Chapter 10: Let me in! It's cold out here

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- Tom please answer -
- You kissed Malia in front of me and yet you're angry with me? -

He was so huffy. Why was he being so childish? Leaving me on read. It hurt. It had been a few days since I had texted him. It was saturday and I was sitting on my couch drinking my morning latte from starbucks. I hadn't seen Tom at work all week. I had tried calling him a few times with no luck. I didn't have any plans that weekend and my impatient ass thought 'why not go talk to him'. I also missed him very much. It felt like I was missing another part of me. We had known each other for some weeks and I was developing feelings for him. Serious feelings. I went to my room, put on some simple makeup and a cute summer dress my dad gave me shortly before he passed away.. I miss him. I then went to the train station. It was only there I remembered that I didn't know Toms adress. I called Harrison and as the great friend he is, he answered right away and gave me the adress to the hotel Tom was staying at.


Wow this hotel was huge. There was an immense group of people walking in and out of the hotel doors. I managed to get inside and asked the receptionist what floor number 231B was on. She asked me if I had rented that room. I should've said yes, but as the honest and polite girl I am, I told her no. She then told me I wasn't able to be in the hotel unless I had rented a room. I really needed to talk to Tom.

"Okay, but may I please use the bathroom before leaving?" I begged and pretended I needed to pee.

She then rolled her eyes and pointed to the ladies room. I felt bad lying to her. I didn't really need to pee, but I needed an excuse to go that direction. Besides, she was pretty unfriendly so I blamed my dishonesty on that. As I said before, there was many (like MANY) people in the lobby and when I reached the bathroom, she wasn't able to see me anymore. I then went to the elevator near the bathroom. Next to the elevator there was a "map" over the hotel. I entered the elevator and pressed the button to floor 12. The floor 231B was on.


I was not alone in the elevator. A tall, elder man was standing next to me. He looked down at me and smirked. He kept looking at me. As the shy girl I am, I pretended like nothing and kept my look straight forward. He then touched me. He put his hand on my shoulder. That, I couldn't ignore.
After all I have got some self-knowledge.
I pushed his hand away but he pushed me against the wall. My shoulder hit a handle and it hurted like hell. His hand was on my neck. He whispered dirty things in my ear whilst stroking my hair behind my ear. I tried to pull away but I couldn't. I didn't stand a chance. He was like 6'3 and I'm 5'1. I tried to hit him but nothing worked. He then grabbed my ass with his free hand. He started kissing my forehead. I was trembling. Tears were streaming down my face.
Was I about to get raped?
He moved his hand under my dress and tugged it in my panties. A shiver finally gave me the powers I needed and I kicked him in his testicles. He crouched down and in my luck the elevator door opened right after.

I ran down the hallway. I spotted a sign with stairs on it and I stormed towards it. I was only on the second floor. I was panting and my legs were way too tired, but I kept running. When I reached the 7th floor I started to walk. My legs couldn't cope with 5 more floors. I then went out in the hallway and found a toilet. My makeup was all ruined (even though I almost didn't wear anything). Mascara had formed stripes down my cheeks. I hadn't brought any makeup remover,  but luckily for me I don't use waterproof mascara. My shoulder had gotten a few bruises from the shock against the elevator handle. My dress had spaghetti straps and I didn't have anything to cover them up with.. I washed my face. I then cried a little more. I really wanted to go home. Wanted to tell someone about it, but I didn't wanna tell anyone. It doesn't make sense.. It's hard to explain.

"I'm y/n. I am strong. I'm not.. I AM. No I'm not.."

That inner monologue could keep on going for hours.. Although, I am a stubborn girl. So consequently I dried my face in my dress and found my way back to the stairs. Fast. Or as fast as I could, I was fatigued.


I finally reached the 12th floor. Tom's room was one of the first ones.

"231B" I said enthusiastically to myself. I was proud that I had found the room in this massive hotel.

I knocked on the door. I heard a TV getting paused and footsteps approaching the door. My heart pounded. I was getting nervous. I suddenly forgot all the things I wanted to tell him.

The sound of the TV starting to run again made me do a wondering grimace. I knocked again.

"Go away" he said.

I took a step back. I realised there was a peephole. He had probably seen me standing there and decided to ignore the knocking. And I thought he was a gentleman. He couldn't be that mad. At least he shouldn't be.

"Tom.. it's me" I said hesitating and started to doubt my choice of turning up.

He didn't answer. I tried looking through the peephole. It was covered from the inside.

"Tom please let me in, we need to talk. It's cold out here" I said.

It wasn't cold in the hallway, but I was starting to fear the man from the elevator finding me and I didn't wanna worry Tom with the incident. But he still didn't open. I started feeling the panic and I began banging at the door.

"Jeez what's wrong with you?" he said annoyed at the moment he opened the door.

"What's wrong with me!!? What's wrong with you!?" I said and I already felt the tears' pressure.

I'm not great in pressured situations. Plus I'm very emotional.

"Have you been cry- Why are you here!?" he questioned with an angry face, trying to hide his more caring question he almost asked me.

I propably hadn't washed my face well enough since he could se that I had been criyng. I got a flashback to the elavator. Unconsciously I reached for my neck, where the man had chocked me.. As soon as I noticed it I removed my hand, not to catch any attention on my bruised shoulder. I then nudged him aside with my bruised shoulder to get into the hotel room. I instantly regretted that and winced. Tom looked offended and was still waiting for an answer but broke the silence with;

"You can't just burst into my apartment like that!"

He made me really angry. My body was boiling. Who was he to be angry!? I had got a lot to say to that man..


To be continued..


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