowly sinks into the seat.

"‎اللغة الرئيسية في الأسرة هي اللغة الإنجليزية. إنهم يعرفون فقط عبارات مختارة بلغات مختلفة. يمكنني أن أترجم لك حتى نتمكن من تعليمك اللغة الإنجليزية بشكل كامل إذا قمت بزيارة هناك."
"(The Main language in the household is English. They only know select phrases in different languages. I can translate for you until we can fully reteach you English if you ever visit there.)"
Heretic inquires to the sleepy Hafid, forgetting to sign.

"‎زنديق بخير "
(Alright Heretic)
Hafid's thick Arabic accent states. He did however pause for a two minutes before answering.

"‎لمعلوماتك ، نحن في ولاية فرجينيا"
(For your information, we are in Virginia).

(beautiful )

Hafid pauses for a minute again.


As they pull into the 12 car garage, Heretic pulls into his usual parking spot. Heretic gets out of the car. Hafid unbuckles but looked reluctant to get out. Heretic gave a motion as if to say your choice.

       Hafid lowered his gaze. Heretic was to the other side of the car and opens the back door and pulls out a soft object. He shuts that door then reopens the shotgun seat door and hands it to Hafid.

"‎يمكنك النوم إما في الظهر أو في الأعلى هنا. سأعود في أقرب وقت ممكن. ها هي المفاتيح ، فقط في حالة وجودها. إقفل الأبواب؛ النوافذ مظللة حتى لا يراك أحد. يوجد طعام وماء في المقعد الخلفي.
(You can sleep either in the back or up here. I'll be back as soon as possible. Here are the keys, just in case. Lock the doors; the windows are tinted so no one can see you. There is food and water in the back seat.)", Heretic starts again, "فهمتك (got it?)".

Hafid, with his expected pause although extended, nods with confidence.

Heretic decides it will be best probably to sign for right now. It seems as if the words confuse him.

"Perfect" Heretic says. He closes the door and he hears the click. He enters the house to see a room filled with men he has grown very close to.

"Ali" -Ali is what Heretic chose as his 'real name' and Heretic as his Alias- "Where the hell were you. We were calling you all fucking day? You know we can't just show up to your duties!" Angelo spits out.

"My nephew is right, Kid. You never have done something like this before. I hope you did not misunderstand that you being brought into our family allows you to skip out" Uncle speaks with confusion laced through his voice.

"My apologies I'll take whatever punishment is necessary. I had an important- matter to attend, too." Heretic says vaguely.

"An important matter to attend to you do realize an important matter to attend to is your job, correct?" Ant speaks indifferently.

"Yes. I do. Although, this one was more pressing and more- sudden." Heretic states evenly.

"What was this "pressing matter?" Matt speaks up from his unusual silence.

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