Chapter: Revelations

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Claire watched as Grant began to drag the bodies of her dead friends and family over to the final wagon of their caravan. As she looked over to her mom she couldn't help but feel disgusted at how she was grieving over her dead father. 'This was all his fault if he had just listened to Grandpa this would have never happened.'

As she gradually made her way over to Major Grant she could see that he was carefully laying each body into back of the wagon.

"Major Grant, why are you placing each of the bodies into the wagon?" Claire asked

"Because, Claire, everyone deserves time to mourn even those in your settlement. If these men were buried on the side of the road people would forget about them and the sacrifice they made. We had a tradition back where I came from of burying people in a casket after they have passed and then placing a headstone above where their body rested. The reason we did this was because everyone has a story that they deserve to be remembered for."

She nodded as he lifted her father up and placed him in the wagon atop everyone else before slamming the back of the wagon shut.

"Okay, let's go tell your mother that everything is ready and that we can leave anytime she wants."

As Grant began to walk with Claire over towards her mother, he could hear Gaius speaking to him.

[Congratulations, Major Grant, you single handedly destroyed a group of orcs that have been terrorizing Anne Arundel's Town for the last 6 months]

Grant sighed as he heard him continue.

[I guess it was a good thing that you didn't take my advice and go through the tutorial after all]

"Amelia, I just finished loading up wagon if we leave now we should be able to make it to Anne Arundel's Town by nightfall."

"Thank you, Major Grant"

[The respect these people have for you is remarkable considering what they just went through]

"Everyone I know that we have faced an unbearable hardship, but we must pull together long enough to get back home. Today I lost my husband a man that I promised to love and cherish until the day I died, and I failed him. But we cannot let their sacrifice be in vain."

Grant watched as Amelia and the rest of the settlers got in their wagons. Walking towards last one he noticed that Claire had gotten up there and was waiting on him.

"Shouldn't you be with your mother little lady?" Grant asked as he got up into his seat.

"My mother, said that it was fine for me to sit with you." She said blushing

"Well, this is bound to be an interesting trip"

[Claire looks up to you, Major Grant, she feels safe around you just like the other settlers do]

Grant nodded because he did have that effect on people especially children. 'Well she does remind me Hailey when she was 13 aside from the language.'

The trip continued for the next 7 hours. When they passed the tree, he had woken up near, as he looked at the tree Claire leaned over and told him that it should only be another hour before they reached town.

"So, Major Grant, you said that you were part of an army I want to know did you always want to be in the army?" Claire asked curiously

"Well not at first I originally wanted to be a businessman because my mom was the CEO of American Vorenium one of the largest construction material suppliers in the US."

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