Queen's Guard

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13 years ago
Bugs and his wife was chilling in the beach with their son, Dave. Dave was 5 years old, making a terrible sand castle with his father, Bugs. They were enjoying and laughing. Bugs' wife, Rosie was watching and smiling at them. Rosie has blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin and very attractive and perfect match for Bugs. After a while, they were at home, eating spaghetti and meatball. But Rosie, didn't feel like eating and instead she sat down on the chair with them and drinking water in a wine glass.

Bugs: So, good. The food is amazing. Sweetie, why aren't you eating? Me and Dave are digging in. Dave, is the food yummy?

Dave: I love it. Mummy, your food is amazing, the best in the world.

Rosie smiled and kissed Dave in the head.

Rosie: I don't feel like eating. It's like my throat is blocked and I'm just keeping drinking and it helps little bit.

Bugs: You are a nurse. Want me to check it or I can get Jane to check it? Well, I'm a scientists and I know alot about pharynx.

Rosie: Oh, are you flirting with me?

Bugs: No, I'm not. (He laughed).

Dave: What's flirting?

Bugs: When someone say something nice to someone else in a... hmm... how shall I say this?... in a naughty way.

Dave: Like what?

Rosie: Your daddy's hair is messy.

Bugs: That's not flirting. That's mean. Dave, she hurt my feeling. Can you help me?

Dave ran to his mother and hugged her.

Bugs: Hey. (He laughed and smiled)

So did Rosie. She laughed too hard and then she coughed, she got Dave off from her lap and ran to the bathroom and coughed and coughed and then blood came out from her dry throat. Bugs got up from his seat.

Bugs: Stay here, David. Don't worry your mother is fine, carry on eating your noodles.

Dave nodded. Bugs went over to her and before he went over there, Rosie quickly got rid of the blood with water and Bugs looked concerned.

Bugs: Are you right, darling?

Rosie: Yeah, just phlegm that came out.

Bugs: Okay. Alright, Dave finish your food and let's go bed.

Couple hours later, Rosie was finding it hard to sleep and was sweating and then she coughed so loud even woke up Bugs and half of the streets. Rosie's body ache and then she couldn't breathe. Bugs got scared and called the ambulance. Minutes later, she was in the van, Walter and Jane was there, together going to look after Dave for the next hours. Walter went over to Bugs.

Walter: Must be serious.

Bugs: I'm scared.

Walter: Don't worry. I called everyone including your father. They are coming in the next 5 minutes and might meet up in the hospital.

Bugs: That's fine.

Walter: Shall I come with you?

Bugs: Yes please.

Dave went over to Bugs.

Dave: Daddy, is mummy alright?

Bugs: Yes. She's fine. Why would you think that? Mummy will be fine, she just ill and stressing that all she will be back tomorrow safe and sound. I promise. You going to stay with Aunt Jane a while and then we will meet mummy. Alright?

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