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The blonde one was the first to wake up. Nova studied her as she tried to sit up, with little success. Once it became clear that her attempts to move would only result in pain, the girl grimaced and fell back down onto the mattress.

'Yeah, that's probably for the best.' Nova let out a small laugh as the girl's eyes widened in surprise and her head shot up to look at her. She winced at the movement and let me it a small moan of pain. 'You have some serious injuries there,' she continued. 'Better not try anything sudden.'

The girl sighed. 'Wh-who are you?'

Nova laughed again, bending down on one knee next to her. 'Please, I'm not stupid.' The girl ran her tongue across her lips nervously as the two locked eyes. 'You're not even from this planet, do you really think I'm going to trust you? All I know is that now you and your crew are on Eclipse, and I'm stuck taking care of you.'

The girl's eyebrows furrowed into a frown and she squeezed her eyes shut, as if concentrating. 'Eclipse...'

Now that she was a little closer, Nova could see that most of the scratches had healed, and were now just faded red marks. Better, but far from good. Large patches of dark purple surrounded her sickly pale skin, and one of her arms stuck out at an odd angle that she had tried, and failed, to fix. She still had to change the bandages wrapped around her head frequently.

'I've seen you before, haven't I?'

Nova stared at the girl for a second. 'Didn't think you'd remember,' she said, the corners of her mouth turning upwards into a smirk.

'You're the—'

'Yes, I'm the one who visited you in your dream.' She hauled herself up, giving a small bow as she did so. 'I would introduce myself, but I think we've probably gone over how that's a bad idea.'

The girl shot her a glare. 'Adora,' she said through clenched teeth. Nova cocked her head, a gleam of interest in her eyes. 'I'm probably going to be here for a while, so there's no point in trying hide it.'

'Well... Adora,' she replied. 'Pleasure to meet you.'

'Wish I could return that statement.'

Nova raised her eyebrows and plastered a smile on her face. 'I'll get you some more bandages.' She stared at the girl's, Adora's, battered form. 'You'll probably need something more, but I'm afraid that's all I've got. Can't really have good medical care when you're...' she trailed off. 'Never mind.'

'You're not going to tell me if I ask, are you?' Adora asked, the question dripping with sarcasm.

Nova winked at her playfully. 'Not a chance.'

She strolled over to the other side of the tent, which was really just a few steps, to grab a roll of bandages and a bottle of pills, down to the very last few, on a small table. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Adora scanning the area with as much precision as her current state could manage. She opened her mouth to ask a question, but Nova beat her to it.

'Ask all the questions you want,' she said, which earned a skeptical look from Adora. 'What? I'm not going to leave you completely in the dark. Just don't try to sneak in something about me. ' She rested her hand on the table. 'I'll tell you about myself when I want to.'

'You're scared of us?'

'No. I'm cautious. You seem smart enough to understand.'

Adora gave a small nod. 'Fair enough. How long will it be until I'm healed?' she asked, staring dejectedly at her damaged body. Her eyes swept over the contents in her hand. 'Those are for me?'

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