Truths Come Out

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(IMPERIAL CALENDAR YEAR: 9th of May 1775):

Riding into Philadelphia, Grant could see that not much has changed over the past year. Carpenter Hall still bore the damage from when the British attacked the Continental Congress less than a year ago. Though one thing he did notice was that there was increase in the number of troops stationed in the city.

Approaching the inn he stayed at with Claire he placed a pouch of 35 guinea on counter "Sir, I would like a room for as many nights as this can pay."

The man slowly looked back and forth between Grant and the coins before showing to a room that was slightly nicer than the one, he had previously stayed in. "Sir, hope I you find every acceptable, and may I say enjoy your stay in Philadelphia." Grant nodded as the man left. Placing his flintlock on the nightstand he looked out window to take in the sight.

[The Port of Philadelphia is quite a sight to behold, while it may not be the most impressive place I have seen. I must say I am still amazed at how far humans can go when given the right motivation]

Grant laughed. "Gaius, what you may think as impressive and what is are two different things. The colonies are being exploited by a land that is over thousands of miles away and demand complete obedience while prevent further expansion and stripping the colonist of resources that are rightfully theirs."

[That may be true but did the Americans or Colonists do the same thing in your world?]

"Yes, they did Gaius that is why I plan on maneuvering myself, so I obtain the position of President as opposed to Washington. Instead the position of president will reflect that of a monarch and vice president will reflect that of a prime minister. But tomorrow is when the real games begin"

(IMPERIAL CALENDAR YEAR: 20th of June 1775):

"General Washington, I must congratulate you on being appointed as Commander and Chief of the Continental Army. While wish I had been appointed to the position, I know that you will do a good job with the be part of your army."

"Why, thank you, Delegate Grant."

"You're welcome, sir, now if we could dispense with the pleasantries, I am not a politician, General Washington, I am soldier, and I feel that it is my duty to inform you that Gaius instructed me to prepare an army to lead for the war to come. If you would kindly follow me to my base, I could present you with the soldiers that will halt the British advancement force them off our land."

"These troops of yours who would they listen to?" Washington asked skeptically

"Ideally they would answer to me because Gaius summoned them and equipment they have be at my disposal. But I must tell you the reason he chose this country as opposed to many others is in large part due to the fact that it is isolated from the rest of the old world and is open to countless possibilities. If you could just think of all that is beyond the Proclamation Line you would be amazed. In all honesty I have been tasked with forming a Democratic Empire that encompasses this part of the world in order to rival the European Empires and help Gaius the power he has lost." Grant answered

"An if I choose not to go along with you?"

"Gaius could just replace you with someone that would agree with me."

Washington scoffed as he mounted his horse. "Lead the way, oh great messenger of Gaius." Washington said sarcastically.

Grant sighed knowing that this was going to be a long trip.

(IMPERIAL CALENDAR YEAR: 28th of June 1775):

As they made it over the last ridge Grant heard a gasp come from Washington before he heard him mutter my god.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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