Truth or dare?

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"Arms""Yes""Nectar and ambrosia""Yes""A map""Yes""Golden drachmas""Yes""Food""No, I thought that food was not important, so I did not pack it"He smiles sarcastically at me

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"Nectar and ambrosia"
"A map"
"Golden drachmas"
"No, I thought that food was not important, so I did not pack it"
He smiles sarcastically at me.
"An annoying person to go with? 100% yes."
We stare at each other in 5 seconds until Sady came.
"Ready to go?"
She asked.
"If that means I want to get this done and get away from him, then yes"
I answered.
"Its the spirit"
Said Gustav, and I knew I would never be able to take this in a whole week.
"Well it will not be troublesome."
Sady said to himself and looked at his two friends who hated each other.
We started walking. Gustav kept coming up with annoying sentences. Why was I even a friend in the beginning?
We went well in an hour. The sun began to rise. I could feel a slight breeze, but it was spring now, so it was just an ecco from the winter. I smiled. Remembered a silly myth of where the name ecco came from. But then I was serious again. It was a Greek myth.
One more hour. Now I could see the whole sun. I looked at it, try to imagine Apollo running it. I could not. All these Greek gods are real things, freak me really. If it were not for monsters, I would not have believed it.
One more hour. We walk through a forest and there were so many places for Lamia to hide. But not a single monster came. It was a miracle!
5 hours. I was tired and I really wanted to stop, but I could not be the weak one. I could not let him win. Yes, I only know I'm 10, but I could not lose. And I'm not like other ten-year-olds. I smiled to myself and remembered my "big brother". Now my adopt big brother. Zayla is a hero. Okay not a hero like Percy who saves the world, but that kind of everyday hero. She adopted 4 kids that no one else wanted, we all love her, she does not have a husband, she cooks delicious food, and she has started her very own green-clothing business with no money to do so. Anyone who can do that is a hero in my eyes.
So I got four adoptive siblings: Bill (a 4-year-old boy) Andrea (she stole a car and that's why she ended up there when she was 15) and Willy. Willy is only a year older than me. That's one of the many reasons he's my best family friend. Also, a 4-year-old is not that exciting, and Andrea is only interested in followers and what her friends think of her. That's why she stole the car.
I felt a little disappointed that I was not there on Willy's birthday. But then I smiled. Willy is a VERY emotional guy. Like VERY emotional. I'm so glad he's not a demigod. There is no way in the world he would survive in this world. And now I'm back to Where all my thoughts started. If this was Willy, he would have stopped a long time ago. He would not have fought.
As the sun began to set, I finally felt more comfortable giving up.
"Let's stop today"
I said and they nodded.
"Did you remember to pack the tent?"
I asked Sady, but it was Gustav who had packed. And they knew it.
"The tent is in the front of the bag Sady"
He answered.
"Sady, did you pack to make a bonfire?"
I asked again.
"Oh and Sady, there's an ax inside the tent, so be ready. I thought we needed something to cut down fires. To the fire."
I felt sorry for him.
"Sady Where's the food?"
I asked.
"The food is in the back of the bag, Sady."
Said Gustav.
"Stop it!"
Sady shouted.
"I can not take another minute!"
She looked at us with a certain anger that I have never seen before.
"Kendra: the tent. Gustav: the fire. I want to get the food ready. When we're done, we'll play a game to make you stop being like that."
I looked her in the eye and said quite frankly:
"I do not think I will be his kind again."
And she just looked at me.
"That's not what I asked for. I asked you to stop acting like children."
We are children, I would say, but the picture, of Willy in my head, told a different story. So we did as she said and 10 minutes later we were sitting around the fire.
"So what's the game?"
Gustav asked and he actually seemed excited.
"It is called: truth or dare"
I looked at her confused.
"What is it?"
I asked.
"I've never played a game with my friends before"
I said as they looked strangely at me as if it was something everyone knew. But it was not because I had never played before. That's because I never had anyone to play with. Sady was my first friend. At my age. And Victor was just my protector. That was his job.
"Okay, so if I start, we can show you. Gustav. Truth or dare?"
She asked.
He answered without thinking.
"Are you sure? You know I do not want mercy."
Gustav nodded.
Sady replied and I could hear satesfy in her voice. She looked around and thought of something.
"I dare you to dare Kevin to a fight when we come back in front of everyone and lose."
She said smiling.
"Oh come on! I definitely will not be backed to the older kids' training if I lose to Kevin."
Sady smiled, and in a horrible moment, the evil smile resembled that which Hera smiled before killing a baby. But Sadys was kind and funny too. Heras was not, and never will be.
"I told you I do not want to be merciful"
Gustav was strangely smiling.
"My turn to ask, ice girl"
He said. And he was (I hate to say it) right. The dry that Sady gave could only come from someone hard as ice.
"Truth or Dare?"
He asked Sady.
Sady replied, clearly did not want him to take revenge.
"How much can you ... wait, I'll take another."
He answered and looked down. What would he ask? I guess I will never like it.
"What's your worst memory?"
He asked.
She said quikly.
"It's too late to change ice girl."
Sady looked down.
"Can I be last? I must ... be ready to tell this."
She answered. Gustav nodded clearly annoyed.
"Okay so Kendra"
She said, looking at me now.
"Truth or Dare?"
She asked. I thought about it. I did not have the big secret. And Sadys dares ... they're bad.
I answered. She smiled at me and I knew I was making the wrong choice. This was the whole point of the game. This was the question she really wanted to ask.
"Why did that necklace mean so much to you?"
She asked.
I said
"Okay. I dare you answer that question."
I looked up at her annoyed. Mad. But then I looked down. I knew I could not win this. And what did I even fight for? The necklace was gone and I needed to adjust it. It was gone. But why does it feel like it was still here? Right around my chest?
"It was the only memory"
I said slowly and still did not look up. This was embarrassing. It was just a necklace. How can a necklace be so important that I hate someone?
"What memory?"
Sady asked with the "ice" in his voice that Gustav was talking about. But Sady did it to help me. Knowing what I was going through.
"It's just unfair!"
I shouted and they were surprised that I suddenly started shouting.
I saw Gustav look at Sady, who was still looking me in the eye.
"And why am I not one if these?"
I asked quietly. They looked at me and Gustav looked at me as he did when we were still friends. In another world.
"When Athena and my father were still together ... I can not remember much of that time. Only my father said: we will always be together. And this necklace. It should symbolize the same thing."
I said. Gustav looked down, as if he just realized what he was actually doing: sending my worst fear after me to take the only memory I had from a good time in my life.
"I did not know ..."
He started.
"No. You did not know. But now you do, and now you have to live with the fact that you ruined my life, just as much as I have to."
I turned around and came in to me and Sady's tent. Nothing good came out of this. It was meant for us to open up and share our secrets to being friends, but instead I became even more angry at Gustav, Gustav did not ask the question he actually wanted to ask, and Sady never answered the question. But how bad can her worst memory be? I think that girl has it all. She can talk to anyone. She is good at fighting. She is beautiful. She is strong. She never freaks out. How can a girl be so afraid of sharing her worst memory?
I did not even notice that I was sleeping until I heard a scream. A heartbreaking scream. Before I saw a girl on the floor and a man smiling. But there was something new this time. It was like ... a mirror. Right there in the air. But it did not matter. And it did not show what a mirror mirror at that place should show. And it was not a picture. Images could only move in Harry Potter. And it looked more like a heaven. A sky in the air showing a girl of about 10 years and with black hair. She looked like she was crying. But she did not. She tried to seem strong. And then I looked at the man again while he smiled. Two girls. No. Two CHILDREN felt deep pain right now and he was just standing there. Smiling. Like nothing happened. Or as if he wanted this to happen. As if he made it happen.
I felt something on my arm and it felt like something with multiple legs. I woke up in the second and thought it was Gustav again. Now my first thought was spiders. A giant spider is standing over me. I screamed, but for some reason I was not as scared as the day everything changed. And then I realized why: this was not a spider. It was a giant ant and it did not look like a vegetarian

Yeah i know, i know. A cliffhanger. Im Sorry but i cant promise this is the last time! When i do cliffhangers i Will try to Update as soon as possible. I Can promise that!

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