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If they were meant to be in
Your life, nothing could ever
make them leave. If they
weren't, nothing in the world
could make them stay.
-lang leav

"I'm on my way. Can you just chill for a sec?" I said through gritted teeth on my phone. As I neared the said address, my nerves started to feel numb. My body going cold as blood seemed to have drained itself out my system.

Am I really gonna do this? I admit, I am a VERY horny person. But to reach this point is beyond horny, I was going crazy! Chatting with a stranger online and then agreeing to have sex with him is insane! Heck, I haven't even had my first kiss yet and now I'm on my way to loose my virginity?

I walked faster and pushed away the thoughts. There's no going back now.

I bumped into several people, but I didn't care. With all the thoughts drowning me, I couldn't really focus on anything. As I stood there, my heart and my head about to burst, an old couple approached me and saved me from my existential crisis.

I looked at the both of them who were asking if I was okay. "Yes" I answered faintly. "I have to go" I breathed out and waved them goodbye, certain that I was still going to meet with the stranger.

But before i could take a few more steps, my vision blurred and a high-pitched noise rang inside my head.

A swirl of mint and pine cones engulfed me as my vision started to darken, a beautiful face smiling at me.

Love, AlexanderWhere stories live. Discover now