✨Chpt 16. Who he really is✨

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⚠ Warning ⚠ : Sensitive contents ahead. 


Jimin and Jungkook were seated on the latter's bed peacefully. The flashlight of the brunette's phone was their only source of light, atleast, better than nothing. Jungkook had moved his head from Jimin's shoulder to his chest, listening to his mollifying heartbeats, lulling him to sleep.

Jimin was threading his fingers through the soft raven locks of Jungkook. He was happy that the ravenette was no more shivering with fear. He knew Jungkook didn't tell him the entire truth. Jungkook was scared of darkness, sure, but there was something more to it. Maybe the latter really had issues, maybe Jimin jumped into a conclusion too quickly. Whatever it was, the brunette was determined to find out.

Jimin absentmindedly started humming. Jungkook could feel the vibrations of his humming in the brunette's chest, putting him more at ease. He clutched onto Jimin's shirt with his left hand. Right arm still wrapped around Jimin's petite waist like his life depended on it.

Soon, Jungkook fell into the tempting slumber with his head resting on the brunette's lap and hands clutching one of Jimin's hand, keeping it over his chest.

Jimin felt warmness spreading in his own chest. His heartbeats fluttered irregularly. Felt butterflies filling his stomach, twisting and turning. However he liked the feeling. It had been a while since he felt something like that. The way the ravenette was clutching his hand arose the most heartwarming feeling within him.

It pained him to see Jungkook crying. As if, each tear he shed pierced his own heart. He didn't know what was that feeling, but he was loving it.

However, suddenly a certain blond popped up in his mind, immediately causing a frown to form on his face. It made him guilty and nervous. Jimin peered down at Jungkook to see him sleeping in the most peaceful way possible. A smile replaced the frown on the brunette's face.


Exactly after five hours, the lights of the whole building came back. Jimin's phone ran out of battery and eventually died. The moment the bright lights made contact with Jungkook's face, his eyes fluttered open. He was met with the warm smile decorating the brunette's face. Jimin held his shoulders and helped him to sit.

"Are you okay now?" Jimin gently asked. Jungkook peered at the brunette's pool of chocolate irises, drowning in them, forgetting the fact that Jimin was waiting for his answer.

"I'm okay," Jungkook said after a long moment and Jimin offered him a benevolent smile. "Will you be alright if I go now?"

Jungkook looked hesistant. However, he nodded not wanting to waste Jimin's time any further. "I can stay if you want," Jimin offered, making the ravenette wonder why he was so kindhearted. He never missed a chance to irritate and tease Jimin just to avoid the therapy session, but when he needed someone, the shorter was there for him.

Jungkook smiled gratefully, shaking his head. He didn't trust his voice. He was afraid the brunette would sense the trembles of his voice.

"Okay then, I should leave now," Jimin said standing up on his feet. His legs felt numb after sitting in the same position for hours, but he didn't let it show on his face.

Jimin lifted his hand to move the fringes covering the ravenette's forehead. "Take care," Jimin said, before turning on his heel to walk out of the room.

However, he was stopped by a hand wrapping around his wrist. Jimin turned around and faced the ravenette who was looking at him with an unreadable expression. Jimin gave him a confused look.

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