Chapter 3

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I hate him. After telling Liandro that I like him. He still wouldn't stop flirting with him. Alexander was everything I wanted, and I will do everything for him to be mine—because what I want, I get. But this fag isn't really helping. He can't turn Alexander gay! He's mine. I couldn't believe him. If it weren't for my parent's order to befriend him, I would have kicked him out of my friend group.

My parents and Liandro's were business partners. With my sister's cleverness and sexiness, she managed to seduce Liandro's father—eventually becoming his stepmother. It was all my parent's plan to ruin his family, and when that happens—all the money would belong to us!

But that wasn't enough. I needed to both of them to suffer. And so with the help of my sister, AKA Liandro's stepmother—I managed to put hidden cameras in his room and take naked pictures of him while Alexander was at his house. After I anonymously upload all of them and once all the blame goes to Alexander, their friendship would be ruined and I'd be there to comfort him. But unfortunately, my beauty wasn't enough reason to make him fall in love with me. How pathetic.

And so I devised another plan. If I can't have him, then no one can. Ha! What a beautiful plan. After minutes of convincing the football team to kill him. Everything seemed to go as planned. But that was until these players snitched on me. I promised that I'd have sex with all of them—all at once, but I didn't have the time for that because I was too pretty. And I wasn't ready for twelve dicks at once lmao.

They told everything to the police station, leading to filling cases against some of them. But I was still a minor, and even if I went to jail—my dad could pay off the whole jury system and clear my name. Besides, I was too pretty to be in jail.

Eventually, the school decided to take me back in—just because my family had contributed a lot to the school. As for my sister, well she was still with Liandro's dad. It was gross to think about, but that wasn't my problem anymore. The plan for them was to get married and then divorce afterwards or just kill him, but we still had to take Liandro out of the situation. Since his dad probably wrote him in his last will and testament.

With my expertise of making people suffer, I told her that the only way for Liandro to kill his self—is to drive him crazy and feed him with lies (since he was so emotionally unstable). But that didn't go well because he managed to escape the house thanks to those pathetic maids and guards.

Now that Alexander was healed, I feared that they would see each other again and so I convinced my father that he'd buy Alexander's family a place at New York, where I'd be studying in a few years. His family thanked ours and left the town, all our request was that they won't tell Alexander all of this and keep Alexander close to them.

Alexander wasn't rich, but that didn't matter—well at least, for me. Dad didn't want me to date someone who didn't have connections or money. And so that's when things got miserable. I was forced to go to a boarding school here at France, find a rich man and have my family introduced to them. But all I could think about was Alex, it has been two years since I last saw him—and I've been craving for him my entire life.

I know I wanted him dead, but now that he's still alive, the same reason applies. If I can't have him, then no one can.

And so I book a ticket to New York.


I can't believe him. After sexting for a whole month and promising that he'd come here to have sex with me, he doesn't show up. What a bitch, when I see him in person, I'll make sure he gets punished. He was so hot, I started to doubt whether it was really him or was he just using another persons's identity. With all the pictures he had sent me and all the dirty things he had said to me, I was so excited to finally meet and breed him. Make him my baby, spoil him, fuck him all night, and make him worship me. But since he didn't show up. I just called my plan b, Matt.

He came over the moment I called him. What a thirsty bitch. He was a whore when it came to sex. I met him last year on a website. First few hookups were great, but he started to get clingy and acted like we were in a relationship. I stopped having sex with him because he clearly did not have the same intentions as I did. The deal was just to have sex, not to fall in love. Besides, I only got my eyes on someone in particular.

The night went on as moans filled the air. I closed my eyes to imagine Liandro underneath me, but his moans weren't helping. I let out a frustrated grunt as I kept on going. It wasn't enough to satisfy me though. I shove him out of my bed and reached for my phone.

"What the fuck?" Matt protested. "Get out" I point at my door signaling him to leave. I didn't get to finish, and I don't care if he didn't as well.
I looked for Liandro's contact and called him, eager to have sex with him before the night ends. He answered my call after ringing for several seconds. "Hey baby. Where are you?" I asked, hoping that he was still down to fuck. He then responded that he was in a hospital, but didn't exactly tell me where.

So I roared my engine and start the hunt my baby boy.

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