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just some hot stuff :O

the feeling of defeat was coming to her. she hated how she knew that she wasn't going to do good compared to changkyun; her pride to her was the most important thing about her, and that getting destroyed over one thing made her even more depressed.

the smile she had a few moments ago was gone, and negative thoughts returned. she felt like running out of the room and hopping into her mother's car, telling her to drive home, but doing that would also ruin her ego.

"miso." changkyun kept on repeating, shaking her leg. she just widened her eyes, not spacing out anymore.


"are you alright?"

"yeah, i'm fine." she looked at him and faked a smile. oh, if only he knew what i want to do now.

"are you sure?"

"yeah. totally fine."

"i was about to ask, are you ready?"

"y-yeah." she grabbed her sheets that were behind changkyun and held them.

"promise me that you will do your best today. if you don't, i'll be so disappointed in you, really."

wow, what a great way to boost my confidence, changkyun. "yeah yeah, i heard that a million times. i will."

suddenly, the door opened, making miso's heart jump; she saw a group of people come into the room, following a lady that looked familiar to her. the lady mumbled something to the group, and they nodded, placing tripods down and their cameras on top of it.

you're kidding me. miso thought, anxiety slowly filling her body. she looked at changkyun, who grabbed ahold of her hand quickly.

he looked at her with concern. "miso, are-"

"i don't wanna do this anymore."

he furrowed his eyebrows. "what?"

"i-i can't do this."

she was about to stand up but was pulled down to her seat by him. "park miso."

"i'm sorry."

she yanked her wrist out of his grip and ran out of the room. the group of people looked at changkyun, confused. he just nodded his head as an apology and quickly stood up to run after her.

he ran out of the room, looking for her all over the room. he pulled on his hair with his fingers, stressed about looking for her.

"miso!" he yelled, catching the attention of some people that were walking around. he shook his head and jogged to the bathroom, hoping to see her there.

he heard some sniffles that were somewhat far but close. he followed the sound, which leads him to the women's bathroom. he prayed that there were no other girls other than miso there and quickly walked inside. he found a sign behind the door that read "out of order" and hung it outside, closing and locking the door behind him.

"miso," he called, opening and looking through the empty stalls. he opened the biggest one and found miso crouched up in the corner, tears streaming down her cheeks, a sight that made his heart sink.

"miso," he whispered, in the best gentle tone he could. she looked up and widened her eyes, not expecting him to find her.

"t-this is the w-women's bathroom," she told him, sniffling. he sat down next to her and pulled her into his chest, hugging her tightly.

"i don't care if i'm in the wrong bathroom. you are the most important thing right now." she continued to cry, which made his heart crumble. as much as held back tears, they did not hesitate to come out; something he hated was to see the people he loved the most crying or sad.

"i'm sorry." she kept on mumbling.

he pushed her away from his chest and put his arms under her body. he lifted her out of the stall and sat her on the sink.

"miso, none of this is your fault. you need to understand this, alright?" he asked, as they were both on eye level

"how is it not my fault? it's my fault that-"

she was interrupted by him smashing his lips on hers, kissing her so she could shut up. she didn't hesitate to join him and immediately stopped crying. one of his hands made its way up to her neck, slowly choking her.

changkyun, this isn't the time. he thought to himself, trying to stop his hand; however, his other hand made its way to her thigh, slowly squeezing that as well.

miso was too in the moment to realize what was happening. her hands also made their way up to his hair, tugging that as well.

he was quick to stop the kiss, looking into her eyes with his sharp eyes. "don't you ever say it's your fault. do you understand me, miso?"

she was a bit intimidated by his eyes and nodded.

he sighed. "look, i know you don't want to do this because of the people, me, and you, but i know you will regret it if you run away from it. after all, it's just a one-time thing; you won't compete for next year or the year after. if you just give it your best now, we can all celebrate the victory, and maybe i'll give you a little surprise. alright?"

she slipped a laugh and wiped her eyes. "a little surprise, wow."

"i'm trying to give you all of the best i can to make you feel happy again. at least understand what i'm trying to tell you, please?"

she soon realized that he was right; this was something that she would probably never do again, and she would regret it if she ran away from the whole thing. she also had to play a three paged piece, which wasn't so hard.

she tried her best to think of happy thoughts, so her mood would change. she cracked a small smile, looking at him. "thank you."

"that's what i'm here for; now, should we go back? the instructor must be very confused now."

"b-but, what about those people? i almost had an anxiety attack because of them."

"i can try and talk it out with them if you want me to?"

miso, this could be a chance to show what you can do to the world. she thought to herself, now realizing and opening new doors for herself. you need more confidence anyway; why run away from them?

"actually, how about no. i think i got this."

he held her hand and squeezed it. "you do have this, you talented ass."

she blushed and leaned on him again, hugging him. he chuckled and hugged her back, kissing her forehead at the same time. he helped her off the sink, and the two walked out of the bathroom, stealing a few looks from other people that walked around.

miso now felt motivated; although she still had the negative thoughts, she just buried them deep down as new positive feelings resurfaced. she looked at changkyun and smiled; the reason why she was feeling the way she was, and the reason why she was still there.

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