Chapter 5: Didn't See The Way He Drove Away

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As the days passed by in school, River Rose feels so happy and Lucas came over to her. River Rose said, "Hey Lucas." Lucas said "Hi." River Rose said, "So, you want to hang out with me." Lucas said, "Yeah and I was wondering where you've been lately." River Rose said, "Well I got sick from a stomach bug but in three months later, I found out that I'm pregnant and it's a boy." Lucas asked, "Who's the father?" River Rose said, "Drake." Lucas asked, "How did that happened?" River Rose said, "I don't know and I thought we were careful at the time." Lucas said, "Yeah and I know it's complicated to see it in the way." River Rose said, "Yeah and to put it this way, I actually didn't know I was pregnant of my son." Lucas asked, "Have you seen the videos on How I Didn't Know That I Was Pregnant?" River Rose said, "Yes I did and I was binge watching the videos like last month." Lucas said, "Damn. I need to catch up on the episodes." River Rose said, "You should and I think I'm almost at the very last episode." Lucas said, "You're that lucky." River Rose said, "Always." Lucas said, "You still look great." River Rose said, "Thanks." Lucas said, "You're welcome." Ricardo looks at them and he's pretty angry for seeing them hanging out. River Rose said, "You ever thought about dating someone else." Lucas said, "Not really but you do look like you're single." River Rose said, "Yeah and I did found out that Ricardo cheated on me for Savannah." Lucas said, "That's really awful and I did found out that she's coming back." River Rose said, "Oh she is." Ricardo came over to them and said, "River, I did not cheated on you." River Rose said, "Yes you did." Drake came out of the bathroom and he walks over to them. Ricardo said, "You will be staying with me." River Rose said, "You're not my boyfriend anymore." Ricardo said, "That's it River, you are -" Drake said, "You think you can take River away from Lucas like that." Ricardo asked, "Why the hell do you always have to follow us?" Drake said, "She's my ex and she's carrying a baby." Ricardo said, "That baby is mine." River Rose said, "No it's not and he's not yours." Ricardo asked, "What are you talking about?" Lucas said, "She's having a boy, you dumbass." Ricardo said, "I'm not a dumbass." Lucas said, "You look like one." Ricardo said, "Shut the hell up." Drake said, "You're not going to steal River away from nobody and you're the only one whose going to get in trouble." Ricardo said, "River is going to be with me again and for you, stay away from her." Lucas said, "River is not yours because -" Lucas kiss River Rose and River Rose couldn't let go. Drake snickers at Ricardo sarcastically and Ricardo said, "Shut the hell up." Lucas pulls away and said, "I guess that I'm in love with you." River Rose said, "I'm in love with you too." Ricardo said, "You are not." Drake said, "Yes they are and quit trying to get with River. River has moved on from you and she doesn't want to be hurt anymore. You see why you can't seem to understand about letting River Rose go." Ricardo said, "I can't because she's mine and I won't let anyone to date her." River Rose said, "Sorry Ricky but I'm with Lucas now and you are with Savannah." Ricardo said, "You have got to let me have you again and we can fix this." River Rose said, "You didn't seem to when because you care about other girls not me." Drake asked, "How dare you?" Lucas said, "You're a real piece of shit and you can't seem to understand for putting River in a bad situation. No wonder why we heard so many stories about you cheating on River Rose and it's all over Facebook and Instagram." Ricardo said, "You mean that everyone were acting different on me." River Rose said, "Yeah and I want you to leave me alone because I don't want you." River Rose walks away and Ricardo said, "River." Lucas said, "She's not coming back for you." Ricardo said, "Shut the hell up." Drake said, "Actually Ricardo, Lucas is right and you don't deserve River because the way how I see you in the future with River is over." Ricardo said, "You think you can have River back." Drake said, "We're not dating right now because we're having our time apart and River can date Lucas or any other guys that she wants. So, leave her alone." The next day of school on Friday, River Rose and Lucas were making out on the bleachers. Ricardo is standing right next to the tree and he knew how angry he can get. River Rose pulls away and Lucas said, "That was awesome." River Rose said, "I didn't think we would make out like this." Lucas said, "Yeah and I did thought about having kids in the future." River Rose said, "I did too until Drake thought it would be a easy way to be like normal crazy teens do for fun and that's why I'm having a little boy." Ricardo is getting mad at River Rose for getting pregnant of Drake's baby and he came over to them. Lucas said, "You want to come over to my house." River Rose said, "Sure." Ricardo said, "Hey." Lucas sighs and River Rose said, "I'm not going to look at you and I want you to go away." Ricardo said, "I'm not leaving you and you are making a big mistake." River Rose said, "Go away." Lucas said, "C'mon Riv, let's get away from the jerk." River Rose said, "Yeah and I'm tired of this." Lucas and River Rose both walked away. Ricardo is not giving up and he will try to get River Rose back to his life. He started to come up with a plan by having Lucas to cheat on River Rose. The four weeks passed by, everyone came back to school after their Thanksgiving Break and River Rose is lucky to have Lucas as her boyfriend. Lucas said, "We're so lucky to keep our relationship tight." River Rose said, "Yeah and I didn't think we were very tight." Lucas said, "I guess we are for some reason." Drake came over and said, "Hey guys." River Rose said, "Hey." Lucas said, "Hey Drake." Drake said, "I saw something on Facebook and I think it's about you." Lucas asked, "What's this about?" Drake said, "Apparently, Maya wrote a post about you and she found out by the psycho ex." Lucas said, "Ricardo did this." River Rose said, "Oh really because I will not have him to mess with Lucas like this and this is a gateway to everything to have the both of us to break up." Ricardo said, "Dammit." They looked at Ricardo and Drake said, "Nice try." Lucas said, "Yeah and you know that Maya is my ex -" Savannah came over to Ricardo and said, "Ricardo Marcus Anderson, you think this is funny to you about wanting your ex back." Ricardo said, "That's none of your business." Drake asked, "Oh yeah then why did you kiss Samantha for? Revenge?" River Rose said, "You can't escape all of this now, Ricardo." Ricardo asked, "Why the hell do you guys have to blame everything on me?" Savannah said, "They're right, Ricardo and you did this to me behind my back. I don't know why you think that you can have River Rose back and you know that she doesn't want you." Lucas said, "I told you so." Ricardo said, "You better shut the hell up, all of you." River Rose said, "Very funny, Ricardo." Drake said, "You can't expect everything to be your kingdom and this is not a joke or something that you can easily pulled." River Rose said, "For every caused that you did, I don't want to hear it nor I ever want you back and thanks a lot for setting Drake and Marisol up in the first place." Lucas said, "I knew River would figured that out." River Rose said, "Oh I did and Ricardo hired his sister Marissa to take a picture of them together." Drake said, "Holy crap." Lucas said, "Damn Ricardo." Ricardo asked, "How did you found that out?" River Rose said, "Marissa's Facebook page. I'm sure that ring the bell and I knew she tagged Drake and Marisol." Drake said, "You see why River got upset because of the picture and she's tired of being cheated on." River Rose said, "Yeah and you and your sister should just stay away from us." Ricardo said, "That's not going to happened and there's one more -" Drake said, "Uh uh. There's not going to be one more person for me to date and you need to stop like for real. This is why you're a real psycho and you can't seem to give up." River Rose said, "Maybe you should because I will not accept any of gifts and I will donate them." Ricardo said, "You will not." River Rose said, "Yes I am and you can't make me to listen to you." Lucas said, "Riv, you better calm down while you're pregnant and let's get out of here." Drake said, "C'mon baby bug." River Rose said, "Okay." River Rose, Drake, and Lucas walks away from Ricardo. Ricardo said, "That's it." Savannah said, "Ricardo, no." Ricardo said, "You can't make me to listen to you." Savannah said, "Leave them alone." Ricardo said, "No." Ricardo walks away from Savannah and he walks out the school. Savannah knew what's up with Ricardo and she will get to the bottom of this. 

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