Chapter 6

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He punched me. If he wasn't that cute and hot, I would have definitely beaten his ass. With Angela's order to kill me and her false accusations against me, all I wanted for her was to suffer. She was mad crazy. Making Liandro believe that I was the one to blame made me feel guilty even though I wasn't the one behind it. She painted me as the villain and fed Leo with lies. My stomach twisted at the thought on why someone like her would do that to someone so pure and innocent.


I couldn't believe it at first. What once was a fantasy, finally happening right now.

He leaned in to kiss me.

I cupped his cheek and kissed him back. My tongue traveling his mouth making him squirm with pleasure. I slowly guided his tongue with mine while my other hand found itself grasping his back, pulling him gently onto my lap without breaking the kiss. And as soon as he was straddling me, I couldn't help but grind against him. Running my hands all over his body underneath his shirt, eventually finding my fingers playing with his nipples. He let out a moan and tugged on my hair with pleasure.

Different kind of sensations filled me as we broke apart the kiss, our foreheads resting on each other. He heavily breathed down my lips, the scent of alcohol filling me. My throbbing member waiting to be stroked.

"You're drunk" I whispered, reality suddenly hit me. He was drunk and I was taking advantage of him. He looked at me with those tantalizing eyes. How could I resist that. I shifted my gaze onto something else when my self control started to slip.

"Please" He whispered, biting down my ear and licking my jaw. My hands were placed on his waist. I looked at him with desire and hesitation before I kissed him aggressively, pushing him down the carpet.

As soon as he was laying on his back and I was atop of him, I rubbed my member with his. The friction causing him to moan in my mouth. His hands curled on my shirt, moving my arms to cage him. He pulled my shirt over me, exposing my toned body—and my scars.

It was then after he had run his hands through my back when my eyes flung open. My body stiffened as memories flashed back.

His eyes shot open too and looked at me with confusion. But instead of letting the past haunt me, I just kissed him again—this time, more passionate. Leo seemed to enjoy it so I continued.

I chuckled at his actions, which turned me on more. I broke apart the kiss and carried him to my bedroom with his legs straddling my hips and my hands cupping his ass. His hands tugged on my hair as he pulled me again to another kiss, making me push him against a wall. He let out a soft grunt due to the sudden impact.

"Let me take you to the bed first, Leo" I suggested while he looked at me with pure lust, my patience starting to run out. "Sure daddy" He responded, sending shivers down my spine. My eyes widened at his words that rendered me speechless. Holy fuck.

Without saying anything back, I gently laid him on my bed and slid his shirt off. His body looked so perfect even under the dim light. His toned body spoke to me as I lower my head to his neck, my sucking and biting making him let out muffled moans. I continued to lick him until I reached his nipple. I bit it gently, causing him to let a sharp moan.

I looked at him with awe and asked him if I could continue. When he nodded in response, I wasted no time and unbuttoned his jeans. His pulsing member wetting his grey underwear with pre-cum. I palmed his length under the thin cloth, making him wriggle in pleasure. I knelt down on my knees and kissed his dick after pulling off his undergarments. Licking his juice as I slowly took him in my mouth. Leo then again moaned loudly, arching his back with pleasure as I took him deeper inside my mouth and into my throat.

I bobbed my head up and down, Liandro continuing to let out lewd noises. "Alex!" He screamed as he twitched in my mouth, making me fasten my pace. I interlocked my hands with his and slowed down a bit, teasing him. "Fuck!" He moaned as he noticed that I was going slower.

He then let my hands go and pushed my head down, accommodating his full length as I gagged. I shot my eyes open at his sudden reaction and pulled away as he released his cum on my face. I wasted no second and quickly sucked him again, swallowing his children.

With his sudden action and cum all over my face, I decided to get back at him and suck him until he overstimulated. He let out shaky breaths as his sensitive member twitched and twitched inside my mouth.

"Alex" He moaned out as he kept on squirming. "Stop!" He shouted as he sat up and pulled his member out of my mouth. "What the hell?" He shouted as he stood up and grabbed his clothes.

"What's your problem?" I asked while he zipped up his pants. "Hey, I haven't finished yet" I shouted as he started to make his way out of my bedroom. I ran after him and grabbed his wrist.

"I said. I haven't finished yet" I said through gritted teeth as he tried to get his wrist out of my grasp. "I. Don't. Care." He said as if he was mocking me. My eyebrows furrowed with frustration as I pulled him closer to me. There was no way I was going to let him leave me on blue balls after giving him a blowjob.

But instead of arguing with him, I just let him go. He was drunk anyway, he probably won't remember anything after this.

"I'll sleep on the couch" I said and walked passed him, making sure to hit him in the process.

Love, AlexanderWhere stories live. Discover now