"Im gonna take good care of you"

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*TW* Mention of being drugged and rape and physical abuse!

              Sometimes, colors cant save you
                               ~ The author


I got the call today. The call i've been dreading to receive. My time here with Harry has been phenomenal, but now it's time to go back home.

"Thank you for letting me stay, it's been wonderful" I tell Harry, giving him one last hug.

"Anytime. I just wish it wasn't so soon" He says, kissing the top of my head.

"I'll text you later?"

"Okay" I say, getting into my car full of my belongings, and driving away.  Driving away from my temporary home, and Harry.

Once I walked through the door, everything was gone, except the decor on my walls and the stuff in the kitchen.

"Awesome" I sigh, walking into my room. I see my clothes in my closet are still there and look good, but that's about it.

I decide, that since I have no place to sit, or sleep that i'll head to the store and buy an air mattress for now. Then i'll do some online shopping for a bed, and maybe a couch if I have enough money.

I walk into the store and head towards the camping section. I find what i'm looking for and decide that I should find something for dinner tonight.

I make my way into the frozen food section, looking at all the options. Pizza, chicken nuggets, fish sticks. I decide to go with the pepperoni pizza.

*Play Breathe me by Sia* [trust me]

I turn to leave and check out when I crash into a tall frame. I stumble back, dropping my items. I bend down to pick them up, when they hand me my frozen pizza I look up and freeze.


No, no no, this can't be happening.

"Ian?" He smiles an intimidating smile.

"Why, hello there Oakley. Haven't seen you in a while. How are you?" I stare at him in disbelief.

Is he being serious right now?

"Oh i'm just fan-fucking-tastic, being left alone, drugged up and naked, really left me living my best life" I snap, glaring daggers at him.

But the most sickening part is that he smiles even bigger. He smiles and shakes his head.

"Now now Oakley Joan, it's not okay to be spreading rumors now is it?" He tuts, waving his finger back and forth as if i'm a child who disobeyed, backing me into the freezer door.

I don't say anything. I can't say anything, to paralyzed in fear to even blink.

"I haven't seen you in so long, maybe we could catch up. Say dinner? We can go right now" He says, taking my arm, hard, making my drop my items in the ground and dragging me out of the store.

It's pretty late at night, so no one is really in this store. No one I can call out to for help. I thrash and cry and try to get him to stop, but it just eggs him on. Like it's just some sick game. He throws me into the car and locks it. There's no way i can get out of this. I left my phone at my apartment, thinking i'd be to the store and back, ten minutes tops. Oh how wrong I am.

"Please, please let me go home" I whisper, tears falling down my face.

I wish I was still with Harry.

"Don't worry princess, I'm gonna take good care of you" He says, making my skin crawl. That's exactly what he said the first time.

I silently cry, watching the buildings and cars pass by, until we reach his picked destination. It's a nice little outdoor restaurant, with lights hanging above the tables and little signs around.

"Don't even think about trying anything, no one will help you" He says as we pull into a parking space. He gets out of the car and rounds to my side, unlocking it and grabbing my arm, harshly again, dragging me to a table. He forcefully sits me down, all while I quietly sob.

"This is nice isn't it? Two old buddies hanging out together after, what? Ten, twelve years?"

"We aren't and never will be buddies" I spit, looking up at him with a hard glare.

I see rage flash across his features, and in one swift motion, the back of his hand connects with my right cheek, causing my head to turn on impact. I raise my hand up to sooth the burn and look at Ian in shock. He recomposes himself, and looks around to see if anyone had seen what he did. Unfortunately for me, he's in the clear.

"Oh come one now, Oakley. Don't make me hurt you even more"

I look down, more tears falling into my lap.

A waiter comes by, takes Ian's order and Ian orders for me. I said I wasn't hungry but he said he doesn't care. I didn't even touch my food, But Ian devoured his.

"Well that was just lovely. We'll definitely be doing this again won't we?" Ian asks me. We're standing at my apartment door. He's not letting me inside just yet. And frankly, I don't ever want to come back to this place, especially now that he knows where I live. I wasn't going to tell him at first, but he pried it out of me in a way I don't want to repeat.

"No" I say flatly. My skin still burns from the slap and is wet from tears, my eyes burn and my nose is runny. Ian breaths deeply and next thing I know, his fist clenches by his side and connects with my face, causing me to fall right on my back. He doesn't stop there, kicking me in the stomach and another punch to my jaw. After about 3 more kicks to my abdomen, he leaves. Saying he'll be back in a couple days for our next "date". I don't move for a while. Nobody around me heard what was going on and it was late any ways.

When I finally had the strength to get up, I tumbled into my apartment, grabbing anything and everything I can to put in front of the door. I lock it and barricade it as much as I can with the little things I have. Moving slowly because of the pain. I rush as fast as I can into the bathroom and turn the shower on, stepping in and washing my body so hard it turns red. I cry and cry, wash and wash but i still feel gross. I feel violated and unsafe. I collapse down on my butt in the shower, putting my head in my hands and sob uncontrollably.

Why did he have to come back into my life. Why now? Why when I was finally opening up and happy? Why me? What did I do to deserve this horrible life and pain?

I leave the shower after it turned to cold to stand and put on some comfy clothes. I curled up on the floor and the last thing I saw was a goodnight text from Harry.

And to think, none of this would have happened if I just ordered takeout.


:( I know! i'm sorry!! 

still be a fruit loop though!

I promise to have the next update out in a couple days and sorry it took so long for this one! Also sorry it was a sad one.

See you in the next update!

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