Three Years Earlier/Lab 14

13 0 0

He looked at the vial. it was a bubbling, malignant red.  he smiled. 

it was meant to be a pest-control drug. the tv set began to blare to life.

"And the number of black rats in the area of central park are increasing to over 2300 as cases break out all over the world. could this be the end? we certainly hope not. As the white house holds it breath and its tongue, the swarms increase,- "

He was almost there. all that work. all of it. all the rats would be healed. and the world would be saved. so many people would live. 

all thanks to the Bleeding. 

The drug had been made with a DNA modifying chemical with would change the state of the virus that the rats had been carrying. Once injected the rats would start losing the virus by shedding skin they would be healed instantly. 

And then...

the door opened. 

"number 12, is it ready?" 

Hmm. he thought. he was not quite sure. but he had a good guess.

"i suspect that when the stores get this new drug it could be very useful."

"then hand it over. "

he wanted to shout. but the man who was standing infront of him was armed. 

"i'll give you one more chance. you hand,-"

he lashed out with the vial, sending it splattering in the other mans face.

the man convulsed and screamed as the red liquid flooded over him. 

"wtf have you done you maniac?! its free. " 

but it was too late. 

The infected man lurched over to one side, grabbing Number 12. 


his DNA was slowly being rewritten into a new form. 

clutching at his burning, disintergrating face, he fled from the room. 

Number 12 hurried to the intercom and smashed his fist into the alarm button. 

"we are contaminated!! all workers don your haz-mat suits now!"

sirens began to sound. 

as twelve raised his mask to his head, he hoped that it would be a better world. but what would that world become now that the bleeding was lose?  now that his long time rival was dead, he felt as if he had just crossed an big threshhold. there was no coming back. so many things would die. or was he just going completely nuts? one of his superiors had called him sick. that was one thing that he was not going to risk...

which was a moot gesture. 

The bleeding of number 12Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin