Chapter 4: Over the Fence

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I change into black calf length exercise pants and a pink jumper (the only pink item that I could find in my draw of clothes). Zali passes me white sneakers that supposably were mine, and they fit like a glove.

Zali, Fleur, Luna and I then went into the boy's room, who were all still getting ready.

"Still getting ready? Come on guys!" Fleur said.

"Actually, I'm ready" said Oliver, as he finished tying his shoelace and stood up. Fleur looked so small beside him. Though Oliver is much leaner than the other boys, he's towered over everyone.

"Let's go dudes, we don't want to be walking in the dark" Zali said as she flipped her hair upside-down, then gathered her mop of brown curls into a messy bun.

"What are we doing anyways?" I asked.

Zach walked over to me, standing very close...."Well, we have walked up and down the creek multiple times, because there's really nothing else to do here ... in the middle of nowhere ... however part of the creek is cut off by a fence, probably someone's private property, so we are going to explore it" he explained.

"Isn't that trespassing, and its illegal?" I gasped – they are government workers (technically), they should know better!

"I've been trying to stress that point for a while now" Luna said with her usual attitude.

"It's only illegal if you get caught" Fleur giggles. The bathroom door swings open and Finn steps out of the bathroom, without his crutches and limping.

"Finn why did you take your cast off?" Luna asks, concerned.

"It doesn't really hurt, and how can it get better if it's not being used?" he shrugs.

"The point of it is to keep it from moving soooo..."

"Whatever. Besides, if anything goes wrong, I know you won't be able to resist helping me Luna, it's what you do." Finn said, and Luna usual bored expression turned into a light smile that she attempted to hide.

The main area of the spy headquarters was gloomier than I had ever seen it. People in business attire walked around hurriedly, others smashing their fingers on keys and very few having hushed conversations.

According to the mud under my shoes as we made the long walk down to the creek, it had been raining earlier in the day.

"Gross, my shoes!" Zali grumbled as we met a very muddy part.

"Suck it up" Zach called out, awkwardly walking in the mud beside Fleur, who made it look effortless and graceful. Maybe Fleur's a witch? It would explain a lot...

I, however, was stuck. I wasn't just struggling, no I was STUCK!

"What ever happened to politeness Zach!" Zali exclaimed. "Come help me!"

Zach scoffed, then turned around and began trekking towards Zali. "I'm a gentleman" he grumbled, and as he reached the girl, with one swoop he had her in his arms bridal style. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. I need help here! And, I really want Zach to carry me in his strong arms... No Blair, focus! Finn is the target; I can't let myself get confused. Besides, I have bigger problems right now, the other are getting far ahead of me and I'm stuck in the mud!

"H-hey guys" I called, they all stopped and turned back and saw my... situation...

"Poor Blair! Zach you picked up the wrong girl!" Fleur exclaimed, now running back to me heroically, while laughing so hard she can't breathe properly.

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