Chapter 2

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I wake up—on a fucking hospital bed!

A gorgeous man was sitting across the room.  Oh shit. "Did we have sex already?"

I can't believe that I lost my virginity and I don't even remember a thing! What his schlong looked like. How his lips tasted. And how painful it might've been. But all those thoughts were pushed when he answered no. A sigh of relief escaped my lungs. But if he wasn't my hookup, then who is he? I turned to ask him, but all he said was that I passed out on the street. And with that, he looked me in the eye and walked away.

My brain wouldn't believe it at first. But when I saw the scars, I knew it was him.


The ambulance finally arrived as the quivering boy shook with every breath he took. The sharp wind crashing with his fresh wounds, inhaling deeply as each gush of blood seemed to be more violent. I quickly followed the ambulance, running through the depth of the night while he battled with his life.

Catching my breath, I fish my phone that vibrated out of my pocket. Dozens of text messages and missed calls flooded my phone. I ran through all of them. What are they talking about? My mind completely blank as naked pictures of me and disgusting remarks were all over the internet.

Who did this?

I called one of my friends, Matt. But as soon as he picks up, my stepmom's voice echoed from the speaker. "Go home right now!" She screamed. I didn't know what to do because all I could think about is Alex. But with all the shame and embarrassment filling me, I couldn't force myself to walk anymore. I cried, my knees pressed to my chest.

The rain started to pour while I was left all by myself, in the cold empty night.

Why is this happening to me?

I didn't need anyone to remind me of my past. I only knew him for a couple of months, but I was so emotionally attached to him. He felt like a real friend, but that was until he leaked me. Angela told me everything, told me that Alex was the one behind all of that. After that night, I never got to leave the house again. They locked me inside my room without any entertainment. I wanted to go to the hospital to check on him and ask him why he did that, but my parents wouldn't let me. I thought he would come and visit me, to say 'sorry' or 'thank you', but he didn't. I waited for days, weeks, months—but he never did. I assumed that he was still recovering from what had happened. I assumed every possible reason, and that's what I did wrong. I shouldn't have expected someone to actually care for me, because all they really cared about was my money.

Dad was rich, but after mom died he became a wreck. Took home different girls every night, and unfortunately one of them became my 'mom'. She was evil. Took away my life. All the fun I could've experienced, and the chance of clearing my name.

I had enough reason to leave that damnation. All I could think about was my freedom. How it had been taken away from me and how my life was ruined. The guards knew what she was like and so they helped me get out of that place. With my bank account filled with enough money to buy an apartment, I decided to leave the place and never look back.

But here I am now, facing the boy whom had caused me pain...and hope.

Hundreds of questions flooded me. But all I could think about is how he drastically became more handsome. He was already handsome before, enough reason why Angela liked him.

"I'm hungry" I said, not wanting to think anymore. My head was throbbing and I was so hungry. After being told not to eat before anal sex, I listened. But all of those efforts were thrown away after I had passed out. I wanted to call Chris, my supposedly 'hookup' for today, but it was awkward to do so since Alex was sitting beside me.

"Thank you for taking me here" I said as he looked at me with those blue eyes. "You're welcome" He stuttered a bit and started coughing as if he had just choked on something. I put down my food and rush to his side. I started hitting his back like a volleyball until he finally stopped. "Ouch" He looked at me with a red face. You're so hot.

I mentally scolded myself and grabbed my phone and wallet and took one last look at him. "Nice to see you again" I walked out of the room noticing that he was following me.

"I'll take you home" He stated firmly. "No" I said with a glare. He thinks he could just come back to my life after what he did? Moments passed and we were just staring at each other. I took out cash from my wallet and headed to the hospital counter to pay.

"I already paid for it" He insisted. I faced him and gave him the cash, but he rejected it. I tilted my head in confusion as to why he was still standing in front me, looking at me like he wanted to say something.

"I missed you" He said with sadness bubbling from his chest as he lifted both my hands and caressed it with his thumbs. He moved closer to me as he closed the gap between us and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I missed you so much" he added.

Tears started falling down my eyes as he pulled me tighter into his embrace. And without hesitation, I hugged him back.

"I missed you too"

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