This is the story, about the last 2 minutes of my life.

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I really hate being the one bringing couples together

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I really hate being the one bringing couples together. Especially when the couples are chickens.
It turned out that Jens wasn't all happy about the date. The thing is, that he wanted to make this a whole level more complicated. The two minutes of my life about to end had already started.
"But Alectryon is actually... Well kind of... cute... I think? When you get to know him."
But Jens just shook his head. It turned out that not all chickens could talk.
"Then what in the gods of Olympus do you want?"
I began to hate the situation more and more.
1:46 seconds.
Jens nodded to a beautiful brown chicken.
I asked, really hating the situation. Love, love, love. Seriously! When does it stop?!
1:29 seconds.
"But look at Alectryon and all the things he can give you!"
1:23 seconds.
"He is huge, he will protect you at all costs!! There is no chance you can get hurt!"
He just shook his head again.
1:16 seconds.
"Listen up chicken"
I said, this time harder.
"I'm bigger, stronger and smarter than you, and I could kill you if I wanted. Now go on that date!"
1:04 seconds.
He just looked at me, and then I experienced something I had never before.
"If you kill me, he will just kill you"
I could hear it, but I couldn't. I could hear his thoughts. Or maybe... maybe it was just me making something big out of it. I knew that already, and... oh gods, he's a chicken! He can't figure that out.
49 seconds.
I stood up.
"Can't you just say yes?!" I yelled at him.
"It's one date, and you're a chicken. You don't care who you date, if only you date someone!" I was getting annoyed now, stupid love life of chicks!
43 seconds.
He tilted his head. I knew that wasn't how it worked. You love someone. Not just anyone. Not always the person you are told to love. And that's what I hate about love.
39 seconds.
Okay. A deal. I would have to make a deal.
"You get a date with Berta if you take the date with Alectryon."
Oh gods. If this didn't work...
30 seconds.
He looked at me. Took away my way to important time.
25 seconds.
Come on... you have to take this deal!!!
23 seconds.
He nodded. I ran over to the brown chicken.
21 seconds.
"What do you want for a date with Jens?"
I asked. She looked up on me, like she expected me to give her food.
"You can ask for everything, just give me a sign of what you want"
No food? Her face seemed to ask.
"Is it food you want?"
14 seconds.
She didn't nod and she didn't shake her head. Nor did I hear her thoughts. And then I realised it.
"Oh no"
I said.
10 seconds.
All chickens can not understand humans, these were the special ones.
9 seconds.
I pointed to Jens. And made Berta look at him.
8 seconds.
I made a heart with my hands.
7 seconds.
She just looked at me. Doing nothing.
6 seconds.
She still didn't move. She just looked at me, and I got ready. Ready to die.
5 seconds.
I'm Sorry Sady, but you will have to finish the mission alone. Then you and Gustav can finally get together without me to stop you.
4 seconds.
I'm Sorry Zayla, mom, please don't be too sad. And Willy. Know that I love you as my family. Know that you were the family I never had.
3 seconds.
I turned around looking at Jens. But I didn't signal to him that he got a date, so he didn't look at Alectryon saying that they had a date.
2 seconds.
This was it. I'm so sorry to all of you reading my story, expecting a hero that saves the world. I'm so sorry to disappoint you. I didn't want to die this early either.
1 second.
Love is stupid. I hate it. It can make you happy, like Percy and Annabeth. But it can also ruin you. Make you take terrible choices, and kill innocent demigods.
I didnt move. I just stood with the arms down by my side. Alectryon came to me.
"I'm sorry to disappoint you." I said.
"No no, you're not disappointing me. I get something anyway. It's been a long time since last a got demigod meat"
I closed my eyes. I couldn't fight, I didn't even have a weapon. Maybe it was better just to let him kill me? Maybe it was better just to stop fighting? I know how the other demigods' lives have been. Do I really wanna live that kind of life? Pain, pain and pain. That's all you get. Is it really worth fighting for?
I waited. Waited for him to kill me. I saw Annabeth for me. Sady. Willy. Zayla. They would all cry. Be sad that I ended up like most demigods do. Dying in a way to young age. The looks I could imagine have, hurted even more than the first hit.
I screamed. I could feel him take a bite on my arm. Take a bite. I could feel the blood stream from it. And the injury in the arm... even as a child of Athena, I wasn't able to use my mind. I could feel it. He actually took a bite of my arm. I secretly hoped that he would kill me before eating me. That would be less hurtful. But of course not.
I screamed. Another bite. I could even feel the flesh missing on my arm. I wasn't able to stand up anymore. I lay down, waiting to die, waiting to see my life end right there. The other arm. I screamed higher than ever before. It hurt so bad. I could imagine if I still was at CHB, the Apollo capers could heal me. But if they only chose someone else, someone strong for the mission, it wouldn't have failed. It could have been someone from the Ares cabin? They would have fought this monster down in less than a second. They already proved their worth.
But they chose me. Kendra Vector daughter of Athena. I guess I'll never be more than that. The daughter of Athena. They couldn't say anything else good about me. I didn't even manage to kill Lamia when I had the chance. I was a disappointing worthless daughter of Athena.
No it couldn't be. I couldn't just let this happen. I couldn't just die. Not now. Not when I have a mission to complete. Not when I have someone to save.
I managed to say. But what did it help? Maybe I decided to fight, but I was still without a single weapon.
He laughed. I screamed. He took a huge chunk out of my leg. I screamed even more.
I said. But my voice was weak. It started to get black around me, everything was blur. I could only see Alectryon's face, and I was annoyed on the fact that his ugly chicken face was the last thing I would see.
I said. This time it was harder. A little of the ice came back to me. But that didn't stop Alectryon. He took another bite of my leg. I could feel the flesh missing, and the blood streamed as if it was just water on my leg. I screamed. Higher than ever before.
I screamed. Everything slowly started to get dark. I looked up at Alectryon for the last time of my life. I could see the smile on his face, telling that he was about to take the last bite. The bite that would end my way to short life. The bite that would make everyone be sad, that the daughter of Athena died.
No. No I'm not the daughter of Athena. I'm Kendra Vector. I make my own story.
I took a stick. Don't ask me how I could see it on the floor. Alectryon took his head back, ready to end my life. It was hard, but I did it. My bloody arm was raised, and I hit him on the head, as hard as I could, with the wee bit of the strength left in me. He didn't expect that, so it worked. I knocked him out. But it was to late. I was to slow. Yes the monster pulverised, but he did the job! He ate enough of my flesh to black me out. Took a bite of my leg. The bite I knew I wouldn't survive. I screamed. Seeing all the faces I knew would cry. Seeing Zayla/mom, Annabeth, Sady, the boy with the lime green eyes. They would miss me. But the mission would go on. The prophecy said that the half blood would get home in the honor of the fallen. I was the fallen...

An other thank to my amaZHANG editor Aashini!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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