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"Felix?! No!"

Those were the last words I cried.

I can't lose my sunshine.

Not again.

"dialing" I know no one who could help me with this. I should call Jisung.

"Hyung? What's the matter?" he said as he immediately answered my call.

"Go at my location. Now."

"But hyung-"

"No buts. This is an emergency."

I ended the call still frustrated. Why do people want to hurt someone like Lixie? He's the most precious thing on Earth. As soon as I find where that Hyunjin is, it's over for him. I can't help but worry about Felix after that gunshot. I know he's still alive. He needs to be alive.

After minutes of waiting, Jisung arrived at my location.

"What took you so long?!" I yelled.

"Ya! First of all, you called late at night! Second, you did not even give me our location! What's wrong with you?"

Wait.. that's it!

"How did you find my location?! Do you think you can do that with the last phone call I had? Can you do it for me?!" I almost cried thinking this will be my last hope.

"Hyung, can you please tell me first what the hell is happening? By the way where's Felix? I thought it's your date night?" Jisung asked.

"He's kidnapped. He's with Hyunjin. The call ended after a gunshot. Sungie, I'm worried. Help me, please!"

"What the hell?! Who's this Hyunjin again?"

I was about to hit him with my arm when...

"Sunshine ☀️is calling..."

I immediately accepted the call.

"Hello?! Lixie?! My baby? Please talk to me are you okay? Are you alive?"

"Yes he's alive. Unless you want him dead?" that familiar voice said.

"No, please! Don't hurt him!" I cried once again. I can't imagine Felix's situation right now. He needs me.

"Yes. I won't but I want something in return!"

"What is it? Just don't hurt my Felix." I have no choice.

"Give up your idol life and go away. Far from me. Far from Changbin. Far from us!"

"I will! Give me back my Felix!" I quickly agreed with no hesitations.

"Hyung?!" Jisung said in a very loud whisper. I can see it in his eyes that he wants his job but I want my Felix back.

"And in addition, I need money. Bring all of your money and you get your Felix back." Hyunjin added. "Meet me at my location, if you can. 3am, if you're not here, your Felix is dead"

and he ended the call...


I can see how sad Chan hyung is right now and to be honest, I hate it. He sacrificed a lot for me to debut with him. Now, he has to sacrifice what we worked for years for Felix. I can't blame him. I can't lose the man that I love if I was in that situation.

"Jisung, help me. I'm sorry if I'm being selfish here but I want... I need Felix." hyung begged.

Felix is a friend of mine now and we must save him.

"I'll help you hyung! Let's go inside your car." I said.

"We don't even know where to go" he uttered.

"I did not know where you are right now but I managed to be here. You still doubt me? We can track his phone. Come on!"

"Thank you so much, Jisung. You're a genius!" Lol this hyung as if has a choice.

We were about to get inside the car when someone showed up...

"I'll come with you. Please let me."

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