Chapter 3

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¨Hey, I saw you both in front of the gate¨ Soo Ah said facing us.

¨Hi¨ me and Jukyung said.

¨Can I get both of your numbers¨

¨Sure¨ Jukyung said.

¨Sorry but I don't have a phone¨ I said.

¨What why don't you have a phone?¨

¨I umm don't know..¨ I said getting up ¨I need to go to the bathroom¨

I got up but I then crashed into someone.

¨Sorry¨ soo jin said helping me up.

¨No No it was my fault¨ I said getting up. ¨its ok¨

¨hey soo jin, she's my best friend kang soo jin¨ soo ah said "i've  been calling her queen of our school, but that might change now that both of you guys are here, I guess you have competition now.¨

¨Don't pat my behind like that, ju kyung and ji hyun right? It's nice to meet you.¨ soo jin said moving a lil because soo ah was patting her back.

¨same here¨ me and jukyung said.

"Wow you guys are so gorgeous. Are you guys Kpop idols trainee?" Soo ah said.

¨No, umm I'll be right back I just need to go to the bathroom.¨ I said.

¨Ok¨ they all said


¨I get that I throw it back at him but why did he throw it so hard goshh¨ I said ¨wait why won't this come off OH wait it's waterproof I forgot oh no.. I can't believe this. no I have to give the jacket to jukyung so that she can give it back to him Aishhh. ¨Then why am I washing it for her hmm... I'll wash it off for you, darn it.¨

When I came out I tried to remove some water off by shaking it up and down.

¨Aishh¨ suho said.

¨Omg I'm so sorry¨ I said " oh it's you nevermine" I said walking away. I knew if I gave him his jacket he would just tell me to throw it in the trash.

¨oh ji hyun, what with soo ho" soo ah said while looking at suho.
¨Oh I wet him on accident¨

¨oh do you want to get dumplings with me, soo jin and jun kyung¨

¨Ya sure, oh ju kyung here is suho jacket. I think you should give it to him.¨ I said.

¨O ok¨

(A/N: seojun already met jukyung while ji hyun was at the restroom and seojun found out jukyung was seated at his seat and you already know what happened next but ya just wanted to let you know.)

----------Time skip to eating tteokbokki

¨Ok lets enjoy¨ soo ah said.

¨Yes¨ I said already stuffing my face.


¨Aww soo jin, please just this once.¨ soo ah said.

¨No let's go next time¨ soo jin said.

¨come on just 10 min¨

¨My mom will get angry at me¨

¨Fine just 5 min it won't take long.¨

¨I dont have 5 min¨

We walking into a arcade.


¨Ju kyung and ji hyun lets try everything that's here.¨ soo ah said at the arcade ¨You to soo jin¨

¨Ya lets try everything¨I said.


¨WOW did you see that I got the highest score¨ I said proud of myself.

¨I got the second highest score, ¨ ju kyung said.

¨Aww I got last¨ soo ah said.


¨This is so fun¨ soo ah said ¨Ya ji hyun and jukyung you should try this to¨.

I walked to a zombie gun game .

¨This is how you do it¨ soo jin said killing all the zombies like it's nothing .

¨Wait no it's this way no that way no ahh nevermind¨ I said missing most of them

¨Yes you got this soo jin and ju kyung¨ soo ah and me said it at the same time.

¨WOOOOOO you got this¨

Me and soo ah jumped together as, jukyung and soo jin where winning.

We where now in a booth taking pictures.

¨wow You guys look so cute¨ soo ah said ¨lets begin¨

¨Look over here¨ said the machine.

¨jukyung is this your first time¨ soo ah said ¨You need to look here¨

¨Oh here ok¨ she said.


We took pictures making different faces.

-----------Then we ended the day

¨Wow today was so fun¨ I said laying on my bed.

¨oh right the papers lets see who is this person claiming to be my mom, OMG it is my mom but how she's not from this reality?¨ I said  ¨this must be a joke but who would know all of this I should  call the number they put down since it's not my mom's number, oh wait I don't have a phone aishhh I should get a phone but how hmm  O... I should get a job.¨

¨But right know I should go to prince comics to call this number I think they have a phone over there¨

When I got there I saw jukyung and suho on top of each other.

¨woah I see you jukyung¨ I said loud enough that I can only hear. 

When I tried to back away I ended up tripping over a weigher. Then Suho pushed off Jukyung and saw me. Jukyung ran out not even looking at me. Then a guy came in with two bowls of ramen.

¨hmm where is the girl¨ he looked around.

¨Oh she left¨ I said getting up.

¨Aww why did she leave¨

¨Umm tell him¨ I  pointed at suho.

¨What did you do¨

¨I did nothing¨ he answered with a straight face.

¨Since you scared her off I won't give you the ramen for free¨

¨Oh it's you again¨ he said looking at me.

¨yup it's me ¨

¨Do you want to eat this ramen¨

¨ummm YES¨ I said excitedly.

Me and Suho went to sit on the couch. I started eating while he just stared at me.

¨What do I have something on my face" I said putting one leg on top of the couch.

He said nothing and started eating. I went to grab my drink and drink it.

¨ That's mine¨ he said.

¨what---oh.. h s...sorry¨ I said in between coughs.

5 minutes later------

¨finally ~ I'm finished¨ I said holding my stomach and getting up.

¨you eat fast¨ suho looked up at me still eating his ramen.

¨whatever¨ I said walking to the phone.

I started putting in the numbers.

¨Hello¨ I said.

¨Hello ji hyun¨


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