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I usually don't believe in this kind of stuff, but I am not surprised that Harry got the omen of death in his reading.

The trio and I went to the courtyard during lunch break. We wanted a break from the tiresome studies and since no one was hungry, we decided to play a small game of quidditch.

As we were moving towards the pitch, I saw something hide behind a pillar, or more like SOMEONE.

StAlkEr mUcH??

I turned around to see what or who it was, but all I could catch was a glimpse of blonde hair.

HmMmMm wEirD.

"I've never played quidditch before," I said as we stepped into the pitch.

"Neither have i, so you don't need to worry" said Hermione with a smile on her face.

I mounted on my broom and lifted off the ground. I had been given the role of the seeker.

Me and Ron were a team, and Harry and Hermione in the other.

We started the game. Bludgers flying everywhere, trying to hit my face. I dodged them quite easily.

I went a bit higher to try and find the golden snitch. Just as I was about to descend I saw it, the snitch right in front of me. I zoomed towards it in order to try and catch it. Harry saw me moving and came right behind me.

Just as I was about to catch the snitch, a bludger came flying in my direction. Before I could do anything the bludger hit my broom causing me to fall off.

My life started flashing in front of my eyes.

This is it. This is the end of me. I thought.

I was almost at a height of 30 feet.

"GOODBYE WORLD" is the last thing I said before closing my eyes and ready to hit the ground.

As I was about to hit the ground, I felt two cold hands wrap around my torso.

A/N- Hey Guys!! Sorry for such a short chapter. We've been busy with school work :(. BtW, who do u think caught us ;) And like always we are open to all suggestions, so please do let us know what type of plot y'all want.  STAY SAFE!  <3

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