Chapter 7: Secret Love

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The next month of January came, River Rose is five months pregnant of Drake's baby and Ricardo came over to River Rose. River Rose said, "Please go away." Ricardo said, "Riv, please let me fix everything with you." River Rose asked, "Why should I believe you?" Ricardo said, "Please Riv." Ricardo turns River Rose around and he saw a black eye on River Rose's left eye. Ricardo asked, "What happened?" River Rose said, "I have to go." Ricardo said, "Riv, please stop doing this to me." River Rose said, "You don't understand because you make things worse." Ricardo said, "Babe, this isn't you." River Rose said, "But I'm in a relationship with Drake." Ricardo asked, "Can you just listen to me for once?" River Rose said, "I'm sorry for doing this." River Rose walks away and she's in tears from the pain on her left eye. Ricardo went after River Rose and River Rose ran as fast as she could. Ricardo ran after River Rose and River Rose fell down in the woods. Ricardo went to go find River Rose and River Rose passed out. Ricardo yelled, "RIVER!" River Rose didn't respond and Ricardo went in to the woods. Ricardo yelled, "RIVER!" River Rose woke up and she sat up. Ricardo yelled, "RIVER!" River Rose is trying to get up and she couldn't hold on to anything as she fell. River Rose yelled, "RICARDO!" Ricardo heard River Rose's voice and yelled, "RIVER!" River Rose yelled, "RICKY!" Ricardo ran to find River Rose and River Rose is trying to get up. River Rose ended up falling down and she's completely hurt. River Rose yelled, "RICKY!" Ricardo yelled, "BABY, WHERE ARE YOU?!" River Rose yelled, "I'M DOWN HERE!" Ricardo ran downhill and he stops running. He walks over to River Rose and River Rose said, "I can't hardly walk on my left leg." Ricardo said, "Here babe, I'll -" Drake, Savannah, Marisol, Stella, Lucas, and Maya came behind the bushes. Savannah said, "I knew it." Ricardo said, "Dammit River." River Rose asked, "What did I do?" Ricardo said, "You set me up." Stella said, "Ricardo, quit blaming my sister and she has nothing to do with the setup plan." Maya said, "We're the ones did this setup plan not River." Drake said, "You'll never win River Rose back and by the way, you wouldn't stay with her and the baby." Marisol said, "Yeah and you clearly wanted to cheat on her for any girls." Ricardo asked, "Who the hell told you guys that?" Lucas said, "You said it all over Facebook." Ricardo asked, "What are you talking about?" River Rose said, "You said that on your post on Facebook." Ricardo said, "I didn't make that post." Stella asked, "Are you sure?" Maya said, "You know that your lying." Ricardo said, "No guys, just listen to me for this once." Savannah asked, "What do you want to say?" Ricardo said, "Guys, you know that I didn't make that post and someone must've been on my phone while I was asleep." Drake asked, "Then who?" River Rose said, "Marissa." Marisol said, "Oh God." Ricardo asked, "How did you know?" River Rose said, "I was -" Marissa and the crew came over to them. Ricardo said, "You stole my phone and wrote that post." Marissa asked, "How did you know?" River Rose said, "Hello, I was over at your house to spend the night." Marissa said, "Oh yeah and our parents really wanted to see you." Ricardo said, "Not now, Marissa and I want to know why." River Rose said, "Allowed me to finish off. I was going to use the bathroom but that's when I knew Marissa took your cell phone because I already woke up." Lucas asked, "And then what happened?" River Rose said, "I went to Marissa's room and I walked over to her chair. Marissa went on your Facebook and she was creating a post for you to say something to me by ending our breakup." Ricardo asked, "What the hell Marissa?" Marissa said, "I -" River Rose said, "You even turned around and saw me standing. The last thing that I remembered that you told me was that I was not allowed to tell Ricardo about you taking his cell phone and went on Facebook to make two posts about us." Nikki said, "Marissa." Ricardo said, "Now look what you done." Stella said, "Marissa, that's so low for what you told River and you decided to destroy their relationship." Marisol asked, "What about the setup notes?" River Rose said, "I thought you told me that was part of science homework." Ricardo said, "Marissa Ashlyn, you know what you did is totally wrong and I can't believe that you told River not to say anything about this. But you think that you can watch everything at us to think that I'm the one who made two posts about me and River. Just stop." Marissa said, "This is all River's fault." Ricardo said, "No Marissa, River is the not the blame here and you are going to be blaming yourself for what you did." Drake helps River Rose up and Tracy came over to them. Tracy said, "Awe man." Drake asked, "Where were you?" Tracy said, "There's no time to talk." Nikki asked, "What's wrong?" Tracy said, "I was in the study hall but someone is after River Rose." Ricardo asked, "Is there something that you want to say, Marissa?" Marissa said, "You mind." Drake asked, "Which one is after River?" Tracy said, "I don't know but there's someone that we might know." Marisol said, "Shit." Drake said, "We better get warmed up and River is freezing and hurt." Ricardo said, "Let's go to my house and it's right close to the school." Stella said, "Let's go." Ricardo and Drake are helping River Rose. Lucas said, "Let's go, Marissa." Marissa asked, "Why do I always get nothing out of anything?" Nikki said, "You heard what Lucas said and I'm not standing here by freezing our asses off." Marissa said, "Fine." They all went over to the house and Drew asked, "What happened?" Jocelyn said, "Oh River, you okay." River Rose said, "I fell down the hill after I was running too fast." Drake and Ricardo helped River Rose to get her to lay down on the couch. Drew asked, "What the hell happened to your left eye?" Tracy said, "Oh my God." Stella said, "You know who." The gang looks at Marissa and Drew said, "Marissa Ashlyn, you did this to River." Marissa said, "I didn't punch her left eye." Ricardo said, "It looks like you aimed that punch really hard." Stella said, "We heard all of the yelling and screaming." Jessica said, "Good going, Marissa and you clearly became a psycho after you -" Marissa said, "Don't say it." Jocelyn asked, "What is it?" River Rose said, "Marissa took Ricardo's phone and made a post about us on his Facebook." Drake said, "She even blackmailed River by not telling anyone about this and without blaming herself that she made the post to have River and Ricardo to break up." Drew said, "Marissa Ashlyn, you're grounded." Jocelyn said, "Marissa, you didn't have a right to break Ricardo and River Rose up from their relationship. We always thought that you wanted to have a sister-in-law by your twin brother marries to a girl but now you can't." Ricardo holds on to River Rose's right hand and he can't let go. Maya said, "The way how I seen in you is completely ridiculous for putting River Rose through hell over the notes that you made." Drew said, "This has got to stop, Marissa and you're going to fix everything what you done. Oh and Drake is not allowed to date you again." Marissa said, "But that's so unfair." Drake said, "Oh yeah because of the lies that you spread on the notes and Facebook by hurting River like this. This is not funny and I don't know why that we have to listen to you." Lucas said, "Yeah and I was having a great time for dating River until the notes got passed around. Now, I'm no longer dating River and this is why you don't think that River is a great girlfriend to us guys." Drake said, "Yeah Marissa." Ricardo said, "Sis, I can't believe that you would do something like this." River Rose asked, "What is it that you don't like about me? My accent? My hair? My body shape? What is it then?" Marissa said, "I just feel jealous because I was trying to be like you and you do a lot of amazing things that I can't do." Stella asked, "Why didn't you say anything before?" Marissa said, "It's because that I wanted to be the one for any guys." Marisol asked, "What does that have anything to do with River?" Marissa said, "River gets a lot of compliments from all of the guys and she gets all of the phone numbers from them." River Rose said, "They were trying to be nice and I think Cole is trying to ask you out before." Nikki said, "Yeah and you didn't want him." Marissa said, "I was in a relationship with Drake at the time." Drake said, "I just don't get it why you have to put River down so much." Tracy said, "River is harmless and she has never ever put anyone down. My twin brother loves her, Ricardo does, and Lucas does as well like the rest of us. You're the only one who really want River Rose to have no relationship and she might be ended dating the wrong guys by breaking her heart." Jessica said, "Yeah and River is never going to date Ricardo and Lucas ever again." Maya said, "You know that River Rose and Drake are getting back together." Marissa said, "But, that's not even true and you know it's not." River Rose said, "You cheated on Drake, remember." Stella said, "River is right." Drake said, "Yeah and quit saying that it's not true." Ricardo said, "You're not that smart, Marissa and you know what you did." Nikki said, "Marissa, you know that River Rose did love your brother so much and you did changed your mind about not having a sister-in-law." Drew said, "Marissa, you know that River Rose is the sweetest one that she can be and we loved her." Ricardo said, "I can't let go of her and I just don't know if I'll lose her for the rest of my life." River Rose said, "I want to go home." Drake said, "Okay baby girl." Ricardo asked, "Can she at least stay?" River Rose said, "I can't Ricky and your sister doesn't want me here then, I have to leave." Jocelyn said, "Marissa Ashlyn." Marissa said, "It was because you get all of the attention instead of me and I didn't want you to stay in our house." Ricardo said, "But I want her." River Rose let go of Ricardo's hand and Drake helps her up. Stella said, "Thanks a lot, Marissa." Drew said, "We're so sorry about all of this." Tracy said, "Thank you so much Mr. and Mrs. Anderson." Jocelyn said, "Come back soon." Drake said, "We will." Marissa is completely angry and Drew said, "Go upstairs to your room and you need to figure out what you done." Marissa walks upstairs to her bedroom and she slams her door so loudly. The gang walks out the door and Drake carries River Rose. Ricardo got up and he walks over to the window. River Rose looks at Ricardo and she was in tears. Ricardo knew how upset River Rose is and he felt really bad for River Rose after what Marissa said. He felt like he'll never speak to River Rose again and it upsets him a lot. The next morning as River Rose missed everything in Ricardo but now it starts to get really worse and she's still can't get nothing out of her mind. Ricardo came in to River Rose's bedroom and said, "Hey baby girl." River Rose said, "Ricky." Ricardo came over to River Rose and he kissed her so much. River Rose couldn't let go and Ricardo pulls away. River Rose said, "Ricky, I thought that you would never talked to me anymore." Ricardo said, "I was thinking the same thing and after what happened from yesterday, I felt terrible about all of this. I wish I would've stop my sister from all of the troubles that she caused you and I guess I let it go." River Rose said, "Ricky, I just can't believe she would do something like that." Ricardo said, "I know and the baby is mine." River Rose asked, "What are you talking about?" Ricardo said, "I did received a phone call from Dr. Stevens and there's no way that Drake got you pregnant." River Rose asked, "Are you saying from the night that I was drunk and you came in to my bedroom?" Ricardo said, "Yes and I carried you to your bed. You were grabbing my shirt and I think you were too drunk to realized this." River Rose asked, "Is that why we ended up having sex?" Ricardo said, "Yes and I think you know that the baby is mine." River Rose said, "The baby is not yours at all." Ricardo said, "River, you know that Drake did have sex with you like the next day." River Rose said, "Now I'm confused." Ricardo said, "Riv, you know how much that I really love you." River Rose said, "Ricky, you know that I do but Drake is my boyfriend and don't give me anymore of your episodes to start this off." Ricardo said, "Babe, please let me fix everything." River Rose said, "I'm sorry Ricky but I just don't want to make your sister mad." Ricardo said, "Come on baby, I won't let her put you down ever again." River Rose said, "It doesn't work that way and I just don't want this anymore." Ricardo said, "Riv, you're carrying a baby with you and you need to calm down." River Rose said, "I don't know what to do anymore and I feel like it's my fault for everything that caused me to lose everything." Ricardo said, "Riv, none of this isn't your fault and you just need to calm down." River Rose said, "I failed everything as a girlfriend to an ex." Ricardo said, "Baby girl, I don't like how you are putting yourself down without knowing that you made it through and you didn't seem to failed at all." River Rose said, "You mean that I didn't failed at all." Ricardo said, "No babe, you didn't because you deserve to be loved." River Rose asked, "Do you really think that I was that strong from yesterday?" Ricardo said, "You were, baby girl and I feel like you were on fire. Do that again." River Rose said, "You dork." Ricardo said, "You can let me play with our baby." River Rose lay her head on Ricardo's right shoulder and said, "You always will." River Rose and Ricardo both felt the baby as it finally kicks. Ricardo said, "That's my boy." River Rose said, "My little angel." Ricardo lay his head on River Rose and River Rose said, "He sure wants to kick for the first time." Ricardo said, "He takes after me." River Rose said, "He really does." Ricardo said, "My son is getting happy and I just can't get my mind off of my son." River Rose said, "I guess you won't and he just want to see you." Ricardo said, "He's perfect to be my son." River Rose said, "I think we got a problem." Ricardo said, "Yeah we do and I think we should have a house together." River Rose said, "Ricky, we're too young to buy a house together." Ricardo said, "Babe, my parents will put the money together for us and I promise you that we'll stay together." River Rose said, "I wish we could but your sister never likes me to begin with and I knew she always wanted me to leave out of the house." Ricardo said, "Baby, you should've told me." River Rose said, "This is why I can't be in a good relationship with anyone and I feel like that I can't be happy anymore." Ricardo said, "Riv, you need to calm and everything is going to be alright." River Rose asked, "Baby, why did you kiss me after you told that you missed me?" Ricardo said, "I can't help it, love and this is why you shouldn't break up with me." River Rose asked, "Then why did you kiss Savannah and Samantha for?" Ricardo said, "I didn't kiss Samantha and Samantha kissed me. I think Marissa just want me to date a better girl than you and she set me and Savannah up." River Rose said, "This is why I'm not a great girlfriend and I feel like everything that I do is wrong." Ricardo said, "You did nothing wrong and I know that Marissa did this to you by making you as a bad person. Nobody has never thought of you as a bad person and I will help you." River Rose asked, "Are you really sure?" Ricardo said, "Of course I am, baby girl." River Rose said, "You're the only one who really helped me." Ricardo said, "I told you that I did." River Rose said, "I miss how we were." Ricardo said, "Me too baby girl." Ricardo is calming River Rose down from her pregnancy and he knew that he's going to help River Rose to get out of the situation.  

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