Chapter 11

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I wake up—in a fucking hospital bed, for the third time this week! The room was so bright so I couldn't really look around that much. I wanted to speak, but my throat felt so dry. I grunted as I tried to sit up. "Fuck!" A sharp pang of pain shivered across my legs as my eyes shot open. A nurse came rushing towards me with panic in her eyes. I crashed my body back again as my neck started to itch.

I bring my fingers up to my neck to scratch it. But instead of skin, a gauze pad was the one I felt. I started to panic as nurses tried to calm me down. A doctor then came rushing in and injected something to my arm.


Events of yesterday flooded my head as I woke from my sleep. "Alex" I tried to call out as I saw Alex sleeping on the couch. I was at a room, a big one. Multiple machines beside me as needles and tubes were injected to my skin. My breathing became heavy as I remembered what Chris had done to me. I definitely need to come back to my therapist.

I started crying when I started to feel the pain again. "Alex" I said, louder than the one before. He was heavily asleep, I looked around for a button to call the nurses. I pressed it and waited until they came in again. "It hurts" I muttered as the nurses went in.

"Leo" Alex stood behind them as I reached my hand for him. "Alex" I managed to say, before blacking out.


"I'm thirsty" I said as Alex guided the spoon to my mouth. "Okay" He fetched the water bottle from the table and put a straw on it. I drank the whole bottle as Alex chuckled. It had been already been days already since the incident.

"Hey" Alex spoke. He looked stressed. After everything he had done for me, I couldn't thank him enough. It takes a real man to have the courage he had. The bravery he had inspired me to fight for my life. When I saw him looking at me that night, I knew that I wouldn't want to leave this guy behind knowing that he'd blame himself for everything.

I smiled at him as he kissed my forehead. "I promise that I'll take you on a date once you get healed" He said, making me gulp. Is he asking me out? Thousands of thoughts clouded me as I looked at him.

Does he like me? I asked myself over and over as his burning gaze made my heart flutter.

He chuckled deeply as he ran his hand through my hair. What a flirt

"Can you buy me a root beer?" I asked him with my puppy eyes. He contemplated for a bit, but I knew he couldn't resist me. "I'll ask the doctors if that's okay" He said as he made his way out the room.


I finally got discharged out the hospital. After a week of staying there, I promised myself not to do anything stupid that'll make me end up there again. With wounds on the back of my thigh, I couldn't really walk. It wasn't really a deep wound, it was just an inch deep—but it still hurts as hell. Thanks to Alex, who had bought me a wheelchair, I can at least roam around his place and not just lay in bed.

The sun started to set as I was watched it from high up. Alex started to cook us dinner. I wanted to help him because he had done so much for me and I haven't given him anything in return.

I had promised him that I'd pay for everything once I could walk and give him the time of his life after that. I love Alex, and there was no denying that. With each second passing by, my love for him grew deeper. I had no one to come to anymore. I only had Alex, but he was enough—more than enough of a reason for me to wake up in the morning with a smile.

He crouched down behind me and he kissed my cheek. "I knew you'd love it here" He said.

Of course I loved it here, he had a beautiful view of the whole city. I tilted my head backwards to meet his gaze and look at his lips.

He gently crashed his lips with mine and ruffled my hair. I knew that the boundary of our friendship was already erased, but I didn't care. Kissing him felt right. And as long as he was okay with it, then I am.

The sunset had been replaced with the night sky and city lights while we ate dinner. Spaghetti and meatballs. Yum. I could live everyday eating the same dish without remorse. Alex was a great cook ever since. Not only is he a multi-talented person, he also is a very romantic man.

He set up the table like we were at a restaurant and lit candles like it was a date. This man deserved everything his heart desired, and I would do anything to give him that.

"This isn't our first date. Just to remind you" He remarked as he poured champagne on my glass. "Cheers" I held up the glass and drank it all.
"You have to stop drinking too much" He stated as I asked why it tasted different.

"Is this sprite?" I asked as he chuckled in response. The night went on as we finally had a decent conversation. We talked about everything that happened in the past and what plans we had for the future. School was in a few months, and he wanted me to be his classmate. I hesitated at first because I didn't want to socialize anymore, but how could I turn him down when he looked at me with those pleading eyes.

The night went on with laughter and constant flirting.

And as hours passed by, his eyes burned deeper with passion as he caressed my hand, kissing it every now and then.

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