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miso didn't know who put that paper underneath her cup, but she just thought it was changkyun. she slipped the note in her pocket and changkyun arrived with two packets of papers in his hands.

giving one to her, he started to skim through the pages. "you wanna be the pianist or page turner?"

she looked at him, confused. "i thought you said i was going to be the pianist this week too?"

he looked back at her, puzzled as well. "when did i say that?"

"you said it'll be you, me, me, and you. you wanted to play for the finale."

"i did?"

"yeah, that's why i got mad and walked out."

"oh. i mean, it's up to you; now that i know what you can kind of do, i'll do whatever you want. or we can talk about this after."

"sounds like a good idea."

"alright everyone, now that you have your piano sheets, you all are dismissed!" hyunwoo announced, opening the doors of the room.

everyone started to file out of the room, and changkyun followed miso, who spotted jooheon, sitting by the fountain as usual; glancing behind, miso saw changkyun and panicked, not knowing who to go. however, miso knew that if she went with changkyun, she would have to make up an excuse to jooheon of why she can't go with him.

"i'll be right back," she told changkyun, quickly walking to jooheon. changkyun was confused and slowly followed her.

"hey jooheon," she said, making jooheon look up from his music notes.

he met eyes with her and smiled. "hey miso, sorry about this morning. my mom had to go to the bank first, then we forgot about you."

"it's no problem."

"ready to go? my mom remembered to pick us up."

"actually, i won't be going this time. i'll be staying back with-"

"me." the two looked and saw changkyun next to her.

"who is he?" jooheon asked, confused.

"he's my partner for the competition." she replied. "we'll just be getting something to eat, then my mom will-"

"i'll drop her off." changkyun interrupted again, slowly putting his arm around her waist; miso jumped at the sudden move and quickly pushed herself away from him. jooheon was just confused, not knowing what was going on.

"partner or boyfriend?" he asked, looking at the two suspiciously.

"partner." miso replied.

"boyfriend." changkyun also answered at the same time; she looked at him, confused.

"a-alright. i'll text you later tonight, miso." jooheon said, walking away from the two; miso looked at changkyun in a confused and offended way.

"what's wrong with you?" she asked, eyeballing his hand that was now in his pocket.

"nothing really. i just thought i'd play a little game. who is that guy?"

"he's my friend and my ride to here and home. he's probably going to tell my mom now!"

"okay, but he doesn't have any proof, right?"


"he doesn't have proof i said what i said. plus, it's a harmless game, called a joke."

"well, this game of yours is going to get him worried and my mom mad."

"and he doesn't know my name, what is he going to say; a boy that's her partner wrapped his arm around miso's waist and said that he's her boyfriend? you know how ridiculous that sounds?"

"you know what, let's go. just don't do that ever again, alright?"

"i won't promise."

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