Chapter 7: The Misfire

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Collectively we agreed to go to bed early and get a decent amount of sleep for the next day, the start of the mission. The afternoon was boring as everyone was sitting playing cards in the girl's room. Sick of endless card games, I decide to go for a walk to the creek and find Finn already sitting there hanging his legs over the side.

"Hey" I say as I approach him. His ocean blue eyes look my direction, and my legs go weak.

"Hey." He greets me with a warm smile. I walk to sit next to him, but trip over my own foot and nearly fall.

"You're the clumsiest person I have ever met" he chuckles.

"Not the first time I have heard those words" I say dryly, sitting beside him. "Are you alright?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm great" he says, but his face tells me otherwise, so I decide to continue being annoying.

"No, you're not. What's wrong?" He glances at me, as if deciding how trustworthy I am. Sighing, his facial expression tells me he made the decision that he will tell me. Probably just out of convenience because I'm the only one here.

Turning to face me, his eyebrows pull together. "I have known Fleur for more than 10 years, and I feel like we have both sort of liked each other forever, and in my head, it was always going to be me and her," he explains. I feel slight disgust mixed with my jealousy. My lunch suddenly threatens to come back the way it went down, so I hold my breath hoping the feeling will go away.

It doesn't.

Unaware of the sickness the topic of him and Fleur brings me, he continues to explain. "Sometimes she is annoying, or not her, just, everything. I'm not being jealous of Oliver, but I'm sure we all noticed some flirting going on today."

Personally, I didn't think it was flirting, but I would love to stir the pot and say it was. The image takes over my brain- Finn realising he can't have Fleur and realising how easy it is to talk to me and realises I'm the one for him. That's a stretch.

"You will never know, Finn, unless you ask. Just talk to her, ask her where you stand. Be assertive. I hate to say it but be like Zach" I say, mentally praying he talks to her and finds out she's a complete narcissist who was never interested in him.

"I suppose you're right. Come on, it's getting cold. We better go back," he says whilst standing up. He offers me his hand to stand up, but I deny it.

Infront of the bedroom doors, we turn to each other for a moment.

"Goodnight" he says.


"Hey also..."

"Yeah?" I turn back around.

"Zach so likes you." he states. He smiles and walks into his room before my face turns red.

Luckily the other girls took the 'going to bed early' thing seriously, because when I enter the room is dead silent, contrasting to the usual late-night chatter.

Shaken awake by Zali at 4am, I roll onto my side with a groan. Unsatisfied with my effort to get up, Zali pulls back the covers, grips my ancles, and yanks me off the bed onto the floor with a thud in one effortless pull.

I groan louder before finally stumbling to the bathroom and getting dressed. The mission outfit fitted perfectly. I grab my pistol and go to slide it into my belt, but as I do, it slips from my grip and falls onto the floor with a bang. The. Gun. Went. Off.

I shriek and launch into the air comically. When my feet hit the ground again, I see the girls staring at Zali in complete horror. I follow their gaze to the freckled faced girl on the floor. Her eyes are wide, and blood is pooling around her. It takes me a while to figure out what my clumsiness has done. I shot Zali!

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