Chapter 8: Freefalling

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I'm freefalling. Part of me wants throw-up from the awful feeling of my insides mushing together as I fall. The other part of me, (the significantly smaller part), wants to cheer 'Wooo!'

Behind the goggles, my eyes are wide open- not admiring the view- but watching as I fall closer and closer to the solid ground. My life is in my own hands. Whoever let that be the case really needs to rethink who it is. Clearly, I'm clumsy. The agency should know that by now!

Reminding myself to breathe at a normal pace, rather than hyperventilating or not breathing at all, I quickly locate the string that opens the parachute, fumbling with it in my fingers for a few seconds, then when I finally have it secured in my grip, I pull it hard and my parachute comes out, unfolding itself in the air above me, jolting me upwards. Now slowly floating in the sky and evidently more relaxed, I allow myself to take in the beautiful view of the sun now starting to make an appearance from behind the mountains on the mainland.

A wave of relief floods inside me when my feet land on the solid roof of the factory beside the other spies. The building is huge and takes up majority of the small sand island. A long, two-lane bridge connects the island to the mainland.

A loud crack sounds from below us.

"Guys get down." Finn whispers. We duck down and crawl over to the edge of the roof and peer down. Two massive doors directly beneath us are opening, guarded by two people each holding a large rifle.

"So, what's the go? Is there a back door or is this our only way in?" I ask.

Finn taps his watch. "Celine, do you have a floor plan? How can we get in?" A moment passed before we hear a response from the girl.

"Only one way in and out" she says. A click sounds at the other end of the line indicating she's gone.

"Well guys, that's our only way in" Finn announces.

A rumble in the distant takes my eyes off the beautiful boy. Coming across to the island along the bridge is a large truck. The truck stops at the large opening into to the building and the driver rolls down his window (what he says to the guard we cannot make out). The two guards then open the back of the truck, and one goes inside for a few moments before finally coming back out. The guard gives a nod to the driver, and the truck goes inside. The guards uptake their original positions.

"We need to get inside the next truck that comes. It's our ticket in" Zach says. His seriousness takes me off guard as if his brain had suddenly switched into mission mode.

"Right, because a truck with six teenagers in the back will totally pass the inspection," Luna says impatiently. Her tone of voice would have paired nicely with a foot stomp.

Zach turns to glare viciously at his twin. "We go in after they inspect the cargo."

The bickering about the flaws of the plan continues until I notice something on the roof of the truck. As you see on a bus, it was an emergency exit hatch. "Hey guys, look at this" I beacon them over to see what I see.

"Blair you're a genius!" Fleur exclaims, giving me a quite high five.

We waited on the roof for only a few more minutes until finally another truck came, and luckily for us, it had the same latch on the roof for us to climb through. The truck drove up to the doors leading inside the building, stopping almost directly beneath us. How do we get on the roof without being seen? Oh right, we are spies. We must be sneaky.

"We only have a small-time frame, starting the second the guard leaves the van from the inspection and until the truck drives in." Finn says. The guard exits the back of the truck. "Now!"

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