✨Chpt 42. Confessions✨

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Tick.... Tock....

The ticking of the clock agonizingly loudly echoed the aesthetic looking sky blue walls of the living room as a certain ravenette and his pretty brunette were seated on the grey couch. Something in the way Jimin refused to meet eyes with the taller made everything awkward between them. Jungkook was feeling like he was back to square one again. All these time the ravenette spent with his therapist trying to creep into his heart was suddenly seeming pointless.

Tick.... Tock....

Once again the loud ticking of the clock reminded Jungkook of his lack of time. He risked everything to meet his therapist, expecting to be greeted with a smile on that pretty face, but the reality was rather disappointing.

Jimin wanted him to leave.

What changed in the span of less than 24 hours?

He was sure that Jimin liked spending time with him, or atleast he enjoyed whatever happened between them yesterday. Jungkook had made sure to make him feel good in every way possible and infact he had so much more planned for today, but it all went in vain the moment he was greeted with Jimin's rather stoic expression.

Tick... Tock...

I don't have much time...

Jungkook reminded himself before turning his body to face the brunette who averted his gaze from the floor to peer at the taller. But before the ravenette could utter out a word, Jimin beat him to it. "Jungkook... Why are you here??" Jimin asked impatiently with a displeased look on his face.

Jungkook's tensed eyes held a teasing glint upon hearing the question, but if you ask him, he was only trying to somehow ease the atmosphere. Jungkook scooted closer to the brunette still holding teasing expression, but he soon stopped when Jimin's brows furrowed unamusedly.

"Jungkook please... If you're here to do this then please leave. I don't want to continue doing this." Jimin spoke with a stressed voice before created distance between himself and Jungkook once again as he scooted away from him.

"But why?" Jungkook frowned and pushed his lower lip forward, forming a pout. Jimin had to shift his gaze to the floor for a moment as the little action of the ravenette was enough to make his heart skip a beat.

Jimin shook his head twice, trying to compose himself before facing the taller once again. "What do you mean 'why' Jungkook? Do you think whatever happening between us is right? We both know the answer is a big fat no, Jungkook! I'm married. My husband loves me so much... He loves me too much. But here I'm being unfaithful to a person who would be ready to turn the entire world upside down just for me! Do you know how guilty I must be feeling after just meeting with you like this?"

"Tell me one thing, Jimin," Jungkook spoke gritting his teeth, earning an attentive gaze from the brunette. "Do you love him the way he does?"

Jimin's eyes flickered for a second being taken a back by the unexpected question ruthlessly thrown at him. "What do you mean? O-ofcourse I love him."

Jungkook chuckled.

This cute little bitch can't lie, can he?

"You're lying, Jimin. Because, the answer to this too is a big fat no! You don't love him. If you did, you wouldn't have let me— a criminal, sit in your house like this. You wouldn't have let me kiss you. You wouldn't have kissed me back. You wouldn't have let me touch you. You wouldn't have let me be this intimate with you."

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