Chapter 14: Honesty

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Luna and Oliver come back with water and protein bars. While we sit in the hallway and talk quietly, not once do I glance at Finn.

I don't want to see his reaction after our kiss- to see if he is regretting it already. I don't want that to ruin my happiness right now, I just want to enjoy it.

"Has Zach come back yet?" asks Luna, sitting beside me. I feel the dryness of my lips. Before anyone can reply he comes around the corner.

"The doctor said not to worry," he said. "She has been injected with a whole lot of drugs, and they are trying to flush it out of her system. She's had an extreme overdose, and all the drugs aren't mixing well together. All the drugs can cause seizures, heart attack, kidney failure, muscle twitches, hypothermia... but like I said... not to worry." Zach releases a low, nervous chuckle as he rubs the back of his neck.

"Will she wake up soon? I miss her endless babbling about star signs and Taylor Swift" Oliver says, and I surprisingly find myself agreeing with him. It was oddly quiet without her.

"It could be a few days," Zach replies, his token smile gone and missed. "She in some sort of 'half coma', it might even last for weeks after she is properly healed. She will have to wake up on her own."

At least I can have Finn until she wakes up.

"I wonder if in the coma she has some sort of mission to successfully complete before she wakes up, like fix a problem in her life. You know, like in movies?" Oliver says.

Luna laughs. "Yeah, like her mission is to redo the mission, but this time make sure someone takes the USB off Blair before we try to make our escape."

"Too soon to joke about that Luna!" I laugh. But I imagine if she was completing some mission inside her head right now it would be assassinating me, or just doing anything to make my life a living hell.

I haven't even thought about how she might react towards me when she wakes up. Will she be furious? Ignore me? Murder me? She absolutely could if she wanted to- I mean, who am I to fight her off? Maybe I'll have to cut her life support when everyone is asleep later.

I'm totally kidding!

"Come on, let's go to our room," says Luna, grabbing my hands and pulling me off the floor.

I swing the door to our room open and prepare to flop onto my bed until I see, sitting on the bed beside mine, Zali- her foot bandaged and crutches leaning beside her.

"Hi" she says smiling at us.

"Zali I'm so sorry!" I say immediately. Another apology I forgot I owed. Careful not to step on her foot, I give her a tight hug. It felt like it had been ages since I'd shot her foot, but it had really only been less than 20 hours ago.

To my surprise, she giggled. "Don't worry about it. Congratulations on completing the mission! Turns out you didn't need me after all.

"We definitely needed you. If you were there, maybe Fleur would be here right now." I sigh, flopping beside Zali.

She snakes her hand into mine and squeezes it gently. I suddenly feel the overwhelming urge to cry- a mixture of my exhaustion and the rollercoaster that I have experienced the past few days.

"I have news," Zali says, her face suddenly serious. Zali's sudden change in demeanor has both Luna and I immediately curious. She takes a deep breath. "I just found out my dad got a job in Australia, meaning I'm moving."

"Australia? That is the other side of the world!" Luna exclaims.

"They have a spy agency over there, only one for the entire country, unlike here. I'm going to transfer so I can still take the test next year. And hey, maybe I'll see you guys in the future as international spies".

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