✨Chpt 18. Sensing something?✨

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Jimin sat on the space Jungkook had left for him on the bed beside him. He didn't dare to look into the ravenette's eyes, but he was aware of the strong gaze boring holes in him.

Jimin felt two fingers hooking beneath his chin, lifting up his face and aligning his gaze with the ravenette's. He saw Jungkook looking at him with an evident frown on his face. Many questions accumulated at the back of his throat begging to be thrown at the brunette.

Jungkook moved his hand to cup Jimin's cheek, caressing the bruise, examining it closely.

"Did you get into a fight? What happened to you?" Jungkook asked softly, but Jimin just looked down before shaking his head in a whisper.

"It's nothing, I just fell down the stairs," he said staring down at his lap, playing with the ring on his finger.

"Jimin, look at me," Jungkook ordered with his darkened voice. The brunette exhaled slowly. Running his tongue over his lower lip, Jimin looked up as told.

"Don't lie to me. It looks like someone hit you."

Jimin didn't answer him knowing he couldn't lie as Jungkook already seemed to know almost everything, except for who did it. He didn't want to talk about the things he has to go through everyday to a stranger. Sure, there was a tiny emerging feeling for the ravenette somewhere in his heart, but it will be gone once Jungkook is all fine and would have to be shifted to an actual prison for the rest of his life. Moreover, he couldn't just ignore the fact that the he almost knew nothing about the latter.

All he did was stare into the ravenette's brown orbs that were demanding answers to his question. However, Jimin chose to remain silent.

Jimin actually forgot about the fact that Jungkook's hand was still cupping his cheek. He didn't even feel it until the ravenette gently brushed the fringes covering his eyes.

"That Jeon better keep his hands to himself, or the consequences won't be good."

Jimin immediately held the ravenette's hand, gently removing it from his face. Shaking his head, he spoke, "Please don't touch me Jungkook. I beg you.

Jimin's voice sounded broken. He was pleading. He didn't want the ravenette to touch him, otherwise he would have to deal with the wrath of his husband. But the way Jimin was clutching onto Jungkook's hand told him some other story. As if, Jimin wasn't the one saying it. It was as if his fear was talking.

Jungkook looked at his hand held by the brunette and only then the latter realized that he had to leave his hand. He apologized right after letting go of it.

"Jimin, you didn't answer me. What happened to your face?"

Jimin looked at the camera installed in the ravenette's room. Jungkook saw the look of fear in the brunette's eyes. He followed his gaze and his eyes landed on the CCTV camera making him frown. This was not the first time Jungkook had noticed the brunette constantly looking at the camera with fear. He decided to ask the latter on this matter.

"Why are you always looking there Jimin? It's just that stupid deputy watching us. Why are you getting scared?"

No Jungkook, it's not just the deputy. He watches it too. He has his eyes on me everywhere I go.

Jimin wished he could tell Jungkook the reason. However, he knew it would only make the situation worse. He didn't want to make Taehyung angry. That's the last thing he wanted to do knowing that the blond can lock him in his house if he pisses him off.

"I don't know why you're scared, but I have a solution for it," Jungkook said, which made the brunette break his stare with the floor to look at him. Jimin frowned not knowing what Jungkook meant. He saw the ravenette moving towards the white coloured small nightstand placed beside his bed. He opened one of the drawers and pulled out a hard tennis ball.

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