Chapter 5: Our first everything

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"No! Cherry please don't! You're my only friend. I can't loose you now"

"Sorry Julie, but I have to go. They need me"

"No they don't. I need you! I know it's selfish of me, but I-"

*beep beep*

It was my phone. I had recieved a message from an unkown number. I wiped the tears from my eyes and cheeks.

"Come on y/n. You can't stop in the middle of a scene because you've got a message. You're at work. You need to focus."

"Also, you need to empathise with your role more and with all those disturbances that's not gonna happen"

Harrison was quite annoyed with me, but gradually I knew him well enough to know that it didn't matter. He had really become one of my best friends in a short amount of time. We had actually hung out a few times, outside of work too.

I have to admit I was annoying that day. I wasn't really that concentrated, and I was much bored of rehearsing the same lines over and over. Furthermore, Harrison was used to having it his way, but I wasn't gonna let that happen. He could certainly do with a little resistance.

I ignored him and read the text. It was from somebody named Tom Holland. I received a text from Tom Holland!

"Y/n get your act together and focus!"

"Shh" I replied and continued without restraint "I just recieved a message from this boy! I have to read it now"

"Hey stranger. Looks like we haven't ran into each other lately, that must mean I have to make an effort. Ugh ;).
Are you free anytime soon? It was nice talking to you the other day and I would really like to get to know you more. Best regards, Tom Holland. (the "stronger than you seem" guy ;)."

Wow. Tom Holland asked me out? ME? He even flirted with me, didn't he? I think he flirted. I didn't even get to recover from the shock of him texting me, when I received another message.

"See you on friday? Pick you up at your place at 6 pm?"

"Y/nnn" Harrison said very impatiently, almost begging for my attention.

"Come on, Harry. You've said yourself, that I'm quite good of an actress, so 'to empathise with my role' is not gonna be a problem. I'm just very unfocused today."

"You don't say". He rolled his eyes.

"Ahem, you're interrupting. Besides, we've already rehearsed that scene hundreds of times, so me not concentrating for a few minutes certainly won't do any harm"

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What even is it, that's so important, that you can't focus on your work?"

I couldn't cope with his opinions at the time.

"Um sure. I'll be outside Starbucks at 6 pm, as long as you aren't some kind of peadophile? ;)" I replied Tom.

"Okay, I'm ready now. Go from the top?" I said, pretending I didn't hear his question.

"Grrr, let's go get some lunch instead" he said pouted.

"As you say sir!" I said very seriously, and then laughed.

I could tell he was trying to hold in his laughter, and when I turned around to grab my things he let out a giggle, unaware that I could see it in the mirrors. He was too proud. It was kinda cute.


It was a really windy friday and the wind slammed the door behind me. I was a bit late. It was 6:15 pm. I walked briskly over to Starbucks. It's not any good being late on a.. On a first date. I wasn't really sure if this was a date or not. At least, I like to think it was.
Thankfully, I lived near Starbucks. When I first caught sight of the sign with their green logo on, the time was 6:23 pm. I was sweating due to the bustle. Tom wasn't anywhere to be seen. Weird, as I was almost half an hour late. I eventually got up to the sign. I grabbed my phone from my back pocket, checking if I had got any text messages. And as I was about to turn off my phone, in dissapointment of not receiving any texts, he grabbed my shoulder. I looked up.

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