Chapter 6

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--------When we got back to the class----

¨She's here¨ I can hear someone say when we get in.

When we got in, music was playing and there was a path of roses and Tae hoon had a notebook that he was flipping. Then I remembered that he was doing this for soo ah and his 100 day anniversary. Everyone was shouting and soo ah walked through the path of roses me and jookyung also soojin walked outside the roses path.


¨Look at her¨

¨WOOOOOOOO~¨ we all shouted.

Then tae started dancing and singing,

¨I like everything about you¨ tae said while going around soo ah then he went back and made a heart with his hands.

¨I can't believe this¨ Soo ah said.

¨Soo ah I think I might end up in a fiery pit... because I stole you from skies.¨ he said ¨Flap. And I feel in love with you. I love you my princess!¨

¨Thank you¨ she said blushing.

¨KISS! KISS! KISS!¨ everyone shouted.

¨KISS! KISS!¨ I shouted.

¨You guys are so corny!¨ Hyun gyu said.

¨Oh no¨ I said.

But when they were going for a kiss, Hyun gyu threw the cake but missed them and ended up throwing the cake at jookyung.

¨Ju kyung!¨ everyone shouted.

¨ju kyung!¨

¨oh my gosh¨

¨Give me some tissue¨ soo ah said.

¨What's the matter with you?¨

¨Who told you to throw it like that?¨ tae said.

¨Goshh it's all your fault¨

¨Are you ok jookyung¨

¨ You should wash your face. Go wash it off with water. Lets go¨

¨lets go¨

¨GUYSSSS¨ I shouted, getting everyone's attention. ¨she can do it herself¨

¨I don't want anyone touching my face¨ jookyung said.

Then she ran out. I followed after her. Everyone then started running behind us.

¨Ju kyung¨ soo ah shouted behind us.

Then we see seojun tying his shoes and dong hyun next to him.

¨Move out of the way¨ Jookyung said but seojun was still there so she walked on top of him.

¨Oh no sorry seojun¨ I muttered as I also walked on top of him. I then remember this part where Seojun friend kisses his other friend. I started laughing while running after jookyung then I became serious again.

¨Darn it. Who was that?¨ I can hear seojun say.

¨Ju kyung stop running I'll help you¨ I said.

She went in the girls restroom but there were a lot of girls so then she went in the boys restroom where there were boys. Everyone then came surrounding us.

¨Why did you have to do that? Apologize to her now¨

¨What happened to her?¨

¨is that ju kyung?¨ I can hear people say.

¨Lets wipe that off. I'll help you¨ soo ah said.

¨Don't touch me¨ ju kyung said.

¨EVERYONE SHUT UP!¨ I shouted, then everyone shut up. ¨can you leave ju kyung alone she said she doesn't need help¨

Then suho came to save the day. He helped ju kyung get out of there. I smiled at the scene. Everyone followed him I did too. I then saw seojun ¨aww poor seojun¨ I thought ¨he deserves a lot¨.

¨Everyone go back to class¨ the vice principal said.

I ended up following suho and ju kyung. Ju Kyung went to the restroom. When I tried to get in suho grabbed my hand.

¨Iet me go, I'm trying to help her¨ I started at him, then he let go.

When I entered ju kyung looked so surprised.

¨Hey are you ok¨ I said.

She said nothing realizing that she does not have makeup on.

¨Please don't tell nobody¨ she said coming up to me and grabbing my hand.

¨About what?¨ I said.

¨My face¨

¨There is nothing wrong with your face tho?¨ I said.

¨Yes there is it ugly don't you see¨ she said getting teary.

¨Look you look pretty okay? don't' let anyone say otherwise¨


She then smiled I smiled to. We then walked out from the side I can see seojun was coming towards us.

¨Thanks¨ she said. ¨Why did you help me though?¨

¨Hey, you.¨ Seo jun said turning around. ¨don't forget to bring my helmet tomorrow.¨

¨Got it¨ she said grabbing my hand and running.

When we got back to class everyone apologized.

------lab class---

¨Ok so we add this then this or was it this hmm o will we'll see.¨ I said mostly talking to myself looking at all the different color chemicals.

Then jukyung dropped the liquid thing. A guy then gave her a towel. ¨Omg it's the guy everyone was getting obsessed for on tiktok. He's a extra but what can I say extraordinary you taught me to like extras."

¨Are you sick¨ the teacher asked ju kyung.

¨No.. No¨ jukyung said.

--------normal class

¨Ya I did buy the new lip tint¨ soo ah said.

Then jukyung came in screaming. I remembered that scene of her when she imagined suho as a vampire. ¨omg¨ I chuckled holding a hand over my mouth.

¨ju kyung are you ok?¨ soo ah said.

¨Why did you run away from me?¨ suho said.

Ju kyung just screamed.

¨Did I do something wrong?¨"suho said. ¨why do you keep running away?¨

¨What?¨ Ju Kyung said.

¨Science teacher something textbook something for you I mark all something before you come something bring it back¨suho gave jukyung some papers.( A/N: ya I was too lazy to write that part.)

¨Oh you want me to photocopy this?¨ Ju Kyung said relieved.


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